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/r/Jaycemains! Power-slamming plebs since 2015

A subreddit dedicated to those who main Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow. This is a place for builds, tips, tricks and general discussion regarding the 'League of Legends'-champion Jayce.

The Missing Link

This is the dedicated subreddit for the League of Legends champion Gnar - "The Missing Link".

Jinx Guide by Áccused [Rank#5 Jinx NA, Master Tier ADC]

Hey guys, I am Áccused, currently a Master Tier ADC main on the NA server, and currently rank #5 Jinx NA.
With 121 games of Jinx in SoloQ, I have a 66% W/R with a 3.77 avg KDA against high Diamonds, Masