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[Let’s build] 100 “primitive” village encounters with a Space Faring race

Hey this is my first time on this subreddit. I’m attempting to build a slate of encounters that a futuristic party might encounter on planets that are less technologically advanced than the main group. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a First Contact situation.

Space faring encounters with primitive race

  1. A medieval civilization is perplexed by the technology you carry and take one of your party members prisoner for witchcraft
  2. A primitive tribe indicates that another powerful race has demanded they mine their resources and offer tribute once a month. The scheduled pick up is coming soon
  3. A near-modern group is interested in trading with you, but they seek your superior technology to defeat a rival
  4. A village is wracked by a deadly plague and is desperate for help
  5. A low tech society houses a neutral grounds for other powerful actors to mediate issues. How have they managed to keep their independence?
  6. A tribe of tiny people who subjugate a race of gaint quadruped creatures with shock prods and collars that beep when the creatures are about to bleep or talk. The tiny ones are vicious and lazy and everything made around them is too big for them. (Twist:the tiny ones are a parasitic culture and the large ones are the original inhabitants.)
  7. A group of desert nomads who walk the sands of a desert planet. They are friendly to people and treat them like guests in their homes, but, when all the suns set, they become mindcontrolled slaves who drag prisoners to a gaint sac bug who collects knowledge from freshly deceased brains.
  8. A sterotypical tribe of rainforest dwellers who seem to take your trash and leave your technology and devices alone. In reality, the trash is brought to a secret place where it is put into a Rube-Goldberg like contraption that allows them to shed their fake forms for their higher dimension forms. (After they shed their form, all the gibberish they said is recalled in memory in the player's native tongue.)
  9. A society of warriors with strange spears. The spears seem to be made of strange alien like metal that disappears and appears at the warrior's will. The spears are personalized biomechanical nanobots that are formed by eating a technologically enhanced fruit that is closely guarded by a religious controlling cult.
  10. They're all holograms. This year has been stuck on repeat for so long, they celebrate the summer festival in mid-winter.
  11. Tribal primitives that worship a robot that came from the stars. Robot is (still functional / non-functional but easily repaired / a total wreck) Robot is (old tech / relatively modern tech / more advanced that your own tech).
  12. One of the tribes you encounter turns out to be space travelers. Their ship crash landed on this planet 2 decades ago. (They seem happy to stay where they are / They would like a ride off the planet / They are willing to steal your ship to leave the planet)
  13. A group of space slavers is rounding up a group of the lower tech natives, when you arrive.
  14. An industrial tech level people seem obsessed with showing you how far they have advanced, since the first spacefarers arrived on their world.
  15. A settlement sees you coming and everyone abandons the town and runs into the surrounding wilderness. You'll have to track them down if you want any information.
  16. A tribal society that worships a piece of advanced, yet ancient alien technology that upon further analysis, seems to be of your societies origin.
  17. A large and angry looking guard spots your party and asks who your sponsor is demandingly, hand on blade.
  18. A near-modern society (1970s technology) seeks radio contact thru their version of SETI. Their primary concern is to trade to acquire advanced medical technology. There may or may not be more nefarious motives for behind these overtures.
  19. Village of primitive hostile reptilian species. They are camped right on top of a valuable resource that is needed. Seems like an easy job, till they find out the species has both natural cloaking and venom/acid spit with a range of 45ft.
  20. The local church (or a cult, if dealing with a more advanced society) interprets your visit as linked to a prophecy. (Roll dice to determine what the prophecy implies and their reaction: the higher the roll, the better the reaction).
  21. A relatively advanced society (e.g. modern humans) decides that your spaceship is just scouting and that more will follow. They decide to attack you with their best weapons.
  22. A relatively advanced society (e.g. modern humans) sends their diplomats to negotiate a deal. They’re looking for answers to a scientific problem they were unable to solve for decades.
  23. A civilization of insect-people with bronze age technology is upset because your ship accidentally destroyed an ancient monument to their gods, they also think that your group could be the perfect sacrifice to appease their gods
  24. Having seen you use your communicators to request supplies, backup, fire support and assistance, the natives have integrated fake communicators into their religious practices, turning their old faith halfway into a cargo cult.
  25. Having found a piece of working off-world tech, a local has convinced people that they have otherworldly powers or magical abilities.
  26. A fugitive from justice has set themselves up as a local warlord.
  27. A local hot spring has miraculous healing powers... Because a previous visitor dropped a military grade nanomachine first aid kit in the water. Only intended for one use, the hot, mineral-rich water is a prime location for the nanomachine, keeping them active and viable far beyond their original shelf life.
  28. You come across a society with problems that are devastating to them, but simple for you to solve. The locals are dying from smallpox, but you have a vaccine. They are also dying from cancer; you have the surgical equipment to remove it. They have food shortage issues; you can give them advanced agricultural techniques. They've never heard of factories, or replaceable parts. Storms often destroy their fishing vessels; you can teach them meteorology, even give them weather-control machines. They have no sanitation; you can build them plumbing, toilets, houses...At what point in providing assistance to these people have you stopped helping, and started colonizing?
  29. An ocean planet- no land. Scans show that beneath the water lurks a society of whale sized aliens who have built temples and cities to an almost unfathomable enormous scale. These beings are much more intelligent than humans.
  30. Basically Wild West City but instead of modern people from New Jersey pretending to be cowboys, it's aliens reenacting what their society what was like before they invented fabricators and matter converters. Basically the idea that they're just pretending to be primitive for edutainment purposes is the plot twist. Maybe do a thing where the party has to go get a MacGuffin and bring it back to save the town only to realize once they get back that it's just a game they set up for school children on field trips to do.
  31. A race of sentient plantlife (though still largely defenseless and unable to move) have evolved and formed into a relatively large village. They seek protection from a group that is, like the party, technologically advanced, who have been kidnapping the plants and using them for making powerful hallucinogens for shipment and sale offworld. There's good money to be made if the party sides with the kidnappers, but is it worth extinguishing a budding civilization?
  32. A planet where war does not exist. All beings on the planet are peaceful and any action that would be intentional harmful to other autofails. (Twist: the reason peace is a signal from a war ship made a malfunctioning terraformer engineer a spore for mind control for organics and the signal echoes pacification coding.)
  33. A world that has been in a war with the undead for centuries. The atmosphere is contaminated with spores which resurrects the dead into zombie like things. The living are well adapted to self sustaining and fighting the dead. No attempt to exit the world has been done as no one want the spores to spread.
  34. A dead world choked by trash in which a lone robot exist who has been working for over 1000 years to clean up the mess of a fallen and forgotten society. The robot was one of many but all failed eventually as the surviving robot was the only one who could repair itself. Now it does its job cheerfully as if life will return and its tolls will be worth it in the end.
  35. A dark, Victorian world, with an atmosphere choked with smoke and coal dust. A small elite lives in relative luxury, with their boots upon the necks of a vast underclass who suffers the worst of the environmental damage.
  36. A world that, up until 3000 years ago, was used as an intergalactic dumping ground for several major civilizations, pirate groups, and megacorporations. The planet is so inundated with medical waste, industrial runoff, scrap metal, and spent radioactive material (and that's just the abridged list) that organic life shouldn't be able to survive. And yet now only is there organic flora and fauna on the planet's surface, one species of insectoids has recently advanced into a late-medieval/early-renaissance stage civilization.
  37. A clan of primitives invites the party to a religious ceremony with their object of worship. It is (an armed and ready WMD / a stasis pod containing a legendary lost soldier of your race / a data library of mundane knowledge the locals mistake as holy scripture)
  38. At first sight one of the party members is believed to be a god and worshiped as such. The locals have tales of their god that eerily resemble actions made by that party member
  39. A member of a hive-mind race has eaten one of your data slates. Now the whole race has developed a taste for knowledge, and they want more
submitted by RogueTaco to d100 [link] [comments]

Am I INTP or ENTP? Question won't stop nagging me

I am sorry for this ramble that doubles as a vent/rant, and may or may not make any sense. I just really want to figure out my type. Prepare for a very long post.
The more I delve into my research, the more I know about MBTI and the cognitive functions, the further I get from the conclusion. Am I an INTP or just a stunted, introverted ENTP? This has been nagging me for months by now, and I'd really like closure because it has taken FAR too long. I'd like to move on because it's become almost a compulsion at this point. As soon as I do anything that contradicts my behavior of being one or the other type, I get onto Google and throw myself down the black hole of self-analysis. I've watched dozens of videos related to the issue, tried MANY different search phrases that pertain to this issue on both Google and Reddit, visited forums, taken tests, and even used the second page of Google results. I am approaching my wit's end and running out of trails to follow.
But as to why I have become obsessed with figuring out? Why can't I just be myself? Why don't I just ditch this inane system that attempts to slot infinitely complex personalities into 16 boxes? WHY? Beats me. I'm too far into the thick of it to stop by now. MBTI (and subsequently other forms of typology) has been a source of finally feeling understood, self-discovery, realizations on how diverse people really are, and almost as importantly, memes. It has integrated itself into me at this point.

