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I made a list of every crime committed in The Office and it only took seven months

Below I’ve listed every law that was broken in The Office (from destruction of property and battery to homicide and kidnapping) whether legal action was taken or not, as well as ideas that people had that were illegal; I’m not a legal expert, I just have a lot of much free time (I labeled the episodes the same way that Netflix does.)
S1E3: Dwight claims that multiple people in the office forged medical forms for their health insurance plans
S1E6: Michael claims that Dunder Mifflin employees in the 80’s constantly used cocaine
S2E1: Pam, Kelly, and Phyllis reveal that there is something written on the women’s bathroom wall, later Pam reveals to Jim that she was the one who wrote it; people throw food at Michael (would fall under battery)
S2E2: Packer reveals that he’s been convicted of a DUI
S2E3: Dwight reveals that sometimes teenagers use his farm for sex (depending on their ages, this may be illegal as the Pennsylvania age of consent is sixteen)
S2E6: Dwight punches Michael in the stomach twice with considerable force (Michael does bait him into doing it though)
S2E8: Jim punctures a hole in Dwight’s “fitness orb” with a pair of scissors; it is implied that a former accountant killed himself; Dwight reveals that he made a copy of Michael’s key to the office
S2E10: Meredith flashes Michael in his office
S2E11: Michael tells everyone on the cruise that the ship is sinking when there’s no danger (creating a false panic is illegal in most cases)
S2E12: Dwight crashes his car into a telephone pole outside of the office and leaves his bumper in the street
S2E14: Michael says that Packer once held a man’s head into a toilet; it is also implied that Packer was the one who defecated in Michael’s office
S2E15: Michael causes lots of damage in the warehouse by improperly using the lift (he also doesn’t have a license to operate it)
S2E16: Michael jaywalks (technically illegal though typically not enforced); Michael comments that someone was pooping in a cardboard box in the subway
S2E17: Dwight tackles Ryan, Creed, and Stanley to the ground
S2E19: Michael finds out that he’s involved in a pyramid scheme
S2E20: Dwight finds a joint in the parking lot (Pennsylvania didn’t make steps to decriminalize marijuana until 2014); Michael believes he unknowingly smoked marijuana at a concert; Dwight gives Michael some of his urine so that he can pass a drug test
S2E21: Creed faces sideways after his company photo is taken, implying that he’s been arrested in the past
S2E22: Creed steals casino chips and also admits to stealing things all of the time; Dwight kisses Angela and she hits him in response (though it seems like both parties were okay with the outcome)
S3E1: Roy reveals that he was arrested for drunk driving
S3E4: Creed reveals that the reason Ed Truck got decapitated was because he was driving drunk (though this was never confirmed and Creed tends to lie); the bird funeral is lit on fire (probably illegal as they did not have a permit and it was mainly paper and not wood)
S3E5: Ryan and Dwight egg the front of Axelrod Ltd’s building
S3E6: Jim rides his bike drunk (believe it or not, this is actually illegal)
S3E7: Creed sells office equipment
S3E8: Andy steals a computer from the Stamford office; after poking holes in everyone’s tires, Michael claims it was Vance Refrigeration workers that did it
S3E9: It is revealed that Martin went to jail for insider trading; Kevin admits that insider trading sounds a lot like what he does as well
S3E10: Creed removes a present from the charity box (removing uncollected items from charity drives is theft); Pam reveals that she has been sending fake letters from the CIA to Dwight, Jim later gets involved (illegal to pass yourself off as a CIA agent)
S3E13: Andy punches a hole through the wall
S3E16: Michael reveals that his eighth grade teacher hooked up with at least thirteen students; Dwight reveals that he hunted a werewolf as a child, but it’s more likely that he killed his neighbor’s dog; Dwight traps a bat in a bag over Meredith’s head
S3E17: Creed reveals that he has a side business where he makes fake IDs for teens; Creed also reveals that he stole a laminating machine from the sheriff’s station; Dwight accidentally damages David’s roof while inspecting the chimney; Roy and his brother destroy multiple objects in a bar including a mirror, a chair, and multiple glasses (Roy’s brother later reveals that he paid off the bar owner to not call the cops on them)
S3E18: Roy attempts to assault Jim in the office after finding out he kissed Pam; Dwight uses pepper spray on Roy when he attempts to assault Jim (this was done defense of Jim however); Jim reveals that Dwight has weapons such as nunchucks and throwing stars hidden in the office; Dwight uses pepper spray against Andy; Dwight is found to have more weapons hidden in his desk such as brass knuckles, a police baton, and a taser
S3E19: Darryl reveals that Michael once kicked a ladder out from under him and caused him to break his ankle; Michael accidentally smashes a watermelon on the roof of someone’s car; Michael tries to convince the office that he’s going to commit suicide
S3E20: A former Dunder Mifflin employee from the paper mill put a watermark of two cartoon animals having sex on about five-hundred boxes-worth of paper; Creed frames Debbie Brown from the paper mill for not catching the watermark on the paper, which results in her termination; it was revealed that Andy was unknowingly dating a high schooler (only illegal if they had sexual contact); Andy reveals that he and his high school girlfriend knocked over a mailbox with her friends
S3E21: Phyllis claims that she was flashed by a man in the parking lot; when Jim calls the police to report the flasher, he says that the police have already gotten three calls; Creed implies that he has flashed people in the past; Jan offers Michael money in return for him driving to New York and having sex (it is illegal to accept or pay money for sex, even if the other person is not a prostitute); Meredith throws her trash out of her car window onto the street while also driving recklessly; while parking her car, Meredith scrapes another car; Creed reveals that he uses the women’s bathroom for bowel movements and has “paid dearly” for it in the past; Dwight and Andy put up barbed wire on the parking lot fence of the office (using barbed wire is typically illegal if the fence is adjacent to a public street)
S3E22: Michael lights a bonfire on the beach (he likely did not have a fire permit)
S3E23: Jim and Karen sneak into a theater to see the second half of Spamalot (would technically burglary, believe it or not, since they snuck in with the intent of stealing services); Jan claims that the reason she is being fired from Dunder Mifflin is because of her breast implants (though David says it is because of her work ethic)
S4E1: Michael hits Meredith with his car and fractures her pelvis; Dwight attempts to mercy kill Angela’s cat by trapping it in her freezer
S4E2: Michael claims that when he was a child, he had a foreign exchange student living with him that stole all of his blue jeans when he went back to his home country; Kelly tells Ryan that she is pregnant with his child in an attempt to get him to go on a date with her (this could fall under intentional infliction of emotional distress)
S4E3: Michael and Dwight detain the pizza deliveryman in the office conference room; Dwight reveals that the pizza deliveryman steals hemp from his farm; Andy reveals that he stole the ice sculpture he brought to the party; Michael and Dwight steal a tray of sushi and some accessories from a restaurant
S4E4: Dwight admits that the permits on the bed and breakfast side of Schrute Farms are still pending even though he is actively taking customers; Creed reveals that he has a second identity that he transfers his debt to; Michael and Jan are likely trespassing while they are sitting on the stationed train
S4E6: Dwight attempts to create molotov cocktails to throw in the Utica office; Michael drives recklessly on the highway; while stealing the Utica branch’s industrial copier, Michael and Dwight break it; Dwight reveals more weapons that he has in the office, including a pack of knives, a pair of sai, a sword, and a blowdart (having these weapons in the open is not illegal, but concealing them is)
S4E8: Michael purgers himself during Jan’s deposition
S4E9: Jan throws a Dundie at Michael’s TV and breaks it
S4E10: It is revealed that the model from Micahel’s chair catalog died in a car accident (Dwight says that she was stoned at the time and crashed into the side of an airplane hanger)
S4E11: Ryan states that the Dunder Mifflin website was infiltrated by sexual predators (only illegal if they used it to transmit child pornography or arrange meetings with minors with the intent of sexual contact); it is heavily implied that Ryan and his friend Troy are under the influence of cocaine
S4E12: Michael places his face in wet cement outside of the office (would be considered destruction of property)
S4E13: Andy drives a golf cart recklessly and ends up destroying its roof (and potentially the cart as well)
S4E14: Jim sets up Dwight’s cell and work phones to go to his Bluetooth and pretends to be him when clients call (could fall under criminal impersonation); Ryan commits fraud by having people re-record sales and is arrested for it; Dwight, Meredith, and Mose release a raccoon into Holly’s car (only illegal if it does damage to her car)
S5E1: Phyllis blackmails Angela by threatening to reveal Angela and Dwight’s affair unless she lets Phyllis run the Party Planning Committee
S5E3: Kelly reveals that she downloads pirated music onto her work computer, to which Michael responds, “who hasn’t”; Meredith reveals that she’s been sleeping with a supplier in exchange for discounts on supplies and Outback Steakhouse gift certificates (could fall under the scope of prostitution); Michael threatens to kill everyone if they don’t go to the conference room
S5E4: Dwight tries to destroy Jan’s $1,200 stroller
S5E5: The office is robbed after Michael and Holly forget to lock the office’s front door; Creed implies that he made the last person who stole from him disappear, and that he stole the identity Creed Bratton from them
S5E7: Kelly falsifies customer surveys regarding Jim and Dwight
S5E9: Michael attempts to purchase marijuana from two Vance Refrigeration workers, and they trick him into buying a salad in a bag rather than drugs (intent to purchase illegal drugs is illegal, and so is selling counterfeit drugs); Michael and Dwight attempt to frame Toby with drug trafficking and possession of marijuana; when the cops arrive, Creed becomes incredibly worried that he’ll be arrested, implying that he either has drugs in the office, or is a drug dealer
S5E10: Dwight tricks Angela into marrying him (this would be considered fraudulently inducing someone into marriage)
S5E11: Creed is seen smoking out of a pipe likely containing kif, which has cannabis in it; Creed says that he can get fire permits very quickly, implying that they are possibly fake; Michael forces Meredith into going to a rehab facility (technically falls under the definition of kidnapping)
S5E12: Jim uncovers more weapons that Dwight has hidden throughout the office; Andy pins Dwight against a fence with his car, Dwight dents Andy’s car
S5E13: Jim connects a red wire to Dwight’s computer which leads outside to the top of the power pole (would qualify as vandalism to the pole); Michael and Dwight attempt to learn information about a competitor under the guise of a potential customer and potential employee (could be considered corporate espionage, but I couldn’t find any specifics)
S5E14: Dwight induces panic law by simulating a fire in the office, he additionally damages multiple doors and cuts the phone wires; during the fire drill, multiple office employees damage items in the office including ceiling tiles, the copier machine, and the vending machine; Dwight reveals that he is planning a bomb scare; Dwight is shown to have a hunting knife strapped to his ankle, and he uses this knife to cut apart the CPR dummy (though corporate payed for the damages to the dummy); Andy, Jim, and Pam watch a pirated film
S5E15: Dwight buys cookies from Toby in exchange for him signing a form (quid pro quo on this is illegal); Dwight attempts to have his coworkers sign his form under the guise of it being a sign-in sheet; Michael throws full slices of bread on the ground to feed pigeons (it was winter and there were no birds, so this could be considered littering)
S5E16: Jim cuts the cord that connects Michael’s phone to the office’s PA system; Dwight finds out that Kelly went to juvenile detention when she was younger; Creed gives Jim a $3 bill (counterfeit money is illegal)
S5E17: Creed says he knows where to buy a kid for $7,000; it’s revealed that the reason Kelly was in juvenile detention was because she stole her boyfriend’s father’s boat; Michael cuts off a sleeve from Holly’s sweater; Michael also takes a file off of Holly’s computer (would be classified as unauthorized computer access)
S5E18: Phyllis and Bob have sex in a restaurant bathroom (this is technically public sex which is a misdemeanor); Creed steals a bag of blood from the blood drive
S5E19: Dwight slaps Michael; Jim slaps Dwight
S5E20: Dwight pretends to have kidnapped David’s son
S5E21: Michael sneaks back into the office after being asked to leave (technically trespassing as it is private property and he was escorted out of the building)
S5E22: Michael breaks his condominium agreement by having the Michael Scott Paper Company located within his condo (though the owner only sent a warning that he needed to stop); Ryan steals three pairs of bowling shoes before he quits the bowling alley; Michael asks Billy to sell him a ‘secret office space’ off of the books within the Scranton Business Park
S5E23: Dwight claims that a woman named Haddie McGonagle was murdered in the Dunder Mifflin office space in 1816 (though he probably made this up)
S5E24: Dwight steals supplies and files from the Michael Scott Paper Company’s office
S5E26: While fixing her dress, Meredith accidentally reveals one of her breasts, as well as her crotch and her backside (was accidental, but could be considered public indecency)
S5E27: Dwight cuts open the back of Phyllis’ blouse so he can give her a massage; Creed reveals that he doesn’t have any mirrors in his car that let him see behind the car (in Pennsylvania, it is illegal to drive without at least one mirror that lets you see behind the car)
S5E28: Dwight’s friend Rolph once inquired about shoes that increased speed and didn’t leave any tracks, implying that he was going to commit a crime
S6E1: Stanley wrecks Michael’s car with a tire iron
S6E2: Dwight and Toby accidentally crash into a few trash cans outside Darryl’s house; Dwight uncovers that the real cause of Darryl’s injury was from misuse of company equipment
S6E4: Michael ties full beer cans to the back of his car which left debris all over the road; Dwight implies that Mose is going to be castrating horses (only legal if Mose has a veterinary license, which is unlikely); Dwight also claims that he has a device which can make hamburgers out of horse meat without killing the horse (likely animal cruelty)
S6E5: The Niagara Falls hotel staff incinerated Kevin’s shoes (they claim they did it because it was a safety issue); Dwight gifts a turtle to Jim and Pam for their wedding and appears to not have made any holes in the box (likely animal cruelty); Dwight accidentally kicks Isabel in the face while dancing
S6E6: While answering Jim’s phone, Kevin pretends to be Jim and accidentally cancels his credit cards
S6E7: Dwight secretly records the conversations in Jim’s office (Pennsylvania has a two-party consent law which means that all parties in the conversations must consent to being recorded); Andy talks about a 60 Minutes segment that went into working conditions of a paper mill in Peru (the 60 Minutes segment likely went into illegal conditions within the mill)
S6E8: Meredith reveals that she has had sex with a known terrorist; while writing down things that people don’t want to be made fun of for, Creed says that if he writes his down, he cannot be charged for it; a custodian reveals that when Michael fell into the koi pond, he accidentally killed one of the fish
S6E9: Ryan shows Erin a topless photo of Kelly in the office (could be considered indecent exposure since it was in a public space within the office); Creed implies that a shipping order was never supposed to reach it’s location, possibly indicating that he stole a shipment
S6E10: Creed flees the office when Michael tells him that there was a murder and that he was a suspect, implying that he may be involved in a murder
S6E12: Dwight secretly records a phone call between Jim and David
S6E13: As part of Secret Santa, Andy gives Erin the Twelve Days of Christmas, inadvertently resulting in physical injury to her and potentially her home and car; Creed implies that he’s done “evil” things; Michael says that he has often claimed to be David’s childrens’ pediatrician to get him on the phone
S6E16: Andy accidentally gives Meredith a large paper cut on her throat; Ryan implies to Dwight that they should torture Jim
S6E17: While escorting Jim and Pam to the hospital, Dwight puts a police light on the top of his car; Michael uses his phone to text and make a call while driving; when being pulled over, Dwight throws multiple large weapons out his window; Michael parks in an ambulance-only parking spot
S6E18: Dwight breaks a window to enter Jim and Pam’s home; after breaking in, Dwight discovers mold in their home and destroys walls and cabinets with a crew of workers so he can refurbish their kitchen; Jim comments that he had five parking tickets on his windshield
S6E20: Creed tries to act casual when Michael announces that the lost and found has gone missing, implying he may have stolen it; Andy aggressively tries to take a pen from Darryl (could be considered battery); Dwight strangles Kevin in an attempt to get information from him; Michael and Dwight, and then later Andy and Erin, walk around the Scranton dump (would be considered trespassing); Michael and Dwight throw large pieces of garbage at each other; Michael and Dwight take two chairs from the dump
S6E21: Phyllis claims she likes getting men to flirt with her so that Bob will beat them up; Michael accidentally damages multiple objects while being reckless at the bar; Dwight breaks his contract with Angela (unsure as to whether a lawyer was involved with the first contract, but Angela served Dwight with a summons for breaking it, leading me to believe it was legitimate); Hide admits that he killed a Yakuza boss on purpose and then came to America illegally
S6E22: Meredith steals and uses Pam’s breast pump
S6E24: Michael hires Dwight to follow Donna around to see if she’s cheating on him (following someone isn’t illega, but it could be considered stalking or harassment); Creed implies that he’s committed crimes for low levels of reward; Michael says he’s going to kill the guy who’s kissing Donna in her Facebook photo (though he immediately takes it back)
S6E25: Michael keeps throwing out radon kits that Toby put around the office; Michael once again claims that he would kill Toby; Dwight claims that his money is buried underneath someone (though we don’t know if this is a grave or a buried corpse); Dwight and Angela’s lawyer comments that their sex contract is dangerously close to prostitution and illegal
S7E1: Dwight tears the head off of Phyllis’ teddy bear and pulls a knife on Jim; Meredith breaks into Michael’s nephew’s car; Michael spanks his nephew