I am quite familiar with the Cognitive Functions and their definitions. I can quite confidently assume that I'm not any of the feeler types. I've been scored as INTP by the 16personalities test (74% I, 85% N, 68% T, 68%P — 69% Turbulent). Many other of the cognitive function tests that Reddit likes also point towards INTP, often trailed very closely by ENTP and even INTJ sometimes. A lot of these tests also like to give me very high Ni, sometimes almost as highly as Ti. I am also pretty confident that I'm enneagram 5w4 (which might be important later.) I am also not very old (turning 17 very soon), which may complicate things as functions are supposedly not in a very developed state yet.
Here are results from some of the other tests I've done:
Sakinorva personality test: Ne - 40, Ni - 37.6, Se - 15, Si - 23, Te - 25, Ti - 39, Fe - 22, Fi - 26 (ENTP as grant type, INTP as myers function type; I actually scored equally on both ENTP and INTP, 79 points both; that somehow caused the site to break and not display the description for INTP)
IDRLabs: Ne - 64%, Ni - 90%, Se - 39%, Te - 43%, Ti - 68%, Fe - 44%, Fi - 50% (Most likely INTP)
Keys 2 Cognition: Se - 23.6%, Si - 29.7%, Ne - 43.9%, Ni - 26.4%, Te - 31.5%, Ti - 42.9%, Fe - 12.6%, Fi - 29.6% ("Most likely INTP")
I must say that I more closely relate to the stereotype of the INTP. I remember when I first discovered MBTI back in March of 2020, finding INTP felt like I found my lost cousins. I found memes in the nature of iamverysmart, and posts about thoughts that I have personally had. It felt I was finally understood.
As to some of the relatable traits I have:
- Procrastination problems but still get good grades in school
- Like to think I'm decent with logic and abstract concepts
- Spends a lot of his time in his head, failure to live in the moment
- Research things for the hell of it, has dozens of chrome tabs open at any time, am a wealth of random information, Googles thoughts they have and new things they come across
- Am somewhat emotionally unyielding, and I find it difficult to deal with emotional situations and kids
- Prefer staying away from social situations
I am well aware of bias coming from the age demographic of the subreddit, and perhaps the fact that this side of the internet is more likely to be introverted.
Now to get into the thick of it:
A lot of traits I've observed of myself are ambiguous as to implying whether I'm ENTP or INTP, like social introversion. INTP's often say they're definitely introverted, whilst ENTP's are often considered "The most introverted extroverts". As a kid, I was often quite talkative and loud in school and almost never held back the opportunity to answer a teacher's question (I was usually the first to raise my hand). I got in trouble very often for being unable to resist the urge to talk about things, whether it related to the lesson or not. Teachers often described me as loud to my parents. I played with the other kids a lot, but also very often found myself wandering the fields, inside my own imagination. Through the years I've become more introverted and lost a bit of confidence, but I don't feel socially inept or afraid of socializing like many INTP's claim to be. Sometimes, when I'm around my friends or a situation I feel comfortable with, I can even become one of the most talkative and clownish people.
In parties or social events, I usually stick with going to people I know or mutual acquaintances. I usually have fun in such situations, even. Although, my social battery does tend to run out quite quickly — I'm often the first one to lose their social energy, and after an especially exhausting event, I go home feeling absolutely finished. This points to social introversion, but from what I know about the types, ENTP's don't necessarily need to be extroverted.
As to cognitive functions...
It is said that your dominant function is most unconscious, but it's very unclear which function it is for me. Is it Ti? Is it Ne? I've done some Googling as to what these two functions feel like for their respective dominant users, but I just find myself relating to both descriptions. I don't know whether I'm using Ti all the time without knowing, or Ne all the time without knowing. I heavily exhibit characteristics of both...
But I think the thing I should bring up is how these functions manifested in me as a child. It is said that your dominant function is not quite established until the age of 6, and will be the only one you have up until the age of about 12. This is only supposedly of course, and I am skeptical because I don't actually see any empirical evidence that this is the case, but I'll take this into consideration anyway.
When I reflect on some of my behavior patterns as a kid, it sometimes seems as if I exhibited a lot of Ne. Simple patterns on the ground/wall were turned into games/something else in my mind; I could see a couple of mounds of sand in a sandbox, throw rocks and make them "shoot stones at each other," as if I was recreating some sort of Tower Defense video game. The grid pattern of a tiled floor could be a map of some fantastical place. In an outdoor park, the different elevations and hills were different regions of some world I'd imagined. The popcorn ceiling and shapes of the clouds, I always was trying to make something out of them. From my understanding, that's Ne at work in a very raw form.
However, I also see some Ti-heavy aspects in me as a kid. I read a LOT of non-fiction books as a kid; everything from plants, dinosaurs, space, you name it. I also loved to try and figure out how things worked. According to my dad, once I rode a teeter-totter only for a bit before getting off and observing springs that kept the plank level. Lego was also one of my favorite past-times, and I'd often go on YouTube to see these very complex mechanical machines like Lego Guns, Candy dispensers that needed money to operate, etc. I tried to understand how every component in these contraptions worked and went out of my way to attempt to build them by incorporating things I saw others build (some of them even worked :D). Rube Goldberg machines were one of the many things that fascinated me due to their mechanical complexity. I also had very little difficulty grasping new concepts in school and often figured them out on the fly before teachers completed their lesson.
Even as a kid, I had my own understanding of things, and would very often correct other kids when they said something I didn't think was right, like mis-pronouncing a word. Even though Ti supposedly values precision, I do remember spewing out a lot of factually incorrect BS/explanations just for the hell of sounding like I know what I'm talking about. I remember on one instance, me and my friend were talking about fish and I said something along the lines of "eating fish eyes makes your eyes bigger," and went on sounding confident about it, even though I knew that came out of absolutely nowhere.
But that's enough info about me as a child, here's some observations of present me:
I am a pretty serious social chameleon. Both ENTP's and INTP's often exhibit this trait, but only a year or so did I realize that it's not exactly normal to adjust your behavior to conform to a group as much as I do; I pick up on the "vibe" of a group quickly and adjust almost subconsciously... I even caught myself once mimicking somebody's off-pronunciation of a word in a Discord voice chat full of European-accented people. My whole temperament can change; if people are quiet, I'll be quiet. If they're very noisy and sarcastic, I'll adjust myself to match them (considering I have the energy/willpower to do so).
I spend a lot of time in my head. Often it's like a constant debate is going on in my head about everything and anything (Ti?). I sometimes get so lost in these thoughts that I start pacing around.
Missing details right in front of me despite focusing on them is something I've always done (Trickster Se?). I am also a bit clumsy in the sense that I sometimes knock things over or hit myself on objects more than I really should, although I probably should be attributing this to just lack of care/absent-mindedness.
When it comes to making a decision of making any major purchases or decisions, I will research it to death. When I first took interest in putting together a computer from scratch, it took me an entire month to even begin acting, after watching hundreds of YouTube videos and doing research on Reddit. No known nuance of the computer will go unresearched. This brings me to the fact that I have a really hard time making a decisions a lot of the time, even for something as simple as deciding what to buy off of a fast food menu. My indecisiveness has frustrated people around me before, as much as it frustrates me to be rushed into making a choice (I end up just making a lot of decisions on impulse if that's the case).
I am also well aware that I have a bias towards INTP because it's the first thing I tested as, and the "intp big brain very smort" stereotype, but I really want to hear what people think. Maybe an ENTP 5w4 could mistype as an INTP because 5's typically observe instead of act, and 5w4 makes them socially reserved?
Anyways, I would appreciate a good explanation here. I've realized how long of a rambling post this has become, so I'll probably just end it off with this. It also took me three sittings to write this, and each time I read back on it, the less confidence I have in my explanations and that will probably lead me to doubt that the information I provided was unbiased/genuine enough to evaluate. But I really hope somebody can make sense of what I'm saying, because I am really looking forward to close the book on this one.
submitted by TerminalBlueness to INTP [link] [comments]


Platform(s): Pc (windows xp)
Genre: Physics Based Puzzle game
Estimated year of release: 2000-2006
Graphics/art style: Pre-rendered 3d
Notable characters:
Notable gameplay mechanics: You have to build a Rube Goldberg type contraption to solve the puzzle often with basket balls or beach balls
Other details: Through my googling I've stumbled upon crazy machines and incredible machines neither of them sparked anything but it is the exact premise I remember, except I distinctly remember it being more cartoony with like red acme style rockets and stuff, maybe I'm Crazy and it is Crazy Machines, but it didn't spark anything in my brain upon seeing it.
submitted by COMRADEPAPADOV to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

Round 3 of Mr.Chad McKinney Informative responses (Dev Responses)

Will monster lockers be used to "fake it" in the long run? What about Quantum?
The "monster lockers" come across as another step, like the elevators, in the "fake it" direction. A monster locker is a door with a small closet behind it where NPCs can be spawned and despawned out-of-sight, without any restrictions as to the number of NPCs that get spawned, or the spawn rate. Previously, the main driving direction has been for all NPCs to have a full life cycle, have a job at the station as a security guard, shop keeper, repair technician, etc, sleep in a hab and have free time to move around and make use of the facilities. The agent system of Quantum holds the promise of extending this plan to the greater universe, shipping people, pirates and traders around the 'verse, simulated at high efficiency when out of a player's scope, but still moving each individual NPC as an individual agent. Potentially, a player would be able to follow any individual NPC, e.g. a trader as they join the crew of their trade ship, take off and fly somewhere else, land and go about their business in general as they move around the 'verse. I dearly hope we would even be able to sneak aboard the NPC trader ship and see the crew go about their full lives aboard the ship as they run their trade route! Maybe even reveal ourselves as a stow-away and have an impromptu adventure along with the traders of the previously non-descript NPC ship, depending on the personalities of the captain and the crew.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
The spawn lockers are indeed going to be part of the long term solution of the game, but there are some key details you may not be aware of. First, there is an assumption here that the entities spawned by these lockers are completely blank slates and when they despawn will never be seen again. This isn't going to be the case for all of the NPCs as there's at least two mechanism we are going to use to which would result in a similar behavior to what you are looking for. First, there will be a class of NPCs of higher importance that will have some amount of virtual simulation even when no players around. These NPCs could be part of a mission for example, and their schedules and movement through the verse will be simulated in the backend. When you encounter once of these they may spawn or leave an area via a spawn locker depending on the circumstance, and you will likely see them again later.
Another case is that the backend will actually track entities that have been created via a character archtype creation service, and each of these entities will have various properties and tags that can be used to pattern match against future requests. That means for example if you possibly steal something from a shop or try to mug somebody and security gets called in dynamically, there's a chance the same security officer may bust you later or get called in for back up at a traffic stop.
Given the scope of the world we are trying to create it would be actually impossibly to simulate all their schedules and every detail of their life, but we can split the difference by using a combination of dynamic creation, virtual simulation, and pattern matched reuse to bring the kind of gameplay you are looking for.
Spawn closets/spawn lockers are simply a way to get entities into/out a place, but they aren't the progenitus of that entity in our game world, instead the character archetype system is what will track these, so their scheduler may have them board a train, go to work, come back, get dinner, go to sleep etc.. and yes in some of those movement points there maybe be a spawn locker involved, but it doesn't mean that every NPC you see is only probabilistic. The idea is that quanta and the other systems like the dynamic mission system will be able to use spawn lockers to facilitate to help move entities throughout the world, and when there are surges necessary (security backup etc...) have a way to get NPCs in the necessary areas without breaking immersion.
Also keep in mind the spawn lockers won't be the only way this can happen, as when you're out in the middle of space or in a random area on a planet other mechnisms can be used, like QT spawned NPCs or drop ships.
Will you by any chance go back and fix all the Known Issues?
Do you think its possible to make more of an effort to fix all the game breaking bugs before patches go live, or asap? It stresses me when the game breaking bugs interfere with the gameplay, and or cause me to crash the ship and have to reclaim it.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