S7E2: Dwight attempts to open a daycare center that is absolutely not up to safety codes; Toby allows Michael to forge his counseling paperwork
S7E4: Dwight is shown attempting to pick up what would appear to be illegal immigrants for day labour and then instead of paying them, has Mose pretend to be an INS agent, kidnaps the workers, and then drops them off in Harrisburg; Holly claims that multiple people died in a traffic accident (though it’s incredibly likely that she was kidding); Michael takes an incredibly quick turn without his turn signal on
S7E5: Michael, Dwight, and Jim secretly watch Danny’s meeting with Meredith through hidden cameras (only illegal if they are recording the footage)
S7E7: Angela steals all of the scones from Cece’s christening (though they were for public consumption so it probably wouldn’t constitute as theft)
S7E8: The Scranton Strangler leads police on a high speed pursuit; Michael tells Pam that he has a loaded gun hidden in his desk at the office; Michael cuts the cable going to Gabe’s apartment
S7E10: Erin floats the idea of hiring a new employee, killing them, and then cashing in on the life insurance policy; Dwight and Phyllis float the idea of bombing China; Pam accuses Dwight of breaking property code laws
S7E11: Dwight and Jim keep throwing snowballs at each other with force, and some that contained pebbles (snowball fights themselves aren’t illegal, but it’s illegal in most places to throw objects which could be considered missiles, and Jim is also shown with what appears to be blood on his clothes afterwards); Dwight asks Toby is he’s on the jury for the middle school teacher who tried to turn a foreign exchange student into a sex slave; Meredith asks Toby if it’s the case with the postman who rubbed his genitals on deliveries; Michael throws out supplies and food meant for the Christmas party; Dwight is shown dragging the Christmas tree out of the office to throw it out; one of the snowballs that Jim lobs at Dwight breaks a window; Michael throws Holly’s Woody doll into the trash and pours coffee on it
S7E12: Jim stabs a few snowmen with his umbrella hoping that Dwight is hiding in one of them
S7E13: Michael claims that regardless if Holly gets engaged or not, he will probably either attack people in rage or burn the building down in happiness
S7E15: Michael leaves without paying at the Chinese restaurant; Creed is also listed on the wall of diners who did not pay for their meal
S7E17: Michael most likely did not have permits to film in some of the locations featured in Threat Level Midnight; multiple characters in Michael’s film are seen using guns (you do not need a permit to have a gun in your home or business place in Pennsylvania, but multiple characters concealed their weapons during the film, though the guns are likely fake); a mannequin of Toby is blown up during Michael’s film (depending on the type of explosive used, certification may be required); during the hockey scene of the film, Michael comments that it was filmed during an actual Scranton High hockey game (could be seen as defiant trespassing and/or disorderly conduct)
S7E18: Packer humps Michael and Dwight while they’re underneath a desk; Dwight throws away Holly’s zen garden; Dwight offers Packer a hot chocolate laced with many laxatives (depending on the amount, it could be considered assault or even homicide since extreme dehydration could kill someone); Andy purposely does damage to his computer’s keyboard and hard drive; Andy and Pam slightly damage Andy’s new computer; Jim and Dwight pretend to be Sabre employees and tell Packer he can jump the gate at Jo’s house
S7E19: Ryan uses Phyllis and Oscar’s faces on his mom’s pesto and salsa recipes (would fall under right of publicity laws); Ryan adds a Kosher certification onto his mom’s pesto recipe (against FDA regulations); Michael pours gasoline all over the parking lot; Michael wants to steal a corpse from a medical school to use in his proposal to Holly
S7E20: Michael eggs Toby’s house; Kevin colors on a restaurant tablecloth with crayons; Ryan admits to have done drugs in the past
S7E21: Gabe confronts Andy and threatens him to stay away from Erin (could be considered criminal threatening); Deangelo claims that he caught the person who stole one of Jo’s dogs
S7E24: Dwight accidentally fires his gun through the floor; Meredith claims that during the shooting she lost her necklace, a ring, and a painting and will be reporting it to the insurance company; Ryan claims that Dwight’s accident felt like an act of terrorism; Pam claims that Dwight has hidden more weapons in the office
S7E25: Creed parks his car in the middle of the parking lot
S7E26: Dwight admits that he would have created a fake identity for his character of Jacques Souvenier if Jo had hired him as manager
S8E1: Dwight uses a fire extinguisher to knock Meredith off of the top of a bathroom stall, drops a ream of paper on a warehouse employee’s head to get him off a table, and flips a table over to get Toby off of it; Dwight throws Jim’s phone against the wall with force and a shatter is heard; Dwight instigates a fight between nearly everyone in the office
S8E2: Andy says he will streak across the parking lot if the office accrues enough points
S8E3: Dwight pours his drink on the inside of someone’s car; Oscar smashes the car’s window and brake light with a crowbar; Dwight drives the baler through the warehouse wall; Erin and Kevin spread grease all over the warehouse floor; Dwight, Jim, Erin, and Kevin damage multiple boxes of paper
S8E4: Dunder Mifflin billboards across town are shown to be vandalized; Mose crashes Toby’s car into a corn field; Mose very tightly lines up everyone’s cars so that he can run across the roofs (he likely made scratches and dents while planning and executing this plan)
S8E5: Dwight is shown to have brought many weapons into the office in the past as part of Halloween costumes and threatened to kill Toby with them (though the weapons were never concealed and Toby usually confiscated them before he entered the office
S8E6: Oscar stated in an email that he believes that Robert has strangled at least one stripper; Kelly states in an email that they should kill Robert; Dwight’s accountability booster is dangerously close to a form of blackmail; Gabe says that he is going to go to a cemetery and drink (it’s actually illegal to drink in most cemeteries); Pam stops Kevin from hitting Dwight over the head with a frying pan; Jim takes Robert’s phone and attempts to deletes an email (technically illegal to use someone’s phone without their permission)
S8E7: Dwight repeatedly grabs Jim’s crotch
S8E8: A Civil War informational video reveals that the soldiers from Schrute Farm were soldiers that went AWOL
S8E9: When Dwight suggests that everyone in the office is in a suicide cult, Creed strongly denies it, implying that he probably is in one; Jim leaves his car running and unattended in the middle of the parking lot
S8E10: Dwight punches Jim in the arm; Erin asks Andy for Jessica to die; Meredith threatens to drive drunk if Andy doesn’t drive her home; Meredith rides in the back of her van without a seatbelt on
S8E11: Andy asks Oscar to add $800 to their quarterly sales, implying it could be seen as a rounding error; Kevin offers to make that rounding error for Andy
S8E12: Jim drives over Robert’s lawn and breaks his mailbox
S8E15: Jim creates a fake murder scene in his hotel room for Dwight which involved stained towels, knocked over and possibly broken furniture, a writing on the door; Dwight threatens to light Jim’s face on fire; Dwight leaves the hospital with his IV solution bag, which implies he likely didn’t pay for his visit before leaving
S8E16: Gabe sprays an inhaler into Packer’s drink; Dwight damages his hotel room keycard; Dwight sprays a compound of chemicals in Jim’s hotel room creating what he claims is a biohazard
S8E17: Multiple homeless people are sleeping on the sidewalk outside the Sabre store (it’s usually only illegal for homeless individuals to sleep on the sidewalk if a shelter is available); Dwight tells Packer that he should act like a sexual predator when talking to the female teenage customers; a group of children throw pinecones at Andy and Pam, and one of them punches Andy in the face resulting in a black eye; Creed strikes the back of Meredith’s head; Ryan calls his uncle to get a prescription for Ritalin; Kelly attacks Toby and then accidentally elbows Andy in the face
S8E18: Dwight leaves a treasure chest in the office which fires a poisoned dart upwards at whomever opens it; Jim and Dwight tackle and punch each other; Kevin forcibly kisses Meredith
S8E19: Darryl drags Dwight out of his office by his hair; Andy tosses a container of eggplant parmesan onto the street; Andy leaves his car unattended in the middle of an intersection
S8E20: Dwight offers to hit Nellie with a candlestick; Jessica’s friends throw food at Andy’s car
S8E21: Andy smashes the frame holding a picture of Nellie; Andy punches another hole into the wall
S8E22: Andy loiters at the office parking lot
S8E23: Dwight and Jim create a fake identity to work around the commission cap (Dwight even admits that it’s extremely similar to embezzlement or fraud); Harry threatens to choke out Toby; Dwight tells Jim he should dent the hood of Harry’s car or slash the tires; Dwight attempts to activate the elevator’s seismic failsafes to stop the elevator; Pam steals Nellie’s phone and deletes all of her voicemails (technically illegal to use someone’s phone without their permission); Andy tells Robert if he doesn’t hire him back, he will give Prestige Direct Mail Solutions’ business to a competitor (technically blackmail)
S8E24: Kevin and Robert accidentally head butt each other; Andy mops the carpets, likely damaging them; Dwight steals Philip’s used diaper so he can have a paternity test done (this is called gene theft); Angela and Dwight both speed and drive recklessly; Angela hits Mose multiple times; Dwight and Mose both leave their cars unattended in the middle of the street; Robert forcibly kisses Andy; Dwight forces himself on Angela (though seconds later she is a willing participant)
S9E1: Andy threatens to make up a reason to fire Nellie (since Toby is aware of this, if Nellie were to sue Andy, Toby would have to testify against him); Andy purposely pushes Nellie off of the slack-lining rope; Dwight deconstructs Dunder Mifflin equipment to create his trapeze set; Dwight gets stuck on the slack-line and the fire department has to come to get him down; Andy places all of the recycling bins near Nellie and has people throw their trash at her
S9E2: While the building’s janitor is on vacation, the building becomes incredibly dirty to the point where rats can be seen (likely against multiple health codes); Nellie forces Dwight into a situation where he has to chop off her hand (though he doesn’t go through with it)
S9E3: Nellie drives recklessly; Nellie uses her phone while driving
S9E4: Dwight and Toby find EMF hotspots in the office which could imply that there’s poor wiring in the building (depending on how bad the wiring actually is, this could actually break laws); Stanley threatens to spank Clark; Dwight drives the work bus (depending on the type of bus it was, Dwight would need a certain license to drive it); Phyllis asks someone to just start driving the bus while Dwight is on the roof; Dwight drops himself through the rooftop emergency exit on the bus onto Jim; Dwight drives the bus recklessly
S9E5: Creed comes into the office with blood stains all over his clothes (it likely was not his blood, so he may have harmed someone); Andy reveals he had sex with a snowman while at Cornell (would fall under public indecency); Dwight catches Meredith in a net and causes her to fall to the floor
S9E6: Kevin leaves his car in the middle of the parking lot so he can run to the bathroom; Oscar forges documents to make it looks like Kevin has been taking money from Dunder Mifflin; Nellie, Jim, Pam, and Darryl create a situation where Dwight believes that police have surrounded David’s house; Pete’s friend Flipper once drunkenly flipped a table over at a bar
S9E7: Dwight claims he used to have a barber who fought dogs and made dogs fight each other; Clark is used as leverage by Dwight to get Jan’s business (this trade would be dangerously close to prostitution)
S9E8: Dwight reveals that Trevor has had numerous guns stolen from him; Angela hires Trevor to murder Oscar; Dwight claims he has left poop in a paper bag on people’s porches (would be classified as vandalism); Trevor claims that people have left poop in a bag on his porch multiple times; Angela asks Trevor to break Oscar’s kneecaps instead; Trevor brings a concealed weapon into the office; Phyllis taps a stranger on the back with the sharp end of a knife; Phyllis forcibly removes a decorative wine bottle from its base; Angela kicks Oscar in the shin
S9E9: Dwight hits Oscar and Jim with a stick; Darryl collapses on a table and breaks it in half
S9E10: Dwight throws his coffee cup up in the air, likely staining the carpet; Dwight sprays a disinfectant in Erin, Pam, Angela, and Meredith’s faces; Erin tackles Stanley; Meredith reveals that one of her exes keyed a bunch of people’s cars; Meredith also reveals that she pooped into an office shredder; Dwight accidentally sets off an insecticidal grenade (I don’t believe there is a real insecticidal grenade but I’m sure there’s some law against either setting one off or doing so with people nearby); Angela hits Oscar in the head with a coffee pot; Kevin misuses one of the warehouse machines and causes it to break; Dwight accidentally sets off another insecticidal grenade in his car (he most likely still drove his car after while experiencing hallucinogenic side effects)
S9E11: Jim is seen driving a motorcycle (Jim likely did not have a motorcycle license); Dwight suggests that Jim should drive 240 miles per hour so he can get to the office faster; Creed steals Phyllis’ ring; Kevin forcibly lifts Angela up multiple times; Darryl misses a basketball hoop and accidentally breaks a wall lamp and electrocutes a fish tank (though Darryl agreed to pay for the damage); multiple people in the office tear up the carpet flooring
S9E12: Dwight rips open a couch cushion with a knife; Dwight drives one of the delivery trucks (he likely does not have a license to drive the truck); Dwight throws a milkshake through the drive-thru window at an employee; a customer in the drive-thru throws a milkshake at Dwight
S9E13: Dwight reveals that Rolf uses hand grenades to fish; Mose is seen running in the middle of the street (could be considered jaywalking); Dwight reveals that when he was a child, he went to a school that was run by a conman; one of Dwight’s friends reveals that the school used the students as labor; Melvina reveals that she’s been double parked for about two hours; Dwight gives the sales rep applicants Jim’s home address so they can toilet paper it; Rolf tells Dwight to be weary of any suspicious packages he may get, implying that he’ll be sending him potentially dangerous packages; Dwight attempts to suffocate Clarke
S9E14: Frank vandalizes Pam’s warehouse mural; Angela hits Oscar; Dwight and Pam vandalize Frank’s truck; Frank rushes at Pam with the intent to hit her; Brian hits Frank in the face with his boom mic
S9E15: Meredith suggests that everyone in the office should try cocaine
S9E16: Dwight’s Aunt Shirley slaps Angela; Andy snoops through Erin’s phone; Andy kicks Toby; Angela accidentally sets off the hose on Dwight (the hose likely has the same pressure as a firehose, which is about 150 PSI, so this could be considered assault); Toby leaves the prison wearing a neck brace after visiting the Scranton Stranger, implying the Strangler attempted to strangled him;
S9E17: Dwight throws dirt in the faces of Erin, Phyllis, Kevin, Oscar, Meredith, Angela, Stanley, Pam and Jim; Dwight’s brother Jeb drives his car into Aunt Shirley’s grave; Packer reveals he’s in Narcotics Anonymous, implying he used to use drugs; Dwight reveals that his family members have accidentally buried family members who were thought to be dead but were actually in deep sleep; Dwight unloads a shotgun into his aunt’s corpse; Jeb reveals that he owns a worm farm in California (medical marijuana was not legalized in California until 2018); Packer reveals that the cupcakes he gave out to everyone in the office, as well as to Jim and Darryl were laced with drugs, some legal and some not; Packer is seen having parked his car halfway between a handicapped spot and a do-not-park zone; Clarke reveals that while drugged, he defected in some bushes
S9E18: Dwight dumps a bucket of water onto Phyllis, and is likely the same person who dumped a bucket of water onto Andy as well (technically would be classified as assault); Meredith exposes her breasts in the office; Angela slaps Oscar
S9E19: Dwight shoots Stanley with three tranquilizers meant for a bull (horse tranquilizers can cause serious harm to humans, and a bull tranquilizer likely has a higher dosage); Meredith squirts some of the bull tranquilizer into her drink (probably not illegal since she put it into her own drink, but it would be classified as placing a foreign object into an edible, which is actually a felony); Dwight and Clarke accidentally slam Stanley’s unconscious body into two walls; while sliding down a flight of stairs, Stanley’s unconscious body makes a dent in the wall; Andy kicks over an empty trash can; a man at the talent agency claims that through his dog-cat-mouse act, he goes through a lot of mice (allowing your pet to eat live animals can be considered animal cruelty); Stanley tranquilizes himself so that he doesn’t have to climb the stairs
S9E20: Creed smashes a melon on the warehouse floor; Pam accidentally hits Toby in the eye with a paper airplane; Erin reveals that when she was in the orphanage, she once ripped Susan’s pigtails off of her head; Erin crushes a box of packing peanuts; Clarke asks Pam and Jim to share the drugs he think they’re high on; Angela is seen taking rolls of toilet paper from the office
S9E21: Lackawanna County takes away “two sacks” worth of Angela’s cats because she is violating her apartment complex’s pet rules; Dwight throws his briefcase and hits multiple items; Dwight nearly kicks and punches multiple in the office; Andy asks Toby to falsify files; Andy attempts to grope Toby; Andy dedicates on David’s car (this would be classified as vandalism and public indecency);
S9E22: Dwight reveals that his grandmother was shot by Adolph Coors; Dwight throws the summoning bag against the back of Jim’s head; Casey Dean jumps on the back of the a cappella show host; Meredith spanks Darryl; Dwight is seen driving with his police light on his car; Dwight drives recklessly
S9E23: Dwight reveals that Creed faked his own death; Dwight also reveals that the police are looking for Creed as he sold drugs, trafficked endangered animal meat, and stole weapons-grade LSD from the military; Oscar reveals that Kevin used to make up numbers to balance the books; Mose kidnaps Angela and locks her in his trunk for three hours; Creed changes his identity; Ryan reveals that his partner abandoned him and their child; Ryan purposely gives his son an allergic reaction; Kelly and Ryan abandon his son with Ravi; Nellie takes Ryan’s son as her own child (she didn’t legally adopt him so this would be considered child abduction); Pam attempts to sell their home without Jim’s knowledge (since Jim bought the house as a surprise, his name is likely on the deed as well and Pam wouldn’t be able to sell it without him); Kevin spills alcohol all over a cabinet while filling up glasses
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What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 25th - Tue, Oct 1st)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Sep 25th