It is always a balance we have to strike between bug fixing and feature development (and generally getting movement towards a 1.0 release). We could stop what we are doing and really focus on wiping out the bugs, but then the next patch would be very light on features. Also, when you work on new features often bugs can re-occur or the system that had the bug is modified or even removed, so the issue is you're always aiming at a moving target. Games that don't have to support a live product have the advantage that they can let things be broken in various ways while they're finishing the game and allow room for flux. Towards the end you then have a big push to polish and finalize things off (and often land with a day 1 patch to boot). For live games though you have to keep things afloat while simultaneously try to keep moving forward, so in the end it's just a balance and the more you focus on bug fixing the longer your dev goals may take.
iCache is the I for Ignite?
Watching this interesting Apache Foundation video today and every were its like Ignite Cache, which in my brain changed into iCache as Ignite seems to do a lot of the things iCache is describe to be taking care of.
Will iCache sit on top of some opensource tech or is it completely homegrown?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
No the i in icache is not for ignite, it is for item. This is really just a historical anecdotal reason more than anything (There's 2 hard problems in computer science: Naming things, Cache Invalidation, and off-by-one errors). In the original implementation of persistence so-called "items" were the only thing that were stored (weapons, armor, power plants, etc..), so ecache for entity cache may have beeen more prescient, but icache has stuck and so it goes.
Now to answer your question, will it sit on top of open source? Yes and no. First I'll be a bit more particular and point out that technically the icache service fleet is one part of a larger ecosystem of services and gameside systems for the full global persistence and server streaming architecture. So if we are to just talk about icache itself, then largely it is a custom written solution. That said the backend team does use some open source libraries so it isn't entirely proprietary, but it is definitely not Ignite from Apache. However if you pull back further and look at the wider ecosystem you can definitely find tech that is built on open source technology such as Kafka, Redis, Mongodb, etc... and we are also looking to move parts of our backend to a cloud native architecture including the use of grpc. There's a ton of work that has gone into these projects and where they make sense we will definitely leverage them, though there will always be times that the best solution will be something we will need to make ourselves for a project as unique as Star Citizen.
SSOCS and the ability to populate the world with many locations (caves, mining pits, outposts, settlements, refineries, etc...)
Did SSOCS not work as intented? Do we need to wait for SSOCS v2? Are the assets and tools for procedural location generation not ready yet? Will this stuff be built into the next version of Planet Tech (so that you can "paint" on procedural made settlements)? Have you allocated these resources elsewhere because it's not a priority? Are you waiting for the actor team to build in procedurally generated people to exist within these locations?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
SSOCS did work as intended and Tony's point is still valid. There are some other reasons why we haven't pushed the envelope on the number of these satellite areas, including work done on the procedural generation tools to make that content interesting and improve the pipeline for authoring it. The move to icache will also help us move in that direction since we can pre-seed the database with the content and not have to store it locally in memory on every DGS like we do now with the current prototype backend ssocs is using.
With a number of features being held back bc of prerequisites, how are resources being used to in the meantime..?
With a number of features being (from my understanding) held back bc of prerequisites (like iCash holding up server messing, Piro, Physical Inventory, etc), how are resources working on the features relinent on said prerequisites being allocated? Are Devs still able to work on them, or do they require the prerequisites to be fully/partially completed first..? If they latter, where are these resources being allocated..? Are they working on something new while they wait or something else. Just curious on how the difficulty on developing this game's technology is affecting the ability to work on other features. Thx
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
Every case is different so there isn't a single answer. In some cases the teams are just working on something else, however there are places where certain parts become available for internal usage and testing so that features can start to be developed against it even though the entirety isn't ready for release.
Quantum System
To what degree is Quantum in operation if at all? I would assume there must be some interaction of it for testing etc. many thanks
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
It is in heavy development, in fact I just saw a really cool demo one of the designers threw together to show off progress, however we aren't ready to show that publicly yet. More to come!
will this be connected to a visual map rework on the mobiglass? based on the building blocks set up?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
There won't be a full visualization or availability of everything quanta is simulating available to players, though we definitely are wanting to open up certain parts of this. The thing to consider is that it both breaks immersion if we just expose everything (how is it that you know all the movement and behavior of an entire universe?) and also it breaks gameplay related to data and exploration. So while we want to try and help players understand the relationships between the underlying simulation and the side effects that result, we don't just want to hand you a raw quantum feed.
Why cant I live in my Carrack?
I have been flying my Carrack and logging out in space, on planets never having to go to a station BUT every few days my ship and I end up in the Stanton Sun and not where we left off at. Is that part of iCache? We should be able to do this at this stage.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
icache and global persistence should definitely help with the bed logout and give us the architecture we need to go beyond that. The problem with the system now is that since we don't really have global persistence yet there's a kind of rube goldberg machine to save off and reconstruct the parts involved to make it work. With global persistence that goes away and instead of using a very round about mechanism everything is persisted spatially, so it becomes the common case.
Do the devs use rubber duck debugging?
Do any of the devs in SC use rubber duck debugging? If so what do you use as a rubber duck? I know it's not particularly related to SC, but may generate some fun conversations.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
Mark Abent famously has a literal rubber duck on his desk for exactly this! But yeah rubber ducking is very common and often times I'll have someone call me or walk over and ask me a question only to stop themselves halfway through and say "thanks!" then walk off.
Will the new elevator panels support "Quick-Press F"?
The current inner thought system has a function where the top most alternative is a default that gets selected automatically if you quick-press F. This means you don't need to click any option at all, just quickly activating, then releasing F will select the default. This is very useful, in particular for things like calling an elevator. However, the new elevator panels do not seem to support this feature. Will it be added in the rework?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
This is a consequence of moving to a UI based implementation instead of the interaction system which has this quick interact feature. The UI framework could have this added optionally, partially it is a design question, and then there's a bit of though that would need to go into how you dictate the default choice, then the existing implementations would need to be updated, but it is possible. I may run it by the UI team and see what they think.
You're on fire this morning.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
Still Sunday night here, I will defy Monday as long as I can! Thanks!
The Future of Star Citizen in Relation to PlayeOrg Interaction
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
In the future, will we be able to buy/rent hangars/apartments/areas in the verse for ourselves or our organizations?
Buying and renting spaces has long been part of our vision, though icache and global persistence are key to make that possible.
have there been any changes to these ideas and if so, could you tell us what they are?
Yes I'm sure there have been changes over the years depending on who you asked and what quote you are referencing, so it would be hard to say exactly. That said if I could generalize it I would say that with procedural plants and global persistence we've afforded ourselves the possibility of being much more ambitious with these ideas than was originally thought possible.
When will planets start orbiting?
I haven't been in the community for long but its clear that planets are still not orbiting each other. I heard that there are some blockers that need to get removed before starting this. But I never got full detail on what needs to get done for planets to start orbiting.
Is this also to do with icache and server meshing being needed to support this?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
Hey, here's at least one thing I get to say at least does not depend on icache haha. No in the end there's many smaller issues that crop up when you turn on orbiting (which we've been able to do for years actually!), as it causes problems in many gameplay systems. One example: Navigation. Imagine you want to plot route to from a satellite to an outpost on a moon across the solar system. Depending on your ship this may take quite a while and by the time you get part way through the jump the route you took can become invalid as it may be blocked by something that moved into view. This isn't an insurmountable problem and we have plans on how to deal with it, but we just haven't done the work yet.
This is something that is mostly relevant to long distance travel ( i.e. travel between planets ). The simple solution would be to put the arrival coordinates at the planet to the outskirts of the planetary group. This would also have the benefit of allowing more direct travel to moons, since the planet would not block half the system. However, if you’d want to reach the planet you’ll have to do a second small jump.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
Everyone is bike shedding way too much on the navigation issue
  • I already said we have a solution to the navigation issue (also people are not really understanding the full problem which is more complicated than you realize considering routes with many intermediate jumps)
  • I said it was one example, not the only problem, and there are many other bugs that crop up when orbits are enabled.
  • The bugs are solvable, we just have prioritized other work.
"Combat Assistance" Mission/Contract Pop-ups
A few random questions regarding the pop-ups:
Are these missions only available to accept > before the popup goes away?
Or, do these missions show up in the Contract > Manager?
Can we get an option to "hide" these pop-ups if we > want to ignore them?
Are there any plans to improve the HUD pop-ups/notifications for contracts etc.?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
The service beacons and contracts are something we do plan on revisiting including better handling for the notifications. We have scheduled work for a new notification system that will allow for queueing into a mobiglas app so that we don't have to just rely on spamming players, as well as have configurable filters for muting types of notifications. The service beacons and other gameplay systems will be ported over to this new system and hopefully you'll get some peace and quiet!
Mobiglass to spawn/store ships
Why can't we use our Mobiglass when in range to spawn or store ships?! This seems like a common sense, value add that exists today with rental car companies.
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
There are plans to address the state of spawning and hangars including from where these operations can be invoked. I don't want to go into too many details yet, as I'm not entirely certain what has been made public, but the goal is to improve here.
Quantum and Quanta. Is the 9 to 1 NPC vs player ratio no more?
In the recent AMA with Chris Roberts, Todd Pappy and Tony Zurovec, Mr Zurovec said, regarding Quantum and Quanta: "We’ve spent a lot of time and effort optimizing the simulation and are now doing tests with as many as two million quanta, but it looks like we won’t need more than 100K per system to get the desired effects."
Does this mean that it is not neccessary to have a 9 to 1 NPC/Player ratio?
What will happen if there are 100K players in a system (not impossible, specially in the first days after official launch)? Will players be able to take over the economy in that system since there are as many players as Quanta?
And how will the random encounters work if the NPC/player ratio is no longer 9 to 1?
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
What you consider the ratio is going to get very fuzzy because of quanta, probabilistic generation, virtual AI, and missions. In some ways you could view it as way beyond that ratio, just depending on what you count as an NPC.
Understanding 64-bit coordinate system and possible integration with server meshing
CIG Chad McKinney@CIG_ChadMcKinney
Do the planet and the bottle share the same coordinate format?
Our coordinates are implemented using a nested zone system where a zone host can be a celestial body, a ship, a transit car, or a space station. A zone host itself is an entity so has coordinates in the zone that host it, all the way up the tree until you hit the root zone which is the only zone host that contains itself (and never moves). As entities move through the game they will enteexit various zones and their coordinate will update accordingly. If a zone host moves all the hosted entities "move" relative to it (though technically they don't move at all because their position is just relative). Really you can think of an entity existing in a tree of zone hosts in the world where it's absolute world position is the accumulation of the transforms of each zone host above it with its own position added at the end. We don't usually access t his world position in code as usually gameplay is local and therefor most often is dealt with in a single zone space.
Then in a future will come new star systems. How will be managed to not mix coordinates? Each one starting in 0,0,0 at main star center and a code preceding those coordinates for each system?.
Each solar system will use the full 64bit range, and we will use a unique zone for each of these solar systems to differentiate coordinates from various systems.
Last question and more important. Is there any theory or plans in taking advantage of server meshing like technology to improve/susbtitute the 64 bit tech?
With our zone system implementation this is not necessary.
submitted by Rainwalker007 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