  • 🎓 Bounce'n Beethovens (Owasso Library - Owasso) Thru Fri, Sep 27th Start Time: 6:30pm Children and parents explore music through movement and instruments as they play with egg shakers, bells, rhythm sticks, drums and maracas in this fun, interactive program. Registration is required as class size is limited. Register online or call 918-549-7323. Please register for only one Bounce'n Beethovens class per month. For ages birth-5.…
  • Discover Your Heritage with Genealogy DNA (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Thru Fri, Sep 27th Start Time: 12:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Wednesday, Sept 25, 12-1 p.m. Jenks Library Friday, Sept 27, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Schusterman-Benson Library Join Liz Walker, Genealogy Resources Center associate, and discover options available for autosomal DNA testing and how a test can help adoptees, and compare what tools the different testing sites have to offer. For…
  • Food Truck Wednesdays (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Every Wednesday, grab some tasty eats and gather on the grounds of Guthrie Green. During Food Truck Wednesdays, lunchtime…
  • 🎓 Tulsa Job Faur (Tulsa Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am ATTN: Job Seekers! 100s of Jobs are up for grabs at the Tulsa Job Fair on September 25th! This is your opportunity to meet one-on-one with recruiters and hiring managers from some of the area’s best businesses who are now hiring for immediate openings!
    Whether you’re looking for an entry-level position or a more experienced management…
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Sep 28th
  • Tulsa Roughnecks FC vs San Antonio FC (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Support the Tulsa Roughnecks FC professional soccer team as they take on San Antonio FC at ONEOK Field in Tulsa. Since its…
  • 🍴 Take 5: Korean-American Literature (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Martin Regional Library Join us for an evening dedicated to Korean-American literature. Five avid readers will share their favorite reads in five minutes! Leave with 25 readings suggestions designed to inspire. Bookish activities, door prizes and light refreshments will round out the perfect evening. This event is part of…

Thursday, Sep 26th

  • Bedtime Stories (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us for our evening storytime! Bring the whole family for this 0-to-5 storytime! There’s something for everyone – simple songs and books for the little ones, more interactive stories and activities for your older children. Children are welcome to wear their pajamas.
  • Ben & Noel Haggard in Concert (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Catch country artists Ben & Noel Haggard live as they make their way to the Tulsa State Fair. Listen from your…
  • 🎓 Bounce'n Beethovens (Owasso Library - Owasso) 1 day left Start Time: 6:30pm Children and parents explore music through movement and instruments as they play with egg shakers, bells, rhythm sticks, drums and maracas in this fun, interactive program. Registration is required as class size is limited. Register online or call 918-549-7323. Please register for only one Bounce'n Beethovens class per month. For ages birth-5.…
  • Champions of Health Gala (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Organizations making a positive impact on the health of Oklahomans will be honored at the 2019 Champions of Health Gala at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26 at Cox Business Center in Tulsa. To make a reservation, call (855) 628-8642 by September 19. All proceeds benefit the Oklahoma Caring Foundation, a non-profit organization administered by Blue…
  • Cheify w/ many more (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • Cruise Night Live Music (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Discover Your Heritage with Genealogy DNA (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Wednesday, Sept 25, 12-1 p.m. Jenks Library Friday, Sept 27, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Schusterman-Benson Library Join Liz Walker, Genealogy Resources Center associate, and discover options available for autosomal DNA testing and how a test can help adoptees, and compare what tools the different testing sites have to offer. For…
  • Food Truck Thursday (Downtown - Claremore) Once a month, downtown Claremore transforms into a community hub teeming with people. During Food Truck Thursday, join…
  • 🎡 Ford Family Fun Night (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am Gate Admission is only $3 with a coupon from your local Ford Dealer. Rides are only $2 each during Midway hours (does not include Extreme Rides). Gate Admission without Ford coupon is $5. Promotion starts at 11am; not valid with other promotions or offers.
  • Green on Greenwood Health & Wealth Expo (Greenwood Cultural Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am ❤️2nd ANNUAL GREEN ON GREENWOOD HEALTH & WEALTH EXPO❤️ The OCBA is proud to bring you another year of Oklahoma's biggest and best two-day expo for Green businesses and patient education annnnd it's FREE!! Last year, OCBA brought Oklahoma's FIRST CannaBiz Expo!!! We had 96 vendor, 24 speakers and OVER 7,000 attendees in TWO days and this…
  • I AM THEY (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Pop-acoustic worship group I AM THEY is announcing plans to headline The Trial & Triumph Tour this fall during the month of September with special guests @[346090915180:274:Dan Bremnes] and @[1791758947747360:274:Elle Limebear]. “Earlier this year we embarked on a small headlining run with some of our friends at radio,” says I AM THEY’s…
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Sep 28th
  • 🎭 Republican Hair (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…

Friday, Sep 27th

  • Aaron Watson in Concert (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Catch country artist Aaron Watson live as he makes his way to the Tulsa State Fair. Listen from your spot in front of…
  • 🎓 Bounce'n Beethovens (Owasso Library - Owasso) Last Day Start Time: 6:30pm Children and parents explore music through movement and instruments as they play with egg shakers, bells, rhythm sticks, drums and maracas in this fun, interactive program. Registration is required as class size is limited. Register online or call 918-549-7323. Please register for only one Bounce'n Beethovens class per month. For ages birth-5.…
  • 🏃 Cycle For Life Night Ride (River West Festival Park - Tulsa) Evening ride, great for cyclists of all skill levels, benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Fully-supported ride with route options of 30 & 15 miles, including stocked rest stops and bike support along the routes. Start the evening by decorating your bike, body, and helmet at our Get Lit tent, and plan to enjoy our post-ride party upon…
  • Discover Your Heritage with Genealogy DNA (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Wednesday, Sept 25, 12-1 p.m. Jenks Library Friday, Sept 27, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Schusterman-Benson Library Join Liz Walker, Genealogy Resources Center associate, and discover options available for autosomal DNA testing and how a test can help adoptees, and compare what tools the different testing sites have to offer. For…
  • 🎨 Film on the Lawn: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Friday, September 27, 6:00 PM
    Gene Wilder puts on his Wonka hat and makes our wildest dreams come true in this 1971 adaptation of Roald Dahl's famous novel. Do you have your golden ticket? Bring a picnic or get a burger at Kitchen 27's Burger Night. Member tickets available on Monday, April 22 Not-Yet Member tickets available on Monday, April…
  • Fridays in the Loft Chamber Music (FlyLoft - Tulsa) The Tulsa Symphony Orchestra presents a regular Fridays in the Loft Chamber Music series. Take a seat at the Fly Loft in…
  • Friday Night Test N Tune (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Jackson Taylor and The Sinners (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • 🎭 Kansas Password: knowreturn (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm KANSAS - POINT OF KNOW RETURN - FRI 9/27 Venue Presale Now thru Thu 4/11 10pm Online Only with Password: KNOWRETURN Link:
  • 🎭 Kansas 'Point of Know Return (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • Miss Nelson Has a Field Day (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Presented By: Imagination Series Tulsa PAC Trust Return to Horace B. Smedley School where the Smedley Tornadoes have never won a football game. In fact, they have never even scored a single point! With such a poor record and a team that is out of control, kindhearted Miss Nelson comes to the rescue, enlisting the help of her alter ego, the…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • Peter and the Wolf (Tulsa Ballet - Tulsa) Kids are invited to the family-friendly "Peter and the Wolf" production, featuring a familiar cast of characters…
  • Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show (Claremore Lake Park - Claremore) Day 1 of 2 Bring the entire family out to the annual Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show in Claremore to celebrate classic cars…
  • 🏃 RunnersWord Tulsa Urban Adventure Run (RunnersWorld Tulsa - Tulsa) Join us for the fifth annual RunnersWorld Tulsa 26.2, 50, or 100 Mile Urban Adventure Race!
    Route Map Here:
    The RunnersWorld Tulsa Urban Adventure Race promises to be an unforgettable running experience. It is an urban adventure, a running tour of Tulsa, beginning and ending at RunnersWorld…
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…
  • 🎓 Tulsa State Fair Draft Horse Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Mark your calendars to attend the Tulsa Fair Draft Horse show in Tulsa OK!! September 27 & 28 2019. Hitch, halter, pleasure & riding classes. Obstacle courses. Costume class. Loads of fun! Free for anyone wanting to come watch! Registration deadline August 30th.
  • 🎨 Young at Art: Diary of a Worm, a Spider and a Fly (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:30am Young at Art: Diary of a Worm, a Spider and a Fly Sept. 27-28 at 11:30 a.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre **The Young At Art series is designed for public, private and home-schooled children. These one-hour shows open new doors for children by introducing the performing arts to new generations. All tickets are $5. "The Diary of a Worm, a Spider…