Video game feminist tweets I saw today on protagonist gender

Feminist Frequency
Today was the #XboxGameShowcase and from it, this is what we observed - Breakdown of games: MALE: 5
N/A: 1
Breakdown of presenters:
Kim Belair - Writer, narrative designer, co-foundeCEO @SweetBabyinc Making games. Collecting skulls. (she/her)
"More people played as the male version of X character, so that means people prefer to play as a man" is a flawed statement and represents a huge misunderstanding of markets and marketing psychology. (1/?)
Presenting a male/female binary to a largely binary-ID'd market creates a psychological bias that you "should" choose your own gender. Consider how many products are needlessly gendered and must create alternate gendered options in order to sell the same stuff to different ppl.
The same applies in games. Our biases mean that men are more likely to choose the male character and women the female character because the action of presenting the choice actually creates an subconscious assumption that that is the "right" thing to do.
This is easily misinterpreted as "preference" when it's actually the result of social conditioning. I don't "prefer" to go to the women's room, nor do I truly "prefer" the pink razor. I have been conditioned to assume that this is "for me" and so I take it.
Let's also add systemic biases around gender to that, and understand that for a male player, society says "It is undesirable to be a woman, you do not want to be this", whereas non-male gamers playing as men are faced with no such barrier.
So, take Horizon: Zero Dawn, which I see used a lot as an example of "See? Female protagonists sell". And it is! But chances are, if a binary gender option was offered, a majority male market would skew to a male character and we'd be having the same discussion.
Now, sticking with the Horizon example, if the people making the flawed argument were right, then the player base of Horizon should skew majority female, right? Spoiler: it doesn't.
What DOES happen, though, is that non-male players become more likely to take interest-- including those who would ordinarily dismiss the genre of the game as "not for them". So now they join the market, and as newcomers are actually more likely to evangelize the game.
We can actually see this with Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Yes, Alexios (male) was played more than Kassandra (female) IN THE GAME, but even a quick Google reveals that Kassandra is significantly more popular in terms of the discussion surrounding the game.
That cultural, critical and conversational value is HUGE, and is what a lot of folks ignore in the development process- mostly out of fear and old ideas. They look at game data and hugely biased market data, draw the wrong conclusions, and then spend millions on a flimsy premise.
When the game then sells and a majority male audience chooses the male character, they take that as proof of the NEED for a male lead to sell the game. And that cultural/critical/conversational stuff is dismissed as having no monetary value, when it's actually hugely influential.
The amount of male gamers who get loud about how they "hate playing as a female!!" and then actually follow through for those reasons is surprisingly small. Often, a lack of perceived interest just reflects the fact we classically spend less marketing female-led products.
Ultimately, the discussion we SHOULD be having is about who is being allowed to make these decisions, and how many stories and characters are written authentically by people who share those identities and perspectives. Enough armchair market analysis. Go deeper.
(Also, I have a degree in this.)
Anita on the above thread
Over the years we’ve collected data proving that AAA game studios aren’t creating more solo female characters they are creating more player choice for the protagonist’s gender. This very good thread explains one reason why this isn’t the solution to our industry’s sexism problem.
We’re still compiling and finalizing the numbers from the pressers we’ve seen this summer and so far there is a statistical increase in the number of games with solo female protagonists but the trend continues to be a focus on binary choice or multi choice games.
This isn’t the exciting improvement that some folks claim because it isn’t actually an increase in sincere, genuine stories about people who have been rendered invisible or worse, degraded and dehumanized in games for decades.
We have to tell specific stories of women, women of colour, non binary folks, people of colour, disabled folks, trans folks. Having these stories centered, static, and not simply a choice or a side quest is paramount if we want to see sincere steps towards inclusion.

Another tweet reacting to Kim
Ubi's HR director once asked the diversity committee to imagine ways to "interest girls in video games". "I know a great medium!", I replied, "Video Games!" "NO!", he said, "We will NEVER restrain or guide the creativity of the teams!" The dissonance still shrieks in my brain
Narrator: Ubi was constraining all AAA production teams to male protagonists.
By the way the HR guy was the same person quoted below: (sorry, I will never tire of retweeting you, because, hahahahaha!)
Long time HR guy did a presentation on diversity to a room full of women... told us they knew women leave the studio/games early but they aren't sure why. His theory: women naturally lose interest in video games at 35

That tweet was in response to these tweets
"game dev is so competitive! so hard to get in!" they said "such a high churn in this industry! most ppl only last 5 years!" they said
HUH. I wonder who those apply to, since we have so many predators kept around for DECADES after complaints are made about them! [Thinking face] so mysterious
The "diversity committee" at Ubi was initially 9 people. Within 2 years of it's founding, 8 of us left.
"Maybe they just found better opportunities elsewhere?"

Unrelated to anything quoted above here is a tweet on sexism in Ubisoft.
Ubi QC managing director quits, saying her departure is unrelated to current events. But it's related in my heart as this woman told me "We expect women to work harder than men." In response to a complaint I had when she was in charge of HR.
"I work hard. I'm teaching my daughter to work hard. Don't YOU want to work hard?"
Specifically, she wanted me to work harder than that guy who said "I agreed with you but didn't want to say anything in front of the guys." When we say it's systemic, we mean like a Rube Goldberg machine.
submitted by suchapain to GGdiscussion [link] [comments]

I just finished the first trial of Danganronpa V3, and I think it's already one of the best trials of my series. Here's all of my thoughts. (Spoilers of first case)

Please do not spoil the rest of the game.