Saturday, Sep 28th

  • 🏃 Tulsa 5K Rosary/Cathedral Run (Holy Family Cathedral - Tulsa) It's a 5k run or 1 mile walk with a twist. See all the historic churches in downtown Tulsa while participating in the Rosary! It's where prayer meets the pavement!
    This is a USATF sanctioned race but not chipped timed. Top 3 male and top 3 female finishers will be awarded prizes.
    Sign up online at
  • 🏃 Tulsa Bicycle Club Fall Century (Whirlpool Plant - Tulsa) The best fall ride in Oklahoma! Explore the backroads of rural Tulsa county. Add great SAG support, filling and relaxing rest stops, and you get the very best in Oklahoma cycling in the fall. Register soon ... and why not join the Club and save yourself $5 on registration for this ride plus enjoy the many other benefits of membership!
  • 🎭 Chandler Park Open Mic (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm $2/person. Your chance to be a star! Singing, dance, stand up, poetry; show everyone what you've got! Concessions available. Sign up by phone/at location. 918-591-6053.
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Ginuwine in Concert (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Catch R&B artist Ginuwine live as he makes his way to the Tulsa State Fair. Listen from your spot in front of…
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) 1 day left Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • 🏆 OSSAA State Cheerleading (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am $7 Cash | $8 Credit Card General Admission More information at
  • Rose District Farmers Market (Rose District Plaza - Broken Arrow) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Start Time: 8:00am different music, events, and guests, each week
  • Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show (Claremore Lake Park - Claremore) Day 2 of 2 Bring the entire family out to the annual Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show in Claremore to celebrate classic cars…
  • Soul Fest (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Don't miss one of Guthrie Green's biggest music events of the year during Soul Fest. This free, family-friendly…
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…
  • 🎓 Tulsa State Fair Draft Horse Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Mark your calendars to attend the Tulsa Fair Draft Horse show in Tulsa OK!! September 27 & 28 2019. Hitch, halter, pleasure & riding classes. Obstacle courses. Costume class. Loads of fun! Free for anyone wanting to come watch! Registration deadline August 30th.
  • 🏃 Susan G. Komen Tulsa Race for the Cure (River Spirit Casino - Tulsa) Join us for the Annual Susan G. Komen Tulsa Race for the Cure® starting at the Rivers Spirit Casino Resort. Races will include a half marathon, 5K timed event, 5K untimed event and 1-mile fun run/walk. Visit for more information!
  • 🎨 Teen Program: Butterfly Gardening and Rock Painting (Tulsa Garden Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 1:00pm Part of the teens-only program! Butterflies are some of the most beautiful and interesting creatures on Earth and they make the world a little more colorful. In this workshop to learn why butterflies are beneficial and how to attract them to your yard. After touring the Linnaeus Butterfly Garden we will be guided in painting beautiful garden…
  • Turner & Boggs Suicide Awareness Concert (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:00pm

Sunday, Sep 29th

  • Blacktop Mojo and Guests (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Headliner: Blacktop Mojo Special Guest: Cyanide Hook Doxy Firstryke Oklahoma Alibi
  • 🎡 Lanco (Expo Square - Tulsa) Sunday, September 29th: Give a BIG Oklahoma welcome to our friends LANCO! We can't wait! Want the best seats in the house? Get your River Spirit VIP Section tickets TODAY!
  • Legendary Midnight Drags (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00pm
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Last Day Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) Last Day Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…

Monday, Sep 30th

  • 🎡 For King & Country (Expo Square - Tulsa) Alright Oklahoma, we know you love for KING & COUNTRY so we're bringing them back! Who wants to go? Want the best seats in the house? Get your River Spirit VIP Section tickets TODAY!
  • 🎡 Mazzio's Ride-A-Thon (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am Save $10 on a ride wristband by picking up a coupon at your local Mazzio's (does not include Gate Admission and Extreme Rides). Price without Mazzio's coupon is $45.
  • 🎭 Open Mic (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…

Tuesday, Oct 1st

  • 🎡 Alltech's Family Fest (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am Gate Admission is only $6 per person; Children (under age 5) are FREE. Seniors (62+) and Military are FREE until 2pm; proper identification required at time of purchase. Not valid with other promotions or offers.
  • 🎨 Clothed in Strength and Dignity (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am Clothed in Strength and Dignity Sept. 5 � Oct 1, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery Katie Wheat Pernu has spent most of her life teaching others about art. She holds a degree in Art Education from Northern Arizona University and achieved National Board Certification as an art teacher. She has instructed…
  • 🎡 Lovelytheband (Expo Square - Tulsa) Just go ahead and call us awesomethefair because we just snagged lovelytheband for October 1st! Want the best seats in the house? Get your River Spirit VIP Section tickets TODAY!
  • Open Jam Aka Community Sound (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…
  • 🎭 Sublime with Rome (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Sublime with Rome - October 1 Special Guests The Expendables and Tropidelic On Sale Fri 8/9 10am

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 8th - Tue, Aug 14th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Aug 8th

Thursday, Aug 9th

  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 12th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in the…
  • Cookies and Cocktails (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm Cookies and Cocktails, an annual event supporting Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma’s (GSWO) leadership programing for girls, is set for 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 9 at Sanctuary Asia in the Oklahoma City Zoo.
    The event will feature chefs from more than 20 local restaurants, who have agreed to create one-of-a-kind sweet or savory menu or…
  • DNA GALLERIES: ART EXHIBITIONS (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 12th Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the Memphis Redbirds…
  • 🎓 Health Screen Day (Centennial Health Community Room - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Free Health Check open to the community. There will be blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, vitals and depression screening. We will have free snacks and information for all. It is Thursday, August 9 from 8-12 at our brand new clinic on NE 23rd Street. We will give tours of the clinic as well.
    1720 N.E. 23rd Street August 9 – 8am-12pm
  • 🎓 Newsmakers Series (Full Circle Bookstore - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Join Observer Editor Arnold Hamiliton for a lively one-hour discussion of the post-walkout state of Oklahoma's public schools with former teacher-turned-state rep. Jacob Rosencrants and Mid-Del Supt. Rick Cobb.
  • Powerglove & more! (OKC) (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm ****** ALL AGES SHOW ****** Headliner: PowerGlove Special Guest: TBA General Admission $12.00 Day Of: $15.00
  • 🎨 Ruth Loveland and Kalee Jones W. (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Featured in our gallery for the month of August is the work of Oklahoma artists Ruth Loveland and Kalee Jones W. Learn more about these artists at: Join us Thursday, August 9th from 6-9pm for the Exhibition Opening and Artist Reception. Or join us the following night…
  • Saints Sessions (Saints - Oklahoma City) Head to the Plaza District each Thursday for an evening of Saints Sessions programming. Visit Saints Pub in Oklahoma City on…
  • Saloon Series (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Every Thursday in July & August Prosperity Junction One of the most ever-present features of the Old West was the saloon, an icon of American popular culture that has come to symbolize the rugged frontier. The Silver Dollar Saloon and Prosperity Junction take center stage during the Museum’s “Saloon Series.” During happy…
  • Sense and Sensibility (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 25th Head to OKC's Paseo District as Oklahoma Shakespeare brings Kate Hamill's adaptation of Sense and Sensibility to…
  • 🏆 Surf and Turf at The Bricktown Brewery at Remington Park (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm
  • 🎨 Tie Dye T-Shirts (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm Learn how to tie dye your own t-shirt - very creative and fun! Instructor: Jazzy Dave refreshments served. $18 Pre-register minimum 10, maximum 20 Payment due at registration.
  • 🎓 Moore Toastmasters (1st United Methodist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Do you cringe at the thought of being in front of a room communicating? Maybe you have no idea how to construct your thoughts for your next business meeting?
    Come and join toastmasters and learn the art of public speaking and leadership. It is a safe and great learning environment for you to start or refine your public speaking skills. There…
  • 😂 Triple Feature Week OKC!!! (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 11th
  • WWII Edmond: Housewives on the Homefront (Edmond Historical Society - Edmond) Thru Sat, Aug 11th Start Time: 10:00am War affected everything for women. Some women during WWII went to work for the military or in factories–but more women stayed home. Housewives living in Edmond, Oklahoma made sacrifices and conformed to the government’s requests in order to help soldiers overseas. By spending wisely, saving everything, and keeping the country’s spirits up…

Friday, Aug 10th

  • 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk (Norman Arts District - Norman) The 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk, a monthly celebration of the arts in Norman, connects the downtown arts district with…
  • 🎓 Edmond Ambucs Friday Luncheon (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm The Edmond Chapter Ambucs “creating mobility & independence for people with disabilities” hosts a weekly luncheon every Friday. Please join us at 12PM Noon, UCO Nigh Center, Cherokee Room. We also meet the 2nd Tues. night monthly, 5:30PM, Rock & Brews, 2737 W. Memorial Rd. for $5 burgers & FREE appetizers. More info., call (405)820-9667.
  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 12th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in the…
  • Boots and Bourbon: Wild Wild West (Oklahoma History Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Boots and Bourbon is the Bricktown Rotary’s newest annual fundraiser with all proceeds benefiting local charities through The Bricktown Rotary Foundation. The Bricktown Rotary Foundation has given tens of thousands of dollars to local charities such as Anyone Can Softball, The Prader Willie Foundation and the Alzheimer’s Association, as well…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 12th Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the Memphis Redbirds…
  • FireLake Fireflight Balloon Festival (Citizen Potawatomi Nation Pow Wow Grounds - Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 Watch the Shawnee skyline transform into a mix of bright, brilliant colors as hot air balloons launch from the Citizen…
  • Flatland Cavalry in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Get your tickets for a spirited evening of folk Americana when OKC's Tower Theatre welcomes Lubbock's own…
  • Food Truck Fridays (Moore Central Park - Moore) Sample a variety of tasty, creative eats served up fresh from food trucks on hand. At Food Truck Fridays in Moore, line up…
  • Friday Evening Glow (Riversport Adventures OKC - Oklahoma City) Bring the whole family to the Riversport Adventure Park at the Boathouse District for the Friday Evening Glow. Enjoy summer…
  • Godsmack w/ Shinedown (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🏃 HOTTEST Friday Night 5K (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) The final race of the DG Productions' Sizzlin Summer Series
  • KATTFEST (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Enjoy a packed line-up of big names in the hard rock and metal world with a KATTFEST 2018 ticket. Held at the Zoo…
  • LIVE! on the Plaza - Back to School (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm In Oklahoma City's Plaza District, every second Friday is LIVE on the Plaza, an art walk featuring local artists, live…
  • Mothership / Wo Fat / Mos Generator (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • The New Tribe With Guest Beau Jennings (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Join hundreds of other beer lovers at the third annual Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit in Oklahoma City, hosted by the…
  • 😂 Open Mic Night (Don Quixote Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Friday is open mic comedy at Don Quixote's! Come see Oklahoma City's up and coming talent. If you're a comedian, sign up begins at 7:30. Show at 8. Stick around for the best karaoke in the city.
  • Outdoor Nation Expo (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Thru Sun, Aug 12th Browse over 130 vendors at the Outdoor Nation Expo held at the FireLake Arena in Shawnee. This three-day event, held by a…
  • PAW Patrol Live!: Race to the Rescue (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 12th Start Time: 6:00pm Any child who has celebrated their first birthday must have a ticket.
    Purchase a VIP Packae and become a VIP - Very Important Pup! The VIP package includes a premium seat, special souvenir gift and exclusive access to a Meet & Greet with Ryder and two PAW Patrol Characters after the show. Each adult & child (age 1 & up) in a group must have a…
  • 🍴 POP! Champagne & Spirit Tasting (St. Anthony Hospital- Rapp Conference Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us Friday, August 10th, 2018 on our midtown campus to toast to Saints! This one-of-a-kind event features small bites, live music, a raffle and a vast array of Champagnes and sparkling wines to sip and sample. The popular spirit tasting will be back and offers samples of whiskey, scotch and cognacs.
  • River Tour (Narrated) (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Escape the Ordinary, learn about OKC from a different point of view. Relax in the climate controlled cabin on one of our 65’ cruisers, or enjoy the breeze on the viewing deck and listen to the guided commentary while you enjoy a drink from the bar. Indulgence and relaxation aren’t the only purpose of this cruise. During the tour you’ll…
  • 🎭 Ruthless - The Musical (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Sense and Sensibility (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 25th Head to OKC's Paseo District as Oklahoma Shakespeare brings Kate Hamill's adaptation of Sense and Sensibility to…
  • 😂 Triple Feature Week OKC!!! (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • WWII Edmond: Housewives on the Homefront (Edmond Historical Society - Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am War affected everything for women. Some women during WWII went to work for the military or in factories–but more women stayed home. Housewives living in Edmond, Oklahoma made sacrifices and conformed to the government’s requests in order to help soldiers overseas. By spending wisely, saving everything, and keeping the country’s spirits up…