I have played: Danganronpa 1, 2, and watched Danganronpa 3. I have not played Despair Girls and I have not finished V3.
Me and my friends all just finished this case together, and I'm kind of just flabberghasted, so I wanted to write down my thoughts while they were still fresh in my brain. By the way, the other two trials that would be competing for my favorite cases are 2-4 and 2-5.
The twist of the protagonist being the killer was great. Of course, it's been done in other series before, but I still found it as a unique enough twist. I've never been one to really care that much about foreshadowing because I'm too stupid to pick it up most of the time, but it's definitely there (and I know this because they flashbacked to show it, just for stupid people like me lol). We saw Kaede set up the books, we saw Kaede pick the shot put ball, and we saw that Kaede specifically mentions Shuichi leaving before her. And like it was mentioned in the trial, none of these individual events were suspicious, so it flew under my radar. Also, it's generally pretty hard to make the first killer interesting with that little time (baseball guy was pretty boring, chef guy was definitely a leg up but still not nearly as interesting as the other murders), but I feel like this had almost as much as the middle cases (2 to 4) of other games. Only thing lacking was Rantaro was given basically nothing, although I suspect we will learn more about him.
The case itself was just interesting overall. I was playing along with some of my friends, and we actually guessed a lot of what was going to happen in the trial just from the truth bullets:
We guessed:
(I'm honestly just listing these so in the future when I look at this post, I know what I was thinking.) We were considering whether or not predicting all of this actually ruined the game, but we decided it was better we look at the evidence before the trial so we don't just get randomly stumped. Which, by the way, it felt like there weren't really any leaps in logic. I never felt like "huh, I guess I'll shoot this evidence at that statement and see if it works." Definitely a huge plus. It's not one of those things where you think of after the case, but during the it can be really frustrating.
The lying mechanic was also so cool. Before, it was a pretty basic "figure out the puzzle, and click the contradiction," but this adds a bit of social psychology into play. In the future though, I think this could be frustrating if there are moments like "I needed to LIE there???" (don't say anything if it does happen please, half spoilers are still spoilers) The fact that there are alternate endings is cool as hell too. One of the major complaints we had as a group was that it really felt like none of our choices ever mattered in Danganronpa 1 and 2.
Overall, this case would have been a solid 8/10 with just these points alone, and would have been a solid filler case and the best introductory case so far.
However, the final act of the case was so, so, so amazing. The concept is really basic. The killer actually had good intentions the whole time and just wanted to save everyone. Danganronpa 2 But I think the way it was done was just excellent. Kaede gets an extraordinary amount of time for flashbacks and even gets her memorial scene inside her piano lab (WHICH WAS AMAZING BTW), and it pays off HUGE.
I love how the reason Kaede kills Rantaro is because of Shuichi's failed deduction. Everyone agrees that Shuichi isn't to be blamed here, especially Kaede, who's been trying to convince Shuichi to be more confident in his ability, but it gives Kaede's death just a little bit extra meaning to Shuichi compared to his other classmates. I think this combined with Kaede's final words to Shuichi really sets him up to be the protagonist for the rest of the game (or for however long he is the protagonist I guess? Maybe they'll switch again?)
Also, I think every character gets their mini time to shine here (ultimate supreme leader showing that he's not just an annoying kid really makes me hyped to see what he's really like), but Kaito hitting Shuichi was perfect. It's in character and it's understandable, As a player, I definitely was angry at Monokuma, so I think that may have been why Kaito taking his anger out on Shuichi felt so... right for the moment?
Speaking of which, I've never hated Monokuma more. I thought he was just a cool funny bear in Danganronpa 1 and 2, but the way he would just cut off emotional events with his stupid slapstick humor made me hate him so much, which is definitely the point. I've never really wanted to see the characters bring down Monokuma, but now I really do. I know Monokuma does this in every game, but for some reason I felt like this trial it really irritated me.
One thing I do have to mention is one plot hole. It didn't ruin the case though, there are several articles about why plot holes don't actually make a movie/game worse. Of course, it's not like people are lying when they say they dislike a movie/game, but since plot holes are objectively problematic, a lot of people attribute their dislike of the movie/game to the plot hole when in reality they wouldn't like it even if the plot hole was patched up. But the plot hole I am talking about is how did Kaede know about the music that would play? Monokuma suddenly started playing music one hour before the deadline, which stops Rantaro from hearing the shot put ball rolling down the stairs of books, but Kaede had no idea that would happen. If Rantaro heard the ball, he would have looked up and probably wouldn't have died.
TL;DR my adrenaline high after the case has worn off after writing this but I still think the case was excellent. I am hyped for the rest of V3.
submitted by WizardXZDYoutube to danganronpa [link] [comments]


I just figured us out guys. Completely. Again, correct me if I'm being Captain Obvious here, but if you related to my last post about having a recognition when you look in the mirror, but not understanding it, this is for you. I'll start by explaining it factually, and then I'll try to put it in more human terms.
According to the MBTI, the conscious functions of the INFJ are Introverted Intuition and Extroverted Feeling, while the unconscious functions are Introverted Thinking and Extroverted Sensing. In other words, our actual default way of thinking is via having an internal monologue and reading the room, picking up on moods and emotions of the people around us, while logical, analytical thought based on concrete details in the real world is done in the background without us having to really think about it.
However, when an INFJ is placed under significant stress, their fight-or-flight mode kicks in, which means that the conscious and unconscious functions actually switch places, and we begin using logic and observation of concrete, real world details as our default functions. In other words, we lose our ability to pick up on the vibe of the room, and our ability to have an internal monologue, or at least the internal monologue of a healthy INFJ mind. Instead of consciously, deliberately thinking about how others feel, and how the outside world works, we are primarily living in the moment, consciously problem solving and trying to make plans, or lists, or goals.
In my research and application of said research, I discovered that I could process things and empathize with others more quickly by attempting to suppress my Introverted Thinking. In other words, I stopped consciously thinking. About anything. A completely silent mind. And it exploded. My brain switched partially and intermittently at first, and then completely back to the optimal state, with reading the room and having a true internal monologue as my primary thought process, and logical, analytical thought in the background.
Okay, now here's the translation to human:
What I didn't realize until tonight was that I figured out how to relax, and what anxiety feels like inside. Guys, if you find yourself analytically living in the moment way more than you empathetically reflect on the nature of things, and you don't know why, YOU EITHER HAVE CHRONIC ANXIETY OR SOMETHING IS CONSISTENTLY CAUSING YOU STRESS.
Examples of thoughts by a 'stressed' INFJ:
"My dream house will have a bedroom above the garage, because I want to hear if someone tries to open it during the night. Ooh, and a 2nd story hot tub that waterfalls into the pool on the 1st floor deck. Oh, here comes Jim. Let me think; Jim brought his car by again last Tuesday I think. It's always the same problem with Jim. [Attempts to listen to Jim, but can't really hear everything he's saying because I was trying to think about my house.] I know! I'll try and figure out what he's thinking so I can cut him off and think about this house for an extra half second. [finishes conversation] I keep telling him to not mix peanut butter in with his oil. Dude is clearly not very intelligent. I bet he's like that because he's insecure. Maybe there's a valid reason though. Maybe he has a rough home life. I hope he's happy.<< Welp, while I'm scooping this stuff out, I'll try and think of something productive. Okay, I clearly need to keep better track of the chores. I should come up with a system that takes into account the week, my current work shift schedule, and my second job's staffing for the week, oh yeah, and ...uh...wait, what was I thinking about again? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh! Here comes the end of the dipstick. It was really wedged in there! ...is that a Reese's Cup? Dangit, now I want one. Not this one though, it's covered in peanut butter and burnt motor oil! What the hell, Jim. I do want a package of Reese's Cups though. I'll walk down to the vending machines after I go tell Bill about Jim's latest vehicle adventure. I still don't get why he brings his car here; this is clearly an office. Maybe he's insecure and likes hanging out, or maybe he thinks it's hilarious and wanted to tell me about it. Or maybe he's trying to mess with me. Maybe Bill will give me a no BS answer about it, if he knows. He probably doesn't or he would have told me. I would have told him if I thought someone was trying to mess with him. I like having friends who shoot straight. Those are the best kind. << Wait, I'm still hungry! Oh yeah, I remember. Alright, time to go down and get that Reese's. I need some music while I walk. Where are my headphones? Oh yeah. Dangit! They're tangled. How is this tangled? Ugh, I don't feel like figuring it out, but I want to listen to music. Dammit. Ok, I'll untangle it. sighs Alright, let's find an end. Ok there's one. Looks like the headphone is attached to the wire and the wire goes through here. Ok, I'll back it out. Whoops, nope, that's not gonna work I'm gonna pull it the other way. There we go. Looks like the next thing that needs to be pulled through is this guy right here. Ok awesome. Then that one. One more, and....I'm good! Ok, let's pick a song. Do I want to listen to something heavy, or something soft? I was listening to those guys earlier, but I don't want to get sick of them. I'll pick that one instead. Man, I like this song. These guys are awesome. I really like their tone. They've got a good vibe too. I should see if they're playing anywhere close anytime soon. << Ok so anyway, about this house, what color do I want to..."
So here's a question, guys and gals: Do your thoughts ever look like that? If they do, congrats; you're in grip stress mode! Do they look like that most of the time? Congrats, you probably have chronic anxiety, or some other source of continual stress! If you're like me, you have it so consistently that you think that it's the normal way your brain is supposed to work. You aren't really upset about it; you consider yourself pretty smart, and you try to be a nice person, so not really too upset about it. Logic can be useful! Here are some benefits of using logic in conscious thought:
  • The nature of our personality means that when we use logic as our primary thought process, we can become very good at it, given enough time to understand the underlying concepts. I have always been the computer guy in my family. I built an 8 foot tall Rube Goldberg machine for my Jr. High Science Fair. I love reading about things like the latest test of Elon Musk's Starlink system (610 Mbps!!!).
  • I do hours of research on whatever my current interest is, every single day. This means that I am highly knowledgeable (in a book sense) about a variety of topics. I can talk for hours without BSing about a variety of topics. I don't claim to be an expert on anything, but I do at least try to be competent in as many categories as possible.
  • I am very technically minded and excel at stringing things together. I played with Legos a lot as a child. It's no issue for me to grasp new concepts, and even think of optimizations for those concepts, if I completely understand the foundation that the concept is built on.
  • I do things INFJ's aren't typically known for, like skydive and ride motorcycles. I love being an adrenaline junkie. I don't mind getting up on stage and playing guitar, as long as I feel prepared.
  • I'm known as being pretty extroverted and friendly. I don't have any issue with talking about myself; I always say I'm an open book. Not because I think myself more important than others, but because I am eager to be understood, and before being able to switch I believed that the easiest way to be understood was to be as transparent as possible.
  • My wife always shakes her head because I can just walk up and be friendly with anyone. I have several friends that I stay in touch with that I met in person maybe one time in line for a movie or something like that.
  • I'm fairly self-confident in my appearance. Mirrors don't bother me, and I have gotten a lot more comfortable with photos.
  • I can usually explain my thought processes to others in a way that they can understand.
  • I'm okay with placing my needs first when necessary.
As an INFJ, I feel obligated to mention here that I'm not trying to toot my own horn. Just listing perks of developing some proficiency with the ESTP side of things.
But, it's not all awesome. Because of how the INFJ mind is wired, we can't consciously use empathy and logic simultaneously unless we're completely stress free. Here are some side effects of that, which I can attest to after 25+ years of mostly thinking about the wrong things:
  • Because logic is part of our fight-or-flight response, I had a very colorful childhood. Many schools, grades usually poor, angry phases, poor relationship with parents, lots of acting out and being goofy in inappropriate situations.
  • It takes a long time to comprehend things. School was hard for me. I had some happy experiences, and teachers seemed to like me, but grades? Not so great.
  • Issues with absentmindedness. Always losing things around the house and sometimes I'll lose my train of thought mid-sentence, which embarrasses me, which makes me even more forgetful, which makes me even more embarrassed, etc.
  • Trouble reading people and social situations. Rarely knowing how people feel. Rarely feel appreciated or understood. Gullible.
  • Little to no self-awareness. I want everyone to like me, but I can't figure out how to make it happen. My logic fails me. Most of the friends who I consider to be long term are the ones that have been blunt with me about how my actions come across. I don't necessarily think people consider me to be a jerk; more just clueless and tries too hard. Never really ever considered for management.
  • Making impulsive decisions without really considering all the options. A good example of this for me is basing most of my purchases exclusively on price and average review. If it's something technical, I make sure parts are compatible but beyond that I don't pay much attention.
So clearly, logic doesn't win out all the time in all situations. It's important, for sure, but it always feels like something is missing. Want to know how to switch back? I learned how to do it on command. It's pretty easy; you ready?
Find some time where you don't have any immediate obligations to talk to anyone or work to meet any deadlines. Take some space away from dinner plans, future goals, and problems that need to be solved. Stop worrying about the things you want to accomplish in life. Put your stressing about the bills coming up on hold. Try to tell yourself things like:
"You know what? I'm going to take 5 minutes and not think about a single thing. Not bills, not goals, not lists, not plans, nothing. I am going to close my eyes and exclusively dedicate my attention to forcing myself to relax and be completely quiet in my mind. I am going to listen to this song without trying to analyze its structure, or how many vocal parts there are, and explicitly focus on how the song feels. I'm going to go for a walk down this quiet road all by myself and just enjoy the breeze in my hair and take some time to just enjoy myself."
Or, if you're talking to someone, make sure you put any current problems you are currently trying to focus on away temporarily, and go out of your way to give them your undivided attention, observing as much as you can about their demeanor, body language, facial expressions, etc.
For me, it's all in the eyes. I find that if my eyes are focused and deliberately trying to examine details in my immediate environment, I begin thinking logically. If I relax my eyes a little bit, slow my breathing down, "zoom out", and simply observe the world around me without consciously trying to analyze the current moment, I find that my inner monologue returns to me and I can pick up on people's moods (again, it's all in the eyes). I immediately found that my memories came rushing back to me. Social situations became a breeze and I found I didn't have to try nearly as hard to understand people. I was able to recall way more of my memories than usual. I was a lot happier in general. And understanding of complex concepts (such as this one) came as easily as breathing, where I felt like an idiot before.
DISCLAIMER: For me, it took medication and therapy to reduce my stress level low enough to have a breath of a prayer of consciously relaxing myself to the point that I could switch back to my ideal state. I had a lot of worries, concerns, and BAD HABITS I had to figure out in order to be able to be completely calm and objective. I am at the culmination of more than a year of conscious effort to improve myself. Please don't put me on /wowthanksimcured
And those of you that didn't relate to the post I made about the mirror? Congrats, you're able to relax for the most part! I think you will find that if you deliberately focus on taking more details in about your immediate surroundings, and logically trying to string things together, and really 'zoom in' on the details of your environment, you will be able to access this part of your brain too! If you haven't used it much, be prepared to initially deal with anger, confusion, and a frustration at not being able to understand people like you normally can. Earlier, I put 'stressed' in quotes. That's because I don't believe it is inherently unhealthy to use logic, if you can develop a balance. In fact, it's one of the most beneficial things you can do, as long as you regularly take time to relax and return to your internal monologue and take time to appreciate life.
At the end of the day, we are all humans. And humans need both logic and love to function at our fullest. Humans need both objectivity and subjectivity. It's important to have a balance between the needs of others and the needs of ourselves. When we make sure to attend to the needs of others, it helps keep our own happiness in check, and brings about that very important feeling of self-actualization. When we make sure to take care of ourselves, we are more capable of taking care of others, and pushing our ideas further into the world, thereby potentially helping even more people.
TL;DR - It's healthiest for people to use both logic and empathy.
If you primarily think using logic, try to improve your ability with empathy:
  • Take time away from your agenda to relax and appreciate life.
  • Look in the mirror and really try to examine yourself.
  • Go outdoors.
  • Explore new places and ideas.
  • Deliberately focus on making eye contact with other people, even though it's uncomfortable.
  • Deliberately pause your analytical thought process to absorb as much information about the subject of your attention as you possibly can.
  • If you find that you still can't achieve peace of mind, it's okay to seek professional assistance.
If you primarily use empathy, try to improve your ability with logic:
  • Play games like 2048 and Sudoku. Do crosswords.
  • Practice with a dual n-back app to improve your short-term memory.
  • String concepts together in a logical manner. Try to cognitively understand how things work instead of simply observing them until they make sense.
  • Triple check everything you say and write for grammar, spelling, formatting, and logical consistency.
  • Expect it to be extremely difficult and frustrating, as you will be attempting to utilize your weakest function. Don't beat yourself up when you fail.
  • Go back to empathy regularly to avoid getting too stressed.
EVERYONE: Keep an eye out for cognitive distortions!
submitted by gtrmtx to infj [link] [comments]