Saturday, Aug 11th

  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in the…
  • Beats & Bites Festival (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Feast on delicious entrees and snacks from various food trucks at Riverwind Casino's Beats & Bites music and food…
  • Byron Berline Band (Double Stop Music Hall - Guthrie) Start Time: 7:00pm Enjoy and evening of award winning Bluegrass Music by the Byron Berline Band. Homemade pie from Manna Eatery avaliable at intermission
  • Chris Lee Becker (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Dameon Allensworth (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the Memphis Redbirds…
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Othello's - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • FireLake Fireflight Balloon Festival (Citizen Potawatomi Nation Pow Wow Grounds - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 Watch the Shawnee skyline transform into a mix of bright, brilliant colors as hot air balloons launch from the Citizen…
  • Free Family Make + Take Art Project (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Enjoy some quality time with your children and help them develop those creative skills at this family friendly art event.…
  • JOHNNYSWIM - Meet & Greet Packages (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:01pm
  • Laurell K. Hamiliton (Full Circle Bookstore - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us Saturday, August 11, as we welcome NYT bestselling author Laurell K. Hamilton to Full Circle! Laurell will be giving a short presentation, after which guests will partake in a meet and greet photo opportunity. All copies of Serpentine will be pre-signed before the event.
    Customers must purchase a copy of Serpentine from Full…
  • Miranda Sings (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Colleen Ballinger created her Miranda Sings persona ten years ago, leading to her own Neflix Original series and more…
  • Needtobreathe (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Three-man Christian rock group Needtobreathe will perform their biggest hits as they embark on their All the Feels…
  • Neon Trees in Concert (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Spend the day splashing in the Renegade Rapids or screaming on the Silver Bullet at Frontier City Theme Park before relaxing…
  • OKC Energy FC vs Real Monarchs SLC (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on Real…
  • Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Join hundreds of other beer lovers at the third annual Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit in Oklahoma City, hosted by the…
  • Outdoor Nation Expo (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) 1 day left Browse over 130 vendors at the Outdoor Nation Expo held at the FireLake Arena in Shawnee. This three-day event, held by a…
  • PAW Patrol Live!: Race to the Rescue (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Any child who has celebrated their first birthday must have a ticket.
    Purchase a VIP Packae and become a VIP - Very Important Pup! The VIP package includes a premium seat, special souvenir gift and exclusive access to a Meet & Greet with Ryder and two PAW Patrol Characters after the show. Each adult & child (age 1 & up) in a group must have a…
  • 🎨 PIMPAM! World Premiere (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm World Premiere of PIMPAM!, a 30-minute comedy short starring a large ensemble of local comics and musicians.
  • River Tour (Narrated) (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Escape the Ordinary, learn about OKC from a different point of view. Relax in the climate controlled cabin on one of our 65’ cruisers, or enjoy the breeze on the viewing deck and listen to the guided commentary while you enjoy a drink from the bar. Indulgence and relaxation aren’t the only purpose of this cruise. During the tour you’ll…
  • 🎭 Ruthless - The Musical (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Sam Riggs in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Don't miss rising country hunk Sam Riggs for one special evening at OKC's historic Tower Theatre.
  • Sense and Sensibility (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 25th Head to OKC's Paseo District as Oklahoma Shakespeare brings Kate Hamill's adaptation of Sense and Sensibility to…
  • The Tishay Awards (Oklahoma City) Attend a red carpet event in the heart of Oklahoma City with tickets to the Tishay Awards. Hosted by the Tishay Show…
  • 😂 Triple Feature Week OKC!!! (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Women's Living Expo and Craft Bazaar (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am The Women's Living Expo is coming to Oklahoma City! August 11-12, 2018 at The Pavilion, Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City Our Tulsa Expo is a huge success for 32 years and we will strive to make our new Oklahoma City Women's Living Expo as popular! The Expo will have more than 200 diverse exhibits, runway fashion shows, beauty…
  • WWII Edmond: Housewives on the Homefront (Edmond Historical Society - Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am War affected everything for women. Some women during WWII went to work for the military or in factories–but more women stayed home. Housewives living in Edmond, Oklahoma made sacrifices and conformed to the government’s requests in order to help soldiers overseas. By spending wisely, saving everything, and keeping the country’s spirits up…

Sunday, Aug 12th

  • An Accordion Affair (Czech Hall - Yukon) Sit down and enjoy An Accordion Affair, an all-ages concert in Yukon featuring 23 accordionists. These musicians will…
  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in the…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the Memphis Redbirds…
  • Outdoor Nation Expo (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Last Day Browse over 130 vendors at the Outdoor Nation Expo held at the FireLake Arena in Shawnee. This three-day event, held by a…
  • PAW Patrol Live!: Race to the Rescue (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Any child who has celebrated their first birthday must have a ticket.
    Purchase a VIP Packae and become a VIP - Very Important Pup! The VIP package includes a premium seat, special souvenir gift and exclusive access to a Meet & Greet with Ryder and two PAW Patrol Characters after the show. Each adult & child (age 1 & up) in a group must have a…
  • Sense and Sensibility (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 25th Head to OKC's Paseo District as Oklahoma Shakespeare brings Kate Hamill's adaptation of Sense and Sensibility to…
  • Sunday Twilight Concert Series (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Bring a lawn chair, a picnic and the whole family to the Sunday Twilight Concert Series on the Myriad Gardens…
  • Women's Living Expo and Craft Bazaar (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am The Women's Living Expo is coming to Oklahoma City! August 11-12, 2018 at The Pavilion, Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City Our Tulsa Expo is a huge success for 32 years and we will strive to make our new Oklahoma City Women's Living Expo as popular! The Expo will have more than 200 diverse exhibits, runway fashion shows, beauty…

Monday, Aug 13th

  • Sense and Sensibility (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 25th Head to OKC's Paseo District as Oklahoma Shakespeare brings Kate Hamill's adaptation of Sense and Sensibility to…

Tuesday, Aug 14th

  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in Blanchard…
  • Fried Chicken Tuesday Anniversary Party (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Super Duper Official Fried Chicken Tuesday Anniversary Party Featuring The Nashville Hot Chicken Challenge (details coming soon).
  • Sense and Sensibility (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 25th Head to OKC's Paseo District as Oklahoma Shakespeare brings Kate Hamill's adaptation of Sense and Sensibility to…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each and…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 16th - Tue, Aug 22nd)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Aug 16th

Thursday, Aug 17th

  • 🎨 Annual Spring Show artwork by Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill, Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou M (The Studio Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Studio Gallery, 2646 W. Britton Rd., OKC, is pleased to announce its
    2017 Spring Show Thursday, April 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm.
    The show will feature new works of art by: Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill,
    Phebe Kallstrom, Margot…
  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local music, the best views of downtown OKC, a relaxing atmosphere, and a cash bar. (Weather Permitting.)…
  • Beneath The August Moon. Collaboration Of Work From The Artists Of The Purple Loft Art Gallery. (Contemporary Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Beneath The August Moon. Collaboration Of Work From The Artists Of The Purple Loft Art Gallery. Opening Reception Friday August 4 6pm to 10pm. Show Runs From August 4 Thru August 31. The Purple Loft Art Gallery. 514 NW 28. For More…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma City Career Fair (Embassy Suites - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Oklahoma City Professional Career Event - Sales & Management Specific
    Here at HireLive, we take a personal approach when working with both companies looking to hire and candidates in search of a career change. Our specialized hiring…
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson Research Center reveal another influence —…
  • Ceramics, Fiber and More - featuring the work of artists from the Guthrie Art Center (Owens Place Art Museum - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 1202 E Harrison Ave
    The Owens Arts Place Museum will open a new show - Ceramics, Fiber and More - featuring the work of artists from the Guthrie Art Center. The opening reception is scheduled for Sunday July 9, 2017 at 3 pm. The show…
  • 🎓 Chairman's Event (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am Host Sponsor Chairman's Event Date: 08/17/2017 Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Location: Oklahoma Christian University 2501 E. Memorial Road Edmond, OK 73013 Map to Event Add to My Calendar This breakfast will feature U.S. Rep. Tom Cole.…
  • 🎨 Drawing the Portrait in Charcoal with Monte Thompson (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Use charcoal’s expressive quality to capture emotion and personality with a live model. Learn how to incorporate gesture, line, and value using vine and compressed charcoal. This session features one-on-one instruction with a renowned…
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Tree and Leaf - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays:…
  • 🎨 Eclipse Pinhole Viewer Craft (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm All ages event! Special Eclipse glasses aren’t the only way to view the upcoming Solar Eclipse. Join Miss Kris as we make special Pinhole Viewers, supplies is on a first come first serve basis. This is a make and take event! All this…
  • Exhibit by Connie Seabourn (50 Penn Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Exhibit by Connie Seabourn, through Aug. 31, 50 Penn Place Art Gallery, 1900 Northwest Expressway, 848-7588.
  • Extended Summer Hours (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm “Pourings on the Plaza” offers guests a cash bar in the elegant covered area of the Western States Plaza. Grassland Caravan performs progressive bluegrass, honoring the genre’s roots with traditional tunes and new music, between…
  • Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (The Cube - Bethany) Start Time: 6:30pm Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - USA is a national non-profit organization dedicated to ministering to the spiritual and emotional needs of the men and women serving in the US law enforcement community.
  • 🎨 Film Screening: The Cool School (IAO Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us on Thursday, August 17th from 6:30-8:30pm at the IAO Gallery in Film Row for a film screening & discussion of The Cool School, a film by Morgan Neville. This Café Society Film Screening is presented in conjunction with the…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 19th SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy…
  • Guerrilla Art Park (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Oklahoma Contemporary’s second edition of Guerrilla Art Park features six Oklahoma artists, ranging from emerging to well established. This year, many of the artists chose to focus on the outdoors as seen in Liz Dueck’s ceramic…
  • Harry Potter Night (Teens) (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm Did you get your letter? Sign up and you will! Pick up your school supplies, be sorted and attend your potions class. Don’t Be Late or DETENTION! Cosplay greatly encouraged. 20 Letters available (8 tickets left)! Get a chance to…
  • "’Lucem Ferre’ (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 UCO’S MELTON GALLERY BEGINS 2016-17 SEASON WITH ‘LUCEM FERRE,’ AN EXHIBITION OF BIOLOGY-INSPIRED ART The University of Central Oklahoma Melton Gallery will open “Lucem Ferre,” an exhibition featuring the silicone artworks of…
  • 🎨 On the Surface" art exhibit by Larry Hefner, Behnaz Sohrabian and Laura Nugent. 6 p.m. reception (JRB Art at the Elms - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma – JRB Art At The Elms presents “On The Surface”. This August exhibit will feature the work of three very skilled artists whose work often appears to the casual eye to be different than it does under…
  • "Our ‘Husbands and Wives’ are as different as two peas in a pod", rec (Studio112 and a Half - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SHAWNEE, OK. 7/25/2017
    Husbands and Wives to feature at Studio 112 and a half in August
    “Our ‘Husbands and Wives’ are as different as two peas in a pod”, says Douglas Gordon curator at…
  • Outside" Sheridan Underpass Mural Artists (Exhibit C - Oklahoma City) The four American Indian artists behind Bricktown’s newest underpass murals on Sheridan Avenue will have their award-winning artwork on display at Exhibit C in Bricktown July 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017.
    The show titled…
  • 🎓 Parkview Breakfast (Touchmark at Coffee Creek - Edmond) Start Time: 8:30am Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast cooked and served by the Touchmark Sales Team. Spend time with neighbors and see what the FULL Life is all about. RSVP by August 16th to 405-340-1975.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or…
  • Pourings on the Plaza - Michael and Lela Dalby (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Pourings on the Plaza offers guests a cash bar in the elegant covered area of the Western States Plaza. Visit the Museum’s collections and exhibitions, browse The Museum Store, grab a bite at a food truck, and enjoy different live…
  • 🎭 Private Lives (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎓 Red Dirt Books & Bottles (Waters Edge Winery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Red Dirt Books & Bottles Event is a statewide event that will allow you to the chance to meet, engage and support authors from different areas of Oklahoma.
    As a result of attending you will learn about the stories that burned in the…
  • 🎨 Summer Adult Classes (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Expand your skills and explore your creativity this summer. Enrollment opens May 4 for our four- and eight-week classes designed for artists at any level. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, classes are available in ceramics,…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 20th Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm Meets at Canyon Princess (cougar sculpture in West Hallway) From Remington and Russell to Native American works, see some of the finest Western art in the country during this docent-facilitated Museum tour. View ethnographic material…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with…
  • 🎭 To Kill A Mockingbird (Jewel Box Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm PERFORMANCE TIMES Thursday ~ Saturday 8:00pm Sunday 2:30pm
  • 🎨 UnqSearch," artwork by Marc Barker, David Crismon, Tony Dyke, Susan Morrison-Dyke, George Oswalt, Klint Schor and John Wolfe rec (Artspace At Untitled - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Unquenchable Search Unquenchable Search by Marc Barker | David Crismon | Tony Dyke | Susan Morrison-Dyke | George Oswalt | Klint Schor | John Wolfe
    Artwork on display from July 27th - August 19th
    Opening Reception Thursday, July…
  • Vein (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm with Sanction, Buried Dreams, The Tooth, Piece of Mind, Upright and Death Trap
  • 🎨 Vintage Black Heroes: The Chisholm Kid (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am The first black cowboy to be featured in a comic strip, The Chisholm Kid appeared from 1950 – 1954 in the Pittsburgh Courier’s comic insert. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail – and to pay homage to the 5,000 –…