Guess my type, wall of text edition

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
Female, early 30s. Software engineer, raised in the Midwest and now live on the West Coast. Majored in English in college but took random math & CS classes throughout school. Before software, I worked in publishing and had a job managing publication schedules, which I haaaaaated— too detail oriented and I just fundamentally didn’t care.
I always thought I was “uncreative” and avoided the arts, thought I wanted a science career, until I was about 16 and started discovering my own, more structured creativity type. Thus I enjoyed studying literature as I could explore a lot of related disciplines and fold them all into an argument based on a piece or pieces of text. Enjoyed constructing an argument in that way. Enjoyed psychoanalytic theories of literature.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
Have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It’s mostly under control now, though of course I still struggle. Have considered that I’m ADHD or mildly autistic. Now that Asperger’s is no longer a diagnosis and I’ve learned more about ASD, I doubt I would be diagnosed for real.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
Very free range childhood. Many younger siblings (I was oldest). Grew up in a rural area where people would hunt, fish, etc. but I was never outdoorsy. Preferred sitting on the floor of my messy room reading. I loved reading The Babysitters Club (loved that there were so many different personalities, different books were written from different characters’ POVs, and I could “learn” about people through them), Encyclopedia Brown and the Cam Jansen books (detective children’s lit). I loved funny things, especially cartoons, and when I was a young kid (pre-Internet) I would keep notebooks where I’d write down the funniest jokes and quotes in the notebooks while watching TV. (Where they are now, I have no idea... ) I had a lot of neighbors for a rural place and would play with the neighbor kids, though I never closely bonded with them. I used to do my older neighbor’s math homework for fun (oops).
I had one best friend through all of school (a guy), and we were EXTREMELY close. We would rarely talk about feelings or social life, just had very similar taste in ideas, comedy and culture. LOVED pacing around the playground together at recess coming up with absurd storylines and jokes and talking about our favorite things (James Bond movies, Nintendo games, Nickelodeon cartoons like KaBlam!). Two of our favorite hangouts were 1) weekend long sleepover where we’d rent movies like Air Force One or Leslie Nielsen comedies and watch them repeatedly, 2) watch the vintage Nickelodeon Games and Sports channel for hours cracking jokes about the hosts and contestants. People always assumed we would eventually date but we would joke that if we had kids they were turn out sterile because we were so romantically disinterested in each other. Pure brain connection, though we would very occasionally discuss our feelings of sadness or longing for things as teens (to be involved in a subculture, dating woes, etc.)
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
Software engineer. It’s not a perfect fit for me as it requires a lot of business alignment, but the periods where I can get lost for 2-3 weeks designing and prototyping and then implementing things to my standards are my favorite and very rewarding, don’t feel like work. I like reading about software design and software design principles in my free time.
I’ve had a million jobs throughout high school, college and young adulthood. Always hated anything administrative or support, hated project management of any kind. (Deadlines!! Procedures! Augh!!) Tended to flit from job to job because I was not interested in doing anything long term or having seniority.
Didn’t mind jobs with social interaction if it was brief and straightforward and jokes were permitted (bank teller, cashier) but hate jobs where team bonding and chemistry is a big emphasis. I don’t mind having short, pleasant interactions with people but just do not want to have a long-term, deep relationship with people I work with day after day. Tried waitressing and bartending since I didn’t mind being a bank teller but it was too far on the social/outgoing side and I didn’t last long.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
Refreshed! I love spending the weekend by myself. I live with my boyfriend in a small apartment and treasure the times he goes out to do his own thing, so I can play my podcasts, do projects alone, etc. I take a bubble bath twice a week as “me time” even though... basically my whole life is “me time.”
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
Always hated and was bad at sports. In school I’d go to the back of the line in softball pretending I already batted so I wouldn’t have to embarrass myself. Super slow runner. Generally awkward. The only sport I was ever good at (and I was pretty good, beat a couple of male jocks and they got furious about it) was badminton.
As an older adult, I’ve convinced myself to do exercise and sport for my health. I used to run (loved it because I didn’t need anything but shoes and could go anytime). Now I do Pilates, but plan to do more running. I enjoyed spin class pre-pandemic. Anything I can do basically on autopilot and with minimal preparation or equipment I tend to like.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
Very curious. At work my biggest issue is wanting to research everything down to the last detail in lieu of actually executing. I like to know things. I have a lot ideas, much less execution. As a kid I loved Rube Goldberg machines (always wanted to make one to gather together my stuff in the morning for school) and electronics but never built them or played around with Legos or anything. Preferred to draw diagrams if I did anything at all. (In fact, draftsmanship was my favorite part of wood shop in high school.)
Tend to be a very high or very low performer based on whether something sparks my genuine interest. Bad at faking interest or being disciplined to study things I’m not interested in.
My ideas tend to be about human nature, psychology and art, especially film. Definitely conceptual. I like esoteric things and watched a lot of independent movies in my teens. Love David Lynch for the way he explores a theme or idea repeatedly from different angles. Love Cronenberg, Kubrick, and Michael Mann. In literature I have gone through phases with different authors including Nathaniel Hawthorne, Philip K Dick, Richard Yates, Willa Cather, and others. Like musing in issues of human motivation, evil, the unconscious. Went through a big Freudian phase, a Marxism phase. It wasn’t that I agreed with either of them 100% but loved their systematizing approach to human nature and society. Enjoyed studying political philosophy in school for the same reason.
I’m drawn to certain topics in science and math but they have to be a balance of not too applied, not too abstract. For instance, I’m drawn to algorithms and algorithm design and information theory. I love the elegance and power of both. I used to joke I wanted to learn more physics because as a very lazy person, I’m a big fan of the simple machines (for the same reason, elegance and power). I tend to like tools that follow the same principle... love an excuse to use a rotary ratchet. I like putting together IKEA furniture and find it soothing, but don’t generally like woodworking because I’m too paranoid and perfectionist and it becomes stressful and OCDish for me. (Maxims like “measure twice, cut once” become “measure fifteen times, procrastinate cutting...”).
I like cooking, but not elaborate things. My boyfriend and I are vegan and my favorite thing is to find a way to veganize a dish I used to eat or find a substitute for an ingredient I don’t have on hand. We get a CSA box and I love coming up with ideas for what to do with each ingredient and making a plan, even if I don’t always execute.
(Vegan for the following reasons, in descending order of importance: animal welfare, simplification of cooking/food decisions, health & weight management, environmental concerns.)
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
No! I hate it. My boyfriend and I are trivia buffs and regularly come in first place at our local bar trivia despite being a two-person team. Recently at work, we did a trivia game and no one wanted to be captain... so I volunteered... and we came in last. I just couldn’t juggle leading the team, thinking, and being thorough and precise at the same time!
If I have to lead, my style is very laissez-faire... I’ve had interns in the past and it usually goes “here’s a problem, figure it out on your own, check in with me once a week and I’ll give feedback, then go do it and ask me questions as necessary.” I liked helping to build their confidence but really hated the process of guiding them beyond just giving them honest feedback when they came to me with ideas.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
Nope. Thus the badness as sports. However, hand-eye coordination is great and that’s why I’ve enjoyed badminton and ping pong, they require little strength and overall body coordination as a beginner. Working with my hands... like I said, I like assembling or fixing things (esp. coming up with clever fixes) but not so much building something from scratch. I like the meditative simplicity of cutting veggies when I cook. I do Pilates precisely because strength and mind body coordination are lacking for me.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I wrote more above, but my favorite art forms are literature, then film, then visual art, then music, in that order. I find it insanely hard to connect with music and generally like music that’s more meta, ironic, dark, humorous or conceptual (Johnathan Richman, Steely Dan, and loved Weird Al growing up).
In literature I like dark themes, intrigue, psychological content. Off the top of my head, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Patricia Highsmith, John Fowler, John LeCarre. In more fun reading, I love detective and spy stuff, including Sherlock Holmes. Also have a love/hate relationship with Stephen King. I read a decent amount of nonfiction, mostly about war and military history.
In film I like Kubrick, Lynch, Cronenberg, and have called all my favorite director at one time or another. I like Welles for how well he can represent dreamlike reverie. I love Michael Mann, esp Manhunter and Thief, two of my all time favorite movies. In pop culture I like the Bond movies, love Al Pacino.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
Oof. The past is often a source of pain and regret for me; I have some overactive guilt. A painful thing for me growing up was being parentified and overfunctioning a lot (many younger siblings, divorced parents) even though I’m not very inherently responsible or dutiful. I do tend to get nostalgic about things I was into growing up (silly things like favorite candies that aren’t made anymore, favorite cartoons, etc.)
In the present I focus a lot on balance, keeping myself in check (tendency to not clean, to daydream and not focus on work, to get overwhelmed when I have too many expectations on me). I need to have fun a lot to stay on track, though for me “fun” is not the outgoing type of fun (so ordering takeout, reading a great book, bubble baths, video games). I tend to automate and systematize parts of my life and personal care that bore me and that I would normally avoid. (Things like what to cook, when to wash my hair, etc.) I usually have to pair stuff I hate with stuff I like to get it done. (Playing a funny podcast while I cook or clean, etc.)
The future tends to stress me out, honestly. Like I said, I’m in my early 30s and deciding whether I want kids is a big question. I’ve never felt particularly maternal, but was surprised when my nieces and nephews were born how strongly I felt toward them, so it’s made me question what will really fulfill me. I’m not great at planning or sticking to plans. Tend to make decisions in the moment... for instance, I’d find it very stressful and difficult to plan to buy a house (saving, figuring out what to look for), but if I go look at houses, I’m likely to fall in love with one right away and commit fast.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I generally feel overburdened when people depend on me a lot. But I don’t mind helping with things like... talking through a problem with an intern at work and kind of breaking it down into a decision tree to pick a solution. Sharing advice with someone that I heard from someone else. Or talking someone through what they want from a job, or a college. I like talking to first generation college students (or prospective students) about how to get ahead, which was an experience I went through. So I don’t mind helping people abstractly but generally don’t like helping to... set up for a party, or something like that. I will do it but feel stressed and can’t wait for it to be over.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
Haha. Well, somewhat. Hard to say what this really means, because I can be impulsive, but generally have a hard time defending a decision unless I can speak logically about it. I don’t always realize that though, and can go around and around questioning something and not being sure why I’m not comfortable until I realize I haven’t logicked it out. I tend to make “if this, then that” type decision algorithms for myself to model outcomes or expedite decision making. “If it’s sunny tomorrow, X is the best thing to do on our vacation, but if it’s cloudy we’ll do Y and reschedule X for the next sunny day. Should be easy because Z can be bumped regardless of weather, and X and Y are priorities over Z.” Stuff like this that drives my boyfriend and family insane looool.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Hmmmm. I am not especially productive, but do tend to prize efficiency. My boyfriend is very considerate of other people’s feelings, including mine, and will often ask 3-4 questions to build up to his main question/request, and I’m always saying things like “it would have been much more efficient to just ask the main question!” I like to “multithread” (not multitask) what I’m doing as much as possible— when cooking, I try to optimize each operation of the recipe for time (so if chopped veggies aren’t needed until after broth has simmered, definitely will put broth on to simmer and chop while waiting). This sometimes backfires when I pack too much in for efficiency’s sake and end up having to go into hyperdrive to make sure I don’t delay a step. An annoying habit I have is to ask boyfriend “if you knew we’d have to wait for X, why did you do Y first? Should have started X then did Y in the meantime.” Or saying, “You always ask me this, and the answer is always yes, you can stop asking for efficiency’s sake and I won’t be mad if someday you don’t ask and the answer is no.” He just gives me a knowing look at this point!
I am also obsessed with packing groceries efficiently in our cart and arranging our overpacked fridge like Tetris...
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
As in the last question, I can be a bit picky and bossy about doing things efficiently and will be a bit controlling about that. I watched a sitcom recently where a girl was playing with her friend, and the mom came in to say she needed the girl for a sec, after which the girl said to her friend “you said you needed a bathroom break for number two... here’s your window.” Yeah, that is unfortunately me...
I tend to be fine with other people doing whatever they want to do, but I’m very independent, so if the decision affects me then I can get squirrelly. And I also pains me to watch others make decisions that appear to me guided by their low self worth, I always want to intervene and convince them to act in a way that places more value on themselves. I will definitely pull the “it’s illogical to act that way, it’s a lose-lose scenario!” type argument, which can make me seem bossy and out of touch.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
I have always struggled to articulate this but as I get older I see more clearly. Obviously, reading and watching films. Television, but I’m picky about what I watch. I tend to like highbrow or campy.
Food and food culture/history— I’m always surprised when someone doesn’t know as much about food as I do, because I don’t consider it a strong hobby (as a very casual home chef), but I obviously read about food more than I cook. I like reading about, for instance, how a typical middle class French family prepares and eats a meal, or the origin of the word “supper,” or learning about dishes from Eastern cultures that surprise me with unfamiliar ingredients or techniques. I like to make food that feels a bit experimental, rustic, or “magical,” like using chia or rice flour to create spongy texture, eating rice and green tea together as a soup (Japanese snack), creating Swedish breads and buns, making vinegar from leftover wine, making vegan cheese, etc. I don’t like the part of cooking that is about making big, elaborate, magazine-ready spreads and feasts. More about learning tricks and discovering new things.
I love logic puzzles and have taken LSAT practice quizzes for fun. I enjoy deduction. Going down information rabbit holes. Wine and beer tasting is fun to me, and I tend to intellectualize it and get obsessed with history and culture or wine/beewhatever. I like learning about process, like wine or beer making.
Trivia, as previously mentioned. Have been in trivia groups and leagues consistently for the last 15 years. Like Jeopardy!, playing Trivial Pursuit, etc. I tend to know a lot about a certain subjects and have huge general knowledge gaps elsewhere, whereas my boyfriend is a generalist with a great memory, so we make a good team.
I have tried crafting in the past and while knitting mindlessly can be a good destresser, I don’t enjoy the attention to detail required to make an actual thing that fits. I like decluttering my stuff, throwing things away lol. I like minimalism and streamlining unnecessary stuff and making things work for me, my way. For instance, I have a bunch of figurines from my nieces and nephews that I like to keep out to honor them, but I hate clutter and never dust. As a compromise, I bought a box of canned air so I could just blow the dust off them without needing to rearrange them each time, and then the dust gets vacuumed up later...
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I cannot take verbal instructions. Used to be a huge issue with my dad who would always want to tell me how to drive somewhere, or how to do something, and I’d nod my head and pretend to understand then go look it up myself. I prefer reading and learn a lot from doing, though I have to push myself into doing as it’s not my instinct.
I loved learning grammar in grade school and caught onto it right away. Loved foreign language classes for that reason, almost did linguistics. Enjoyed math but only some things— didn’t care to calculate compound interest, but loved solving optimization problems and writing proofs. I could be very very good at memorizing quickly under pressure, but without pressure... would simply not do it. In catechism I once memorized four prayers in 30 minutes so I could get a necklace a missionary brought from Panama, which I knew all week but forgot/procrastinated until the last minute. I would “impress” people by memorizing long strings of digits quickly. Was good at quiz bowl because I would remember a lot of random stuff, even if I had to be like “you know, the thing that caused the thing, and the guy was involved... “ until that jogged someone else’s memory.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
Another hmm. I am great at strategizing in my personal life and decision making, but at work I tend to jump in and wing it without a clear plan or direction. I would say I’m better at optimizing an existing system than coming up with one from scratch. I don’t like to change direction a lot, but I feel the need to explore a lot before coming up with a plan. Have to remind myself regularly that problem solving means breaking things into discrete pieces.. I will gladly solve small problems once they’re broken down, but writing the plan myself gives me anxiety as I feel I’m neglecting the big picture.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
Like I said above, I’ve always wanted a romantic partner but was never worried about getting married or having a family, until recently where it’s become a very real last minute thing. Never imagined my future wedding, just wanted someone (one someone!) to share things with. Used to have a vague idea I wanted to go into academia, but the politics of it kind of make me ill. If I have to put up with that stuff, would rather just work in the “real world” where I don’t take things too personally. (If it was my life’s work and not just a job, I’d be much more stressed about politics. Plus the way academia is so competitive is blechh.)
I have always loved cities and not minded apartment living (I don’t notice people around me much, can be alone in a crowd) but as I get older I might like to have a house and a yard somewhere isolated so I can nest a bit more and have space for projects like homebrewing.
I have a love/hate relationship with travel. Love experiencing new places and learning more about the world, but need a lot of R&R and a slow pace.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
Huge social anxiety. I am self-conscious and aware that I come across as “weird.” Fear of looking silly or dumb. I hate dealing with macho guys who get off on making you look bad so they look cool.
I am made uncomfortable by a lot of things. Growing up, I was a tomboy and wore boys clothes. Hated uncomfortable or restrictive clothing. Was a picky eater, MUCH more adventurous now but still avoid gloppy or overprocessed things. I’m bothered by people who ask questions and don’t listen to the answer. Can’t stand being in a big group, bonding.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
This is hard for me to answer. Favorite memories are times being with all my siblings and making each other laugh super hard, same with friends and boyfriend. Achieving something, being recognized as smart or creative. (This applies to getting good feedback for solving a hard problem, or a time I won an award for poetry I wrote.) Giving a speech or presentation and getting good feedback. Feeling like I’ve done something difficult with a level of finesse. Having someone respond well to my ideas, in a “yes, and” way.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
Times I’ve hurt the feelings of people who trusted me, without realizing it. Times I’ve been bossy and insensitive in the past coming back to haunt me and make me feel like trash. Failing at something publicly or procrastinating and NOT pulling it off at the last second.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I daydream a lot. Can sit on the couch all day on a Saturday without feeling the need to do much. Very unaware of surroundings, having a tendency to look at the ground while walking around and totally zone things out.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
Usually “what am I going to do about X?” where X is something that’s nagging at me. Whether it’s a problem at work, someone who beat me in an argument and it’s driving me insane, or some interpersonal dynamic. Trying to break it apart into pieces mentally and create a picture that makes sense to me.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
Not long. I have made big life decisions without much thought— things like transferring colleges, moving across the country for a job. Almost got married right after high school, but broke things off pretty fast. Joined a religion when I was 16, then quit after 6 months and never looked back. I do change my mind a lot. I don’t tend to make decisions I feel like I can’t back out of without a really urgent reason.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
Takes awhile. Emotions are important to me as signals that something is wrong. It’s taken a long time, therapy, and a lot of reading for me to understand that my feelings are information I can use, and not to be ignored or shoved away, or mutated into guilt and self-torture. Emotions are like keys to a lock or puzzle pieces to me now. I am a problem-solver when it comes to bad juju. Often trying to help other people walk through their feelings, too.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
With strangers, I am unlikely to pretend to agree or vocally disagree. I’ll say “hmm, interesting” or “oh mmm, I see” or something and avoid getting into it. With people I’m close to, I can be very opinionated to the point of hurting feelings and have to tamp it down a lot.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I am afraid of breaking rules when it comes to the law— kind of paranoid, probably why I like Kafka and Highsmith and spy and detective stuff. When it comes to non-legal stuff, I will break rules regularly if the consequences are vague or unserious (in college I would skip requirements and try to get away with using other classes as a substitute, which often worked). But I don’t like to break rules that could hurt others (I am following all the pandemic guidelines, for instance.) I definitely have a skepticism about authority but also a concern for the common good, so I am not a total libertarian. I generally think authorities are bogus and authority is abused and mishandled.
submitted by kitto__katsu to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