Friday, Aug 18th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Downtown - Shawnee) During the 3rd Friday Block pARTy in Shawnee, local restaurants, art galleries and merchants are open late in the…
  • 🎭 4 of a Kind (American Legion Post 12 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 Artwork by Benjamin Harjo Jr., David Holland and Nancy Junkin (Howell Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Benjamin Harjo, Jr., David Holland, and Nancy Junkin on hand to meet public
    OKC, OK: Coffee with the Artists, a popular event at The Howell Gallery, will take place on Saturday, August 12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is an opportunity…
  • Backroom Showcase 2 (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm 2 NIGHT SHOWCASE Night 1 - Friday August 18 Martial Law, History Repeats, Omen, 2 TBA
    Night 2 - Saturday August 19 Time Walk, No Altars, Kharma, SHAME, SLEDGE, Rusehc, The Tooth $10 each night $5 if you bring a new person $5 if you are…
  • Blanchard Bluegrass Festival (Lions Park - Blanchard) Day 1 of 2 There's fun for the whole family as over ten of the best bluegrass bands in Oklahoma perform at the annual Blanchard…
  • Brian Lynn Jones and the Misfit Cowboys (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson Research Center reveal another influence —…
  • 🍴 Celebrate National Fajita Day (On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am For a second year in a row, On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina is ready to celebrate National Fajita Day on Aug., 18th! Fajitas aren’t just a meal, they’re an experience – with a steamy sizzle you can see, smell, and hear from…
  • Central Dissent Call for Papers (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm The deadline has been extended! Feel free to submit your work! The Central Dissent is the University of Central Oklahoma's first journal of Gender and Sexuality. This interdisciplinary academic journal accepts undergraduate and…
  • "The Chainsaw Artist" By Russ Tall Chief (Osage) (Jacobson House - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm From: Russ Tallchief [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 8:59 AM To: Brandy McDonnell Subject: The Chainsaw Artist
    Hi Brandy,
    Here is info on the play performance in Norman on Aug 11-12 and 18-19. Hope…
  • Disco Cocktail Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Shake your groove thing! Rock the boat, but don’t tip the boat over! Disco atmosphere, party mix and adult beverages all are awaiting you! View the evening Ferry Schedule online for evening departure times. Pay regular ferry price as…
  • 🎭 "Elvis" Celebrating the King of Rock and Roll with Joshua Vanover (The Yellow Rose Dinner Theatre - Moore) Start Time: 6:30pm THE YELLOW ROSE DINNER THEATRE
    AUGUST 11TH-26TH
  • 🏆 FireLake Championship Boxing presented by Automax (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Flare Your Eclipse Glasess Craft (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm All ages event! With Solar Eclipse Glasses Provided by Star Net, NASA@MyLibrary, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Join the Guthrie Library as we add a bit of "flare" to your…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy…
  • Hellyeah et al. (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City)
  • Hellyeah // OKC (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm HELLYEAH Friday August 18 - Diamond Ballroom 7pm Doors All Ages Tix: Buy For Less, Uptown Grocery, 866-977-6849 - Direct Link:
  • Kali Ra (The Boarding House Game Lounge - Guthrie) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Lake Street Dive (Jones Assembly of God - Jones)
  • Live at The Opolis: Album Release Show (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Do you like vocal harmonies, sonic escapes, and kicking bass? Are you tired of listening to the over-priced, unreliable Other Guy's music? Whether you’re back to school or in need of break, we have just what the doctor ordered.…
  • 🎨 OKC: Filmography - "Four Sheets to the Wind" (21C Museum Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Art goes to the movies with 21c Oklahoma City’s Filmography, a free monthly film series at 21c Oklahoma City in partnership with deadCenter Film and the OKC Film Society. Filmography takes place on the third Friday of each month. In…
  • Old Bulldog Band (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm Fri, August 18th DOORS: 6PM - SHOW: 7:30PM TICKETS
  • 🎓 POP Champagne & Spirit Tasting (Mercedes-Benz of OKC Showroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm St. Anthony Foundation and Byron's Liquor Warehouse invite you to POP! Champagne and Spirit Tasting on Friday, August 18 from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. This one-of-a-kind event features small bites, live music, a raffle and a vast array of…
  • Premiere on Film Row (Film Row - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm The Film Row District hosts Premiere on Film Row, a monthly block party, from 7-10 p.m. along W. Sheridan Avenue between Dewey and Shartel downtown.
    Premiere on Film Row is a family-friendly event on the third Friday of each month,…
  • 🎭 Private Lives (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Ribbon Cutting At A1 (A1 Pet Emporium Main - Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am Our Edmond Store is now part of the Edmond Chamber of Commerce. We are very pleased to be a part of this wonderful organization. As a way of saying "Thank you for joining" they will be doing a ribbon cutting at our Edmond store. We…
  • Sinbad (Hudson Performance Hall - Oklahoma City) Sinbad brings his energetic, in-your-face style of comedy to Hudson Performance Hall in Oklahoma City. For the last two…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 20th Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm Meets at Canyon Princess (cougar sculpture in West Hallway) From Remington and Russell to Native American works, see some of the finest Western art in the country during this docent-facilitated Museum tour. View ethnographic material…
  • Sunset River Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Departs Exchange Landing | Last 3 Fridays (June – September) | $35/person Relax and recharge on the deck in the fresh Oklahoma breeze or inside the climate-controlled cabin while on an hour and a half sunset cruise enjoying…
  • 🎭 To Kill A Mockingbird (Jewel Box Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm PERFORMANCE TIMES Thursday ~ Saturday 8:00pm Sunday 2:30pm
  • 🎨 Vintage Black Heroes: The Chisholm Kid (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am The first black cowboy to be featured in a comic strip, The Chisholm Kid appeared from 1950 – 1954 in the Pittsburgh Courier’s comic insert. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail – and to pay homage to the 5,000 –…

Saturday, Aug 19th

  • Blanchard Bluegrass Festival (Lions Park - Blanchard) Day 2 of 2 There's fun for the whole family as over ten of the best bluegrass bands in Oklahoma perform at the annual Blanchard…
  • Body Worx Car Show (Beacon Drive In Theatre - Guthrie) Head to Guthrie to inspect the shiny and well-recognized cars on display. During the Body Worx Car Show, guests can…
  • Dandy Lion Daze Car Show (Moore High School Football Stadium - Moore) Start Time: 8:00am Dandy Lion Daze Inaugural Car Show Moore High School 300 N. Eastern Ave. Moore, OK This is a rescheduled event due to rain on April 29th.
    Registration begins at 8 AM $20 Entry Fee Before 8/1/17 $25 after 8/1/17 Register at…
  • Downtown Edmond Historic Tours (Downtown - Edmond) Join experts with the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to learn something new with a downtown tour of historic Edmond.…
  • Eat's on 8th & Harvey (Oklahoma City) Eat's on 8th & Harvey is a free, monthly family-friendly food truck festival that offers some of the finest…
  • Ghosts of Fort Reno Tour (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Come along on an exciting and spooky ghost tour at El Reno's historic Fort Reno. This ghost tour includes…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy…
  • Heard on Hurd (Edmond) On the third Saturday of each month, downtown Edmond hosts a pop-up community celebration called Heard on Hurd. Walk…
  • Jake Jam (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) The annual Jake Jam summer concert brings Oklahomans together over a shared love of country music. Scan social…
  • Marty Friedman (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City)
  • Yukon Nights Cruise In August Gathering (Yukon Nights Cruise In - Yukon) Start Time: 6:00pm Cruise In and share your ride with us, for our July gathering of Yukon Nights Cruise In! Bring what you have, spectators are welcome. No fees or memberships required. Family Friendly Event with food available at Pie Five Pizza and A…
  • OKC Energy FC vs San Antonio FC (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on San…
  • R5 et al. (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Spend the day splashing in the Renegade Rapids or screaming on the Silver Bullet at Frontier City Theme Park before…
  • Spirit, Mind & Body Expo (Biltmore Hotel - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 If you're interested in metaphysical subjects, you'll want to check out the Spirit, Mind & Body Expo held at…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • West Fest (VZD's - Oklahoma City) The Western Avenue Association hosts West Fest OK, a day full of live music from local artists, food trucks and more.…

Sunday, Aug 20th

  • 9 Electric et al. (Oklahoma City Limits - Oklahoma City)
  • Spirit, Mind & Body Expo (Biltmore Hotel - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 If you're interested in metaphysical subjects, you'll want to check out the Spirit, Mind & Body Expo held at…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • Three Bridges (Bethesda Church - Oklahoma City)
  • Watermelon Slim (VZD's - Oklahoma City)

Monday, Aug 21st

  • Solar Eclipse Program (Lake Thunderbird State Park - Norman) Come to Lake Thunderbird State Park and see a once-in-a-generation spectacle during the 2017 Solar Eclipse on August 21.…
  • Solar Eclipse Viewing (Science Museum Oklahoma - Oklahoma City) Head to Science Museum Oklahoma for an eclipse-viewing party that's truly out of this world. Planterarium staff…