Heir powers (class powers 3)

Edit: Grammar
Edit2: Capitalized the "g" in "RaGey thing". Just...if you look at it too fast otherwise it looks really bad
Edit3: Wow...just a lot of stuff I really fricked up first time around. This was not even readable before I swear
Man, this one took way too long to write. When did I say I was doing this? A week ago? Anyway, it's here now, so moving on
Alright, time to analyze the abilities of John Homestuck, the mainest of main characters of the web series Homestuck
Heir of Breath
Windy thing, one with the wind, retcon - all John powers
Blood sacrifice - John let's himself be trapped for years without his retcon powers in order to stop the big bad, and all other heirs of breath will be tasked with a similar fate. They must sacrifice their aspect to ensure its future propagation, a death into life sort of thing
Honestly, I'm not sure how much I can add onto this one? John's quest is by far the most complete in Homestuck so far, with his death in the Epilogues signifying that paradox space has completely used up everything they needed him for and has discarded him like a piece of trash. That can only mean that as far as the narrative is concerned, he's hit his peak. And honestly? That doesn't seem too bad, the dude was broken as fuck right up until he decided to bite the big one. If and when he does come back, I imagine we won't see too much more development out of him as Jake seems to have completely taken over his role as protagonist. We'll see, though. I guess there are two things he could add to his arsenal:
Rasenshuriken - condenses all the mighty winds of a thousand typhoons into one little compact ball of windy energy. It would spin with such speed and intensity that you would probably hear it give off and ear-splitting high pitched whine, cutting into your eardrums like the wind would slice through anything it makes contact with. Him clashing with Dirk's unbreakable katana using this move would be some Naruto vs Sasuke-ass shit, I'll tell ya that much
8y - John rolls the highest roll possible on his Pop-O-Matic Vrillyhoo. He sends typhoons so great that they collapse in on themselves and make a new green sun
Heir of Life
This is a completely broken aspect. Then again, this is heirs we're dealing with, what else is new?
Excessive strength - these guys are like natural disaster levels of absurd when it comes to punching power. Like a mini one punch man, most of the enemies they fight go flying a hundred miles away like in a cartoon every time they eat one of these guy's fists. That paired along with their naturally cheery attitude and tendency to use comically large and cumbersome weapons makes them proper cartoon character material
Aqua man, but better - like a rust blood, the heir of life has the ability of communion with animals. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were able to get their own Denizen to leave their planet and help fight the black king with them, that's how personable they are
Plant manipulation: the life player's version of the windy thing would probably be pretty similar to Hashirama's wood-style jutsu, using giant plants with thorns as whips and means of grabbing, binding, throwing, and the ability to encase themselves in dense wood for protection. Their powers are explosive and...say for example, Jack Noir cuts the chain and prospit's moon starts to fall to the battlefield. The heir of life is so powerful, they could grow a world tree miles into the air and catch it before it's destroyed. That's the scope of what they can pull off in one attack once god tiered
It's Morphin time - the heir can also magnify their already busted strength via shape shifting into stronger animals. At this point we're talking Rage Mode Gamzee level strength PLUS Equius PLUS Dad Egbert. They can mimick gorillas, Hercules beetles, mantis shrimp, eagles, sharks--they're Ultimate Kars. THEY. ARE. ULTIMATE. KARS.
Never challenge this guy to an arm wrestling match, unless you're something ridiculous like a fully realized Page of the same aspect. Man, whoever has that classpect must be super strong. And handsome. What? Oh yeah, the list
Planet Quest - be a sacrifice to your denizen. If John's quest is any indication, the heir's greatest ability is usually both unlocked and used on the planet itself. For John, he had to make a pretty puny sacrifice of being tied down by terezi's orders, but that's kinda one of the biggest benefits of being a breath player is that you get to have it easy. A life player isn't so lucky. Because a heir has to sacrifice themselves to their compliment to unlock their true abilities, the heir of life would accept death at the hands of their Denizen in order to bring back all their dead allies or universes. This could probably even bring back dream ghosts, and the wonderful thing about being an heir is that you usually get to come back. I mean geeze, how many times has John died and come back to life? And watch, he's going to do it again in a little bit. You know he will
Heir of Light
Oh look, one of my old classpects
Light speed - they are light, so what's stopping them?
Massive luck supply - unlike Vriska who had to save up luck and use it sparingly, an heir just kinda has luck naturally, and a ton of it too. They aren't quite Clover's level, but they have consistent bouts of luck where they bend over right before a sniper shoots or the way Karkat just so happened to decide to leave his hive right after raging at sollux and running that virus. They would be impossible to sucker punch, and oftentimes their surprised, uncoordinated reactions to attacks will just so happen to throw them out of the way. They would be very lucky with the fluorite octet (captcha code 82THE8TH, shit is open source dawg), and probably get the highest roll in 1/10 of the crucial moments in which they throw dice, getting better and more consistent with it (somehow) as they grow
Invisibility: can bend light around them through passively manipulating it. Can also just...become light and spread all over the room too, but that might make it hard to focus
Sweet loot: the heir would have a knack for knowing just where to look to get what they need, and would probably have a magic cue ball on them at some point as well. Things may start getting real dicey if they start asking about god tier clocks and crowbars, but chances are they're too dumb to ask about that since they're an heir (no offense)
Void session reboot - if a void session has gone on long enough, the heir can succumb to the Voidy blackout bullshit in their session and be overcome by it in order to unlock the true light within them that sees on into eternity, endless possibility. And they'll use that to completely reset their session with the proper players and circumstances
Heir of Time
Unhealthy amount of focus - as soon as the heir of time gets started on a task or job, they can't stop. They will angrily shake off anyone who tries to disturb their concentration, and at some point they will look down, check their watch and be all like "IT'S BEEN NINE HOURS?! WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME???"
Yeah, sure, NOBODY told you. You just keep telling yourself that, bud
The World - the heir won't have to worry about this too much though, as from the moment they enter their session they gain the passive ability to slow down time the more they focus, with the ability getting better any better with every rung on the Eccheladder they climb, and then when they reach god tier they can stop time entirely for 5 seconds, with a cooldown starting at one minute and getting shorter with each god tier level. Thus, they will progress exponentially as the game goes on as they are given the ability to allot more and more time to their task
Winds of time - the heir has the unique ability to merge with the flow of time itself, then time travel through that medium. In this state they're aware of any doomed timelines in temporal proximity to them, and can flow between timeline to timeline as free as a bird. Eventually paradox space stops distinguishing between alpha and doomed versions of this player, as they will begin to inadvertently flow together and mix, memories and everything
Localized time travel - can make one part of a system go faster, slower, backwards, backwards, not at all, etc, and do something completely different or nothing at all with another part of the system. In other words, they can make the base of a tree age a thousand years while keeping the rest the same age, making it look like a skinny little tree is growing out of a stump, when in fact they are the same tree
Clockwork majyyks - just like how John inherited retcon powers and Equius inherited the void of the furthest ring through Lord English, the heir of time will also inherit a master class power, although be incredibly limited in its use. Since Heirs have to make a sacrifice with their aspect, they would probably be completely immortal for a short period of time, but then they have to give all the clockwork majyyks from their god tier clocks to somehow override the just/heroic deaths of other god tiers and be dealt the penalty instead, dealing them a swift death. And in doing so they inherit entropy, destruction, and death. Another form of their aspect
Heir of Heart
Oh look, another one of my old classpects is here. Welcome, heir of heart
Now get the fuck out of here - your dream self, at least. Chances are their dream self will be dead pretty quick, as they need to find out how to inherit ghostly powers, the soul powers. Keywords here with heart are Ghosts and The Power of Love...also ego, but we'll get to that in a bit. In the meantime it's advisable that you prototype your dream self, though you don't necessarily need to. It's just that you could probably keep those sprite powers upon god tiering since I'm pretty sure they count as ghost powers
Ghostly pizzowers - congrats, you're Casper. I mean, at least I HOPE you're a friendly ghost, cause here's the thing...ghosts are kind of immortal??? Well, I mean, you would only be part ghost like Danny phantom, but still. You don't damage easily, you got some sort of super strength, you have cool white eyes that are probably steaming because you're still alive and have a large supply of heart power in your body, and you would probably be the coolest dude in your session if you weren't such a dork. Oh, right, about that...
The Power of Love - yeah, you're a fucking dork alright. That's alright though, we love dorks and they tend to get all the ladies in the Homestuck universe anyway. John, Jake, Jade, Jane--oh, wait, no, not that one
In any case, The Power of Love is like the windy thing except instead you transform into a magical girl and use a pretty wand to blast enemies with like the feelings you have for your bf/gf/crush/waifu/husbando/your-narcissistic-ass-self/etc. A surprisingly devastating power, it vanquishes evil second best to only hope I would think
Alter ego - You have an OC? Congratulations, you can turn into them now. Technically every OC is a splinter self and you can swap between those just in general. You still have to be the magical girl every time you use The Power of Love though, that's non-negotiable. So yeah, think D4C but more limited. Damage probably transfers over a bit (though not too bad for a ghost person) and it's only for splinters you're aware of--OP if you Ultimate self, but that's a whole nother can of worms entirely
a whole nother can of worms entirely - You are a BEAST with your ultimate self. You can go to whatever timeline you want and fuck around with whatever. I wish I was joking, but that's kind of an inevitable thing with the heir of heart--they deal with the flow of their aspect and becoming it, after all. You lucky bastards. Tell the ninja superhero version of myself he can suck a dick, cause he's a lucky bastard too and I really don't understand where I went wrong in life to not end up in that timeline
Ultimate!Sacrifice - you can channel the powers of all of your alternate selves into one body, but as a result you consolidate all of them into one person and you no longer have any more splinters. You'll be absurdly powerful for a while, but think about it--you're already a ghost and you have no more timelines to hop to. You are your ultimate self. When you die, that's it. Lights out. And this is what makes this absurdly broken class balanced, as in the end you'll always have to do this. It's your role as the heir of heart. Will some miracle save you? Will the power of love bring you back from the dead one final time? Sounds like a load of bullshit to me, but as we all know magic is real so anything is possible
Heir of Rage
Oh shit, nevermind - magic is fake as SHIT, in fact you're pretty sure that anything like that starting with an m is fake -- magic, miracles, messiahs, even magnets. You can passively manipulate reality to suck the credibility out of anything even a little far-fetched. You suck the life and hope out of everyone, Mr. Grinch
Fear mongering - can passively manipulate people through mind abilities that instill fear in any action they don't like. For the target it's like you've had years of negative reinforcement surrounding actions you've never considered wrong in the past and regard doing it with an unexpected sense of shame. Like the Heir of Rage's presence just casts this huge, menacing shadow over everything you do. Even if you have the balls and courage to press through regardless of their mind games, it will still take a lot out of you since they're basically pumping you full of raw stress hormones. You might get halfway to them and be like "you know what? i...dkfjjj. i neebd to lied down. .. ." And then you just conk out like a light right then and there because you're just too emotionally exhausted
Propaganda - same thing but mass-produced
Heir Chucklevoodoo Mk I - can passively mind control their victim when ever they want through exhile-style commands. Must be within 3 feet of the voodoo though, so if they even so much as drop it the spell will probably be broken
Heir Chucklevoodoo Mk II - This one controls people not through their minds, but through everything else. They manipulate their environment gradually over a much greater radius, causing the victim to lose items, have the room change shape micrometer by micrometer 24/7, introducing even entirely new rooms if they can convince the victim it has always existed. It's kind of like how you don't notice yourself change growing up until you look back at when you were a baby, and are just like what the fuck how did that turn into this? Otherwise it's just too darn slow man
RaGey thing - oh...
oh god
This is where you take all the dormant rage from a several kilometer radius and unleash it, channeling it all into your opponent through your body. Any normal black king will die in one hit, the alpha troll's session black king in like probably 30 or something. It will hurt like hell for you too, but your body should also be pretty H A R D from the rage conditioning it so you shouldn't end up with Midoriya broken bones in the first attack. Maybe on the second attack. It would probably be good think about this like OFA, actually. Try using it in moderation so you don't hurt yourself and all. If you have a life player offering constant Regen though, you're broken. Insane DPS
Become Rage - in order for an heir to become one with their aspect, they have to sacrifice it. For the rage player, that means ditching their humanity like Dio or transcend their physical form through hope. It could be interpreted as either Jotaro Kujo's classpect or Dio's, which is why they have the same type of stand. They're not actually stopping time, they're just so mad that the world freezes around them when they command it. Notice how the saltier Jotaro is, the more time powers he unlocks and the harder his punchers get
Heir of Blood
Earthbound - You can't fly. no, I'm not just making a karkat joke. I mean since you embody bonds and human limits, you, your dream self, and your god tier are all physically incapable of flight. How in the world is this a useful power, you ask?
It isn't. You suck
Okay...not really - because your powers are still dope as hell. Do you know what turning into blood means? You can enter people's bodies and take control of them. Now. Okay, not gonna lie. This one can get a bit fucked up. If you've ever had something nasty in your blood stream for extended periods of time, you know what I mean. With every heartbeat you're just redistributing the same agony you felt seconds before and many, many times before that, and will continue on long into the future. And since it's blood it literally permeates throughout your entire body, every nook and cranny. It's absolutely horrible. Drink responsibly drinking age kiddos, hangovers are literally the worst. okay no worse experiences exist bUT IM GETTING OFF TRACK FUCK SHIT DAMN BACK TO THE POWERS
Blood brothers - you and your allies can all get passive boosts by signing blood contracts to follow each other to the ends of the Earth and even to hell the dark carnival itself. Careful, as a bloodbound you're often subject to bad fates like that. The boosts are pretty good though, and having your allies depend on you is probably what motivates you anyway****
My allies give me STRENGTH - the heir of blood can literally turn into their allies for a short period of time. No, you still can't fly, get over it. You're never flying. However, this ability let's you synthesize you and your allies' powers into new attacks for the sake of the team. you stand at the front lines. Also...
You can swap places with an ally - which makes traveling and strategizing very interesting. Easier, but harder too. You'll have to coordinate with your teammates a lot and be able to think fast on your feet, same as your allies. It's the kind of ability that sucks when you don't know what you're doing but actually has insane potential on the battlefield and is incredible for confusing and overwhelming opponents
Spiderman - as an heir you have an overwhelming excess of your aspect, so there's no way you can run out of blood by using it as claws and swinging from roof to roof with it. There's your replacement for flying
Cave meditation - you must isolate yourself from your friends for an entire year to gain spiritual knowledge. Then, you will be able to shapeshift into ANYTHING, as your bonds are omnipresent
Heir of Doom
H3Y WH475 UP 6UY5
Bootleg Bard - everywhere the heir goes any danger they encounter mysteriously suffers a horrible fate. This is their aspect trying to protect them, as the heir's aspect usually does. Unfortunately, this can lead to lots of misunderstandings and of course hurt people they love. Because of this, you might end up like Jotaro in jail so that you don't hurt anyone
Natural hacker - you don't have much hacking experience, but you seem to have a knack for it. If you could get sollux to teach you how you'd be a hacking MACHINE. I don't even know what that means, but I'm guessing you'll be able to make transportalizers go anywhere or paradox slime computers lock onto any object. Also ~ATH shenanigans
Doomy thing - you just cause a lot of death. Not sure how I can sugarcoat it more beyond that. You can wilt and rot fields for miles. You are death itself, what can I say
Mituna - you must rise to the challenge of making the world a better place, which probably doesn't resonate with you too much for some reason? Don't worry though, this will cause irreversible mental damage that will have you talking like a computer virus forever. Why do you want this, exactly? Who knows, in any case you stopped Kurloz from doing SOMETHING bad so I'll guess you...deserve it? Man, I really do not understand this character. Perhaps hero titles are in fact more nuanced than I would like to make them out to be...NAH, I'm 100% right, kiss my ass
Heir of Grief - you become doom, and thus you've been hit hard by Life. Life and Death like to pretend they're opposites, but in fact each of them likes kicking you around just as much as the other. Eventually, you become entirely consumed by despair, probably because something has gone horribly wrong in your session. Either your black king, Jack, or your session itself has too much life in it and it's your job to reintroduce consequences, authority, and death
Zombie virus - your hacker skills have finally paid off. You have invented a virus that can control hoards of people at a time, and download it into their brains through USB darts. You can control all of your imps/ogres/boss monsters now. You have one of the biggest npc armies of all the classpects actually, as you passively manipulate authority itself. Problem is they can only take general commands and attack as an army, whereas a witch would be able to precicely control every action and make double agents out of specific dersite soldiers, especially high ranking ones like Jack noir. They're muscle-oriented commands though, so Jack wouldn't really be all too useful
Overgrowth protection - a death in your session signifies a lack of overproduction in the new Earth you're creating. Authority is steadfast, and evolution is maintained. Unfortunately this means culling is commonplace, but you'll make a hella strong and dignified race. I wouldn't be surprised if the troll session had a heir of Doom
Heir of Void
D A%identally competent - you're the cartoon character who accidentally bumps into someone and sets off a rube-goldberg chain of events that somehow accomplishes whatever you were planning on getting done anyway. This also probably works the same way with whatever skill set you were born with, where you're freakishly talented in some way and have no idea why because you have no actual interest in that area
D-> Trans100cence - okay, actually, transparency. How shitty would it be if you were a god tier heir of void and couldn't turn invisible?
D-> We must go STRONGER DEEPER - we're blitzing chakras with this one yo. You must BECOME nothing and basically just disappear. With no form left to attach itself to, your consciousness will become one with everything. And then it will stop doing that because, honestly? That's a lot to take in. BUT you will find some pretty cool secrets and you can probably reappear wherever they are. You can find game-breaking items nobody even KNOWS about. They're sitting there basically just for you and other void players, but especially you
D-> Trunkbeast in the room - you can make it so that anyone you're not focused on doesn't notice you even if you're in plain view. You don't register in any of their sensory input, so they could be touching you and have no idea they're touching anything. So basically it's how you disappear with your phone so nobody can find you and make you do stuff
D-> Ma% obfuscation - aka the Voidy Thing. You can just blackout the fuck outta everything, like just make people be like fuck man I'm having a hard time existing up a████st this opponent, I mean w███ does th█t even m███████?? ██████████████AAAAHHH█████████████████████FUC██████████████NOOOO█████████████EECCHH█████████████████MMM█████████████████████████OOOOOHHHHHHHHH wow that was weird
There is no more. You get NOTHING
haha, get it? I mean, I suppose that's already a lot though. Moving on
Heir of Space
Background organizer - space players tend to fall back and let more active players take control of what they've provided for them. So do heirs. This creates a problem, no? Yeah, that's a no to your no there. You ever notice how much detail is in the scenery of earth? You look out onto the horizon and the trees stretch on for miles. An artist like me would simply scribble along the horizon to give the illusion of trees, but not this heir. They get ahead by planning ahead, and understand how potential energy works to the extent that they know how to set up everything to fall apart in just the right way. Think alt!Calliope but smaller
Become space - become the presence of space itself. Every part where there's space you can become part of the flow, the presence of volume is your thing. You are shape, size, and mass
declutter - just like every other heir, you spread your aspect all over the place. Luckily, in this case, that's a good thing. At least I think it is? You make everything organized without even realizing it, which now that I think about it might make stuff hard to find. I mean, you're a space player so you should be fine
Frog manifestation - inherit the power of your own universe. By this point you've won the game, so chances are whatever your purpose is extends beyond the scope of your session
Perception merge - create wrinkles or tesseracts in space by focusing on two places at once. Its kinda like instant transmission but for the surrounding world. You can just make planets smash into each other by going cross-eyed
Lost to Time - they will spend so long taking care of their universe that eventually they will see its end, as well as outlive all their friends. This will ensure a better future for sessions in that universe, but yeah still kinda sucks
Heir of Mind
I'm a floating brain - Vinny vinesauce. You get really high or just have a glorious fit of stupidity and convince yourself you're a floating brain, and because of this you can become one. In this mode you have sick sollux-tier psiionic powers but are more physically vulnerable as an exposed brain
Manipulate brain - you can make people feel things and think things. It's not direct mind control, more psychosis-induced illusion of choice. Basically mind control
Brainular erosion - you can cut off the very inception of an idea from someone's consciousness. Like Calliope in candy or Dirk with rose, where you literally make it impossible for them to worry or analyze. Happily sitting ducks
Karmic Braintivity - you can use your brain to entangle and unentangle certain events and paths, making certain characters relevent or irrelevant to whoever you want. You can shape destiny basically
Brainy thing - you're like...hmm. How do I say this? You're like an Eldritch being but...worse?!?? All psychological phenomena manifested in your head shoots out in the form of giant freakish branches covered in eyeballs and mouths and stuff. Touching the construct imbues the victim with a sense of existential dread along with screwing up their sensory channels, causing them to experience really uncomfortable synesthesia. They then become open to the power of suggestion, and the mind construct creates narratives for them, building fake sets for drama that isn't real, throwing the person's entire perception of reality off. You basically become trapped in a freaky world of illusion where you're trying the best you can just to hold onto existence. Utilize that in whatever way you see as useful--probably by killing it, and thus suffering ego death and unlocking some other power, like the power to percieve clearly without thought
Heir of Hope
So your powers are having the best powers and being a natural talent at using those powers. Hope is a very basic aspect once you learn it so this one isn't going to be as expansive as the others
I am the hope of the universe - ally to good, nightmare to your teammates. Honestly, no offense guys, but this is like the least active aspect paired with the class that does the least. Because you literally have to be the hope of your session, there will be a lot of Waiting for Goku™ in your session. You will go super Saiyan, but that doesn't mean everything will necessarily go wrong. In fact, out of all your teammates you probably have the biggest chance of screwing up of all of them
Give up your powers - eventually, you will have the same realization that Goku did at the end of the Cell saga (then forgot in the buu saga); you may be the solution to all of your team's problems, but you're also the cause as well even if you didn't do anything directly. At this point, your denizen will probably give you the option to divvy up the hope between all of your team mates and then you kinda just have no powers anymore
Until then though, you're strong as frick
Okay the end bye bye
Knights next. When? No clue, not making that mistake again
submitted by Bovinecowofmoo to homestuck [link] [comments]

In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Ferris is living a Groundhog Day situation.

Hit upon a theory when watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off and I was shocked I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet. The reason things constantly seem to go right for Ferris Bueller is that he has lived this exact day countless times before a la Groundhog Day or Edge of Tomorrow.
The biggest piece of evidence is how he is able to plan for almost all possible contingencies to make sure his plan works - the Rube Goldberg-like mechanisms that are just good enough to work on his parents, outsmarting the snooty waiter, constantly outsmarting Rooney, covering every single possible flaw in the plan (the answering machine messages, calling Rooney while he's on the phone to 'Mr. Peterson'). The reason every gambit he makes works is that he has had the trial-and-error opportunity to perfect his day. He's incredibly lucky with every situation - able to catch the baseball at the game, able to sneak onto the float, able to hit the baseball perfectly onto his tape recorder at the end - and has mastered complex skills at a young age including being able to hack into his school's computer network.
This theory also justifies his mostly live-in-the-moment, no care for consequences attitude. His fixation on getting married to Sloan is another sign of this - he's desperate for this romance (by all accounts in its early days since the administrator isn't sure who Sloan is dating) to have some kind of meaning because in his head, he's been in a relationship with Sloan for years.
Thirdly, the constant fourth-wall breaking. This is a sign of the strain this time-loop has left on his brain - it has deluded him into thinking he has a constant audience that he can explain all his thoughts to. The camera is essentially his imaginary friend, a result of the trauma of reliving the same day constantly.
The theory is even supported by some of the dialogue - the moment where he looks into the camera and says 'this is the bit where Cameron goes berserk' suggests that he is recalling current events as a memory. Best of all, at the end of the movie when his parents come home and he's in bed, they ask him how he ended up so perfect. His response?
"Years of practice."
submitted by duncandy to FanTheories [link] [comments]

Respect Finn the Human (Adventure Time)

Special thanks to u/HappyGabe for letting me update this RT.

Finn the Human

"Jake, what I want is to help anyone who's in need, so everyone can be happy"
Finn Mertens is the son of Minerva and Martin Mertens, descendants of the group of humans who fled the mainland of Ooo after the Mushroom War, settling on islands far off the coast. Finn was lost at sea when his father's past as a con man caught up to him, eventually ending up lost in a forest on Ooo, where he was found and adopted by Joshua and Margaret the Dog. He was raised alongside their sons Jake and Jermaine. Finn would grow up to be Ooo's greatest hero alongside his brother, and the Champion of the Candy Kingdom. Finn is a king, a knight, the man who slew the primordial space tyrant Orgalorg, and above all else, someone who can't stand to see injustice in any form hurt another person.
Hover over the feats for the season and episode number. This is the list I'll be using for the numbers.



"I've seen Finn battle giant monsters and even armies"
Striking With Weapons
Grass Sword


"C'mon bro, taking pain is easy. You just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from the universe, and everyone wants to get with the universe"
Pain Tolerance
Transformation Resistance


"You're a dynamo, Finn!"


"First off, I'm a great fighter"
Combat Skill
Quick Thinking


"Am I an axe guy? I've always thought of myself as a sword guy"

Finn's Main Swords

Other Blades

Robot Arm

The Gauntlet of the Hero

Other Weapons

Misc Gear


Jake Suit

The Jake Suit is when Finn wears Jake's body like a suit and is able to utilize his powers. Jake has no control over his body when Finn wears the suit.




Wizard Powers

These powers were given to Finn and Jake by a magic school, though they are tied to wizard robes that were destroyed by the end of the episode.


These spells were learned by Finn and Jake from one of Ice King's spell books, though they forgot the hand signs needed to cast them.


Misc Magic

"I'm pretty sure I can take you, bro"
submitted by AzureBeast to respectthreads [link] [comments]

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Summer Brain Games 2 -- Week 6: Rube Goldberg Machine Can you use simple machines to do a simple task in a complicated way? Carla and Brett explain the Summer Brain Games Week 6 activity, building a "Rube Goldbe... Rube Goldberg Games. For our first Rube Goldberg Machine™ game try Tinker Ball.It is a quick little game. However, you can make a lot of different versions with the one setup they give you using the tools you have (gears, tubes, springs, funnels, hammer, cans.) Rube Goldberg Alarm Clock (01:53) After a demonstration off a unique alarm clock, the next challenge is introduced. A group of friends and a group of engineers will each attempt to create a Rube Goldberg machine. Rube Goldberg Machine Challenge (03:32) Watch a group of friends compete against a group of engineers to create a Rube Goldberg machine. Top Browser Games Warper Curveball Shift Tower Defence Duality of Opposites Connect It - Browser Version Now Available! Hextris Dynamic Systems - Browser version now available! Bridge Designer 2048 CircleoO 2 CircleoO Heatwave Antarctica Coco Monkey Lifespan Candle Flush Factory Balls Forever. Flash Games. Hitbox ... 4. Rube Goldberg Off. If you have seen videos where a complicated contraption accomplishes a simple task, then you have seen a Rube Goldberg machine. Rube Goldberg Off is a stellar brain teaser for team building, where teams compete to come up with the most inventive Rube Goldberg contraption. National Geographic has reimagined BRAIN GAMES and added a Hollywood twist to the classic mind-bending format. Hosted by Keegan-Michael Key ("Friends From College," "Toy Story 4," "Lion King"), world-famous mentalist Lior Surchard, and field correspondent and science communicator Cara Santa Maria, this new season of BRAIN GAMES challenges some of the world's biggest celebrities to realize ... Awesome materials to use plus a Rube Goldberg task list to give you plenty of great ideas for making your very own machine. Rube Goldberg Games. A collection of Rube Goldberg Games that are free to play online. Rube Goldberg Ideas are plentiful and I really think if you try making your own inventions you will all have a great time building ... Joseph's Machines on Brain Games National Geographic Joseph is a guest on National Geographic's Brain Games in their episode about common sense. ... Dressed is a documentary short following Joseph Herscher as he transforms ordinary household objects into an elaborate Rube Goldberg Machine that will dress him from head to toe. building a machine that gets a ball into a cup instead. More Ways to Play With Machines Understand how simple machines work by playing MSI’s Simple Machines online game at msichicago. org/simple-machines. Play the board game Mouse Trap, a classic example of a Rube Goldberg machine. Check out Swiss Jolly Ball at MSI, Mar 29, 2015 - Watch full episodes, specials and documentaries with National Geographic TV channel online.

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Family Game Night Rube Goldberg Machine - YouTube

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