Tuesday, Aug 22nd

  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each…
  • Yes et al. (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Catch English rock band Yes live as they stop by the Zoo Amphitheatre as part of their Yestival tour. Veterans of the…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Nov 16th - Tue, Nov 22nd)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Nov 16th

Thursday, Nov 17th

  • 🎓 2nd Grade Class Visit (Noble Public Library - Noble) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Librarian visits to the 2nd grade classes at Hubbard. The librarian spends an hour reading books and making crafts based on a monthly theme. The following classes are…
  • 🍴 Batter and Bubbles Wine Dinner (Vast) Start Time: 6:30pm Vast’s November Wine Dinner will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 17. The event will feature a selection of five sparkling wines from various regions of France…
  • 🎨 Call for Artists! 6X6 on 16th Group Art Show (Plaza District) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm We're excited to announce our 6x6 on 16th Group Art Show in conjunction with November and December LIVE on the Plaza, to be held November 11 and December 9. The theme for…
  • 🎭 Norman Central - Adult Story Time: Hamilton Edition (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Rise up and join us for a special edition of Adult Story Time inspired by the Tony Award winning musical, Hamilton! Hamilton tells the story of the life of Alexander…
  • Norman Central -Cooking the Books (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm Do you love browsing through cookbooks and trying new recipes? Do you enjoy sharing and sampling new dishes? Then grab your apron and sign up for this delicious NEW book…
  • Norman Central - Getting Started with Computers, Day 3 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am This is the third day of a four-day series. On Day 3, we'll be using the Internet for the very first time! While this is a four-day series, participants are welcome to attend…
  • Norman Central - Music Connection (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Norman Central Music Connection is a music and story program for children ages 3 to 7 and their caregivers. It includes singing, playing instruments, listening, moving to…
  • 🎓 Norman Central - STEAM Tweens (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm STEAM Tweens connects kids with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics in the library! Each week, join us as we explore and create different things…
  • Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north…
  • 🎓 English as a Second Language Class (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 11:00am English as a Second Language class. All materials are provided.
  • 🎓 "Equal Parts Deadwood and Disney": Tourism, Authenticity, and Popular Culture in Tombstone, Arizona (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Kara McCormack, Ph.D., Lecturer in the Humanities, Stanford University, will deliver a public lecture titled “‘Equal Parts Deadwood and Disney’: Tourism, Authenticity,…
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of…
  • Exmortus et al. (Thunder Alley Grill & Sports Bar)
  • 🎨 Figure Drawing Session (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art) Start Time: 7:45pm Open Figure Drawing Session (Limited Seating). Participants should not arrive any earlier than 7:00 pm and try to arrive no later than 7:40 pm the evening of the figure…
  • 🍴 Food for Thought, HR skills for Restaurant Management (Music Room) Start Time: 9:00am 3hr HR Seminar for Restaurant/Hospitality Management Ideal for: Restaurant Managers and GMs, as well as anyone responsible of hiring, retention, or termination of staff.…
  • For Today (89th Street Collective) See metalcore band For Today perform one last time as they stop by Oklahoma City on the Farewell Tour. Crowd the…
  • Genealogy help at at the McClain County Museum (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 2:00pm Let experienced Purcell Library and Museum staff help you with your genealogy and history questions. This event will be held at the McClain County Museum 203 W. Washington…
  • 🎓 Get certified to teach in Oklahoma - Community information event (The Village Library - The Village) Start Time: 7:00pm Choose the session that best fits your schedule: 6:30pm or 7:15pm
    Join the American Board in metro-OKC to learn how you can change careers and become a certified teacher in…
  • Holiday Photoshoot (The Barn: Networking + Lunch n’ Learn) Thru Sun, Nov 20th Start Time: 12:30pm
  • 😂 John Wesley Austin (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Nov 19th
  • Kent Fauss MUSIC (Hillbilly's) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Making Peace Pt. 2: Climate of Conflict: Barriers in Communities (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us for the second of our 3-part series concerning peace. This presentation will focus on systemic barriers to peace within our economic, political, and cultural…
  • 🎓 Meeting with Legislative Representatives (Edmond Chamber of Commerce - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am Presented by Small Business Owner's Alliance When:Thursday, November 17, 2016 8:00 AM thru 09:30 AM Where:At: Edmond Chamber Registration:RSVP required; Cost: Free
  • Mysteries of the Mansion tour (Overholser Mansion) Start Time: 7:00pm Visit the Overholser Mansion in Oklahoma City for the Mysteries of the Mansion tour on Thursday at 7 p.m. This extended tour allows guests to tour the mansion at night,…
  • OKC Blue vs Erie Bayhawks (Cox Convention Center) Start Time: 7:00pm The Oklahoma City Blue host the Erie Bayhawks. Camera Policy: Personal "point and shoot" cameras are allowed, however professional cameras (cameras with detachable lenses or…
  • On Better Terms (Powerhouse) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • ONI and Exmortus (Thunder A) Start Time: 7:00pm 11/17 - ONI @ THUNDER ALLEY 2127 SW 74TH ST $10 ADV DOS: 6:00/SH: 7:00 W/ EXMORTUS
  • Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week (Emmaus Baptist Church) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm Through colorfully wrapped, gift-filled shoeboxes, children in need in more than 100 countries can experience hope this year. Simply pack a shoebox with toys, hygiene items,…
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist…
  • Secret Santa Toy Drive (Mattress Firm) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am All Mattress Firm stores in Oklahoma City are hosting a toy drive, the sixth of Mattress Firm Foster Kids’ 2016 donation drives benefitting local foster youth and families.…
  • Shop Hop on Auto Alley (Waters Edge Winery) Start Time: 6:00pm Thursday, January 21, 2016
    6:00-9:00 p.m.
    Broadway Ave. between NW 4th and 10th streets
    On the Third Thursday of every month, cruise historic Automobile Alley…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group…
  • Tai Chi For Better Balance (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 4:00pm The movements of Tai Chi help all ages reduce stress, increase balance and flexibility. Participants learn relaxation to improve their overall mind, body and spirit through a…
  • Toast the Maestro (Boathouse District) Start Time: 6:00pm UCO COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN PRESENTS ‘TOAST THE MAESTRO’ NOV. 17 The University of Central Oklahoma College of Fine Arts and Design (CFAD) will present “Toast…
  • 🎨 Urban Core Artist Exhibition (Verbode) Start Time: 6:00pm Urban Core Artist reception for Christie Owen and friends at Verbode, Residential Real Estate Brokerage in the Oklahoma City Metro.
    Verbode, Oklahoma City real estate…
  • World Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Nov 19th

Friday, Nov 18th

Saturday, Nov 19th

  • Alan Parsons Live Project (Hudiburg Chevrolet Center)
  • Alan Parsons Live Project (Civic Center Music Hall) When Alan was asked what his fans can expect form his new live show, he said "We've established the Live Project to perform The Alan Parsons Project hits and we don't…
  • 🏃 Chill Your Cheeks 5k Run (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) A 5 km run through the streets of Yukon that ends amid 4 million Christmas Lights. Chill Your Cheeks is a USTAF Sanctioned run on a certified course. To register and pay…
  • Christmas in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Sat, Dec 31st Yukon's Christmas in the Park offers a beautiful lighted drive through three interconnecting parks. Yukon's…
  • Classics 3 - Alexander Mickelthwate, Guest Conductor (Civic Center Music Hall) Clyne, Anna - Masquerade Schumann - Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 Rachmaninoff - Symphony No. 3 in A minor, Op. 44
    Note: "Classics" and "Pops" series concerts are…
  • Collective Soul in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Collective Soul's performance at the Riverwind Casino in Norman is sure to "Shine." Don't miss this…
  • Noble Craft Sale & Bazaar (Noble) Day 2 of 2 The Noble Craft Sale & Bazaar keeps guests well-nourished while they shop. Gather in the Noble United Methodist…
  • Grady County OHCE Celebration of Crafts (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 The Grady County OHCE Celebration of Crafts in Chickasha is a fun and entertaining two-day event that offers a wide…
  • 🎭 Haunt the Phil (Civic Center Music Hall) Oklahoma's own Tony Award winner Kelli O'Hara is bringing a magical holiday performance to the Oklahoma City…
  • Midwest City Holiday Lights Spectacular (Joe Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Thru Fri, Dec 30th Celebrate the magic of the season as over one million lights transform Joe B. Barnes Regional Park into a twinkling…
  • Holiday Photoshoot (The Barn: Networking + Lunch n’ Learn) 1 day left Start Time: 12:30pm
  • Holiday Stroll (Cashion) Kick off the holiday season at Duncan's annual Holiday Stroll. Enjoy live holiday music as the smell of funnel cake…
  • 😂 John Wesley Austin (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Last Day
  • Jonathan Tyler et al. (Grady's 66 Pub - Yukon)
  • November Herb & Plant Sale (Farmer's Market) Stop and smell the sage at the November Herb & Plant Sale inside the historic Oklahoma City Farmers Public Market.…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Pentatonix et al. (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Pentatonix got their big break as the winners of the reality competition show "The Sing Off." This a cappella…
  • The Santa Market (Downtown Edmond Community Center - Edmond) The Santa Market, held in Edmond, offers an array of handmade arts and crafts plus your favorite home party vendors, so…
  • World Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Last Day

Sunday, Nov 20th

  • Christmas in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Sat, Dec 31st Yukon's Christmas in the Park offers a beautiful lighted drive through three interconnecting parks. Yukon's…
  • Midwest City Holiday Lights Spectacular (Joe Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Thru Fri, Dec 30th Celebrate the magic of the season as over one million lights transform Joe B. Barnes Regional Park into a twinkling…
  • Holiday Photoshoot (The Barn: Networking + Lunch n’ Learn) Last Day Start Time: 12:30pm
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Slaid Cleaves (The Depot - Norman)
  • Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Indiana Pacers (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Start Time: 6:00pm

Monday, Nov 21st

  • Christmas in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Sat, Dec 31st Yukon's Christmas in the Park offers a beautiful lighted drive through three interconnecting parks. Yukon's…
  • Midwest City Holiday Lights Spectacular (Joe Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Thru Fri, Dec 30th Celebrate the magic of the season as over one million lights transform Joe B. Barnes Regional Park into a twinkling…
  • Milk Moms (Thrive Mama Collective) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Pint Night at The Mule (Plaza District) Start Time: 5:00pm Come try a new brew and keep the glass while you're at it!
  • Public Access: Open Mic Mondays (District House) Start Time: 8:00pm Got talents? Come rock the mic.
    Hosted by Matt Raney
  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall) Celebrate the magic of the holiday season with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical at the Oklahoma City Civic…

Tuesday, Nov 22nd

  • Christmas in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Sat, Dec 31st Yukon's Christmas in the Park offers a beautiful lighted drive through three interconnecting parks. Yukon's…
  • Chickasha Festival of Light (Shannon Springs Park - Chickasha) Thru Sat, Dec 31st The Chickasha Festival of Light has been recognized as one of the top ten holiday light shows in the…
  • Midwest City Holiday Lights Spectacular (Joe Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Thru Fri, Dec 30th Celebrate the magic of the season as over one million lights transform Joe B. Barnes Regional Park into a twinkling…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
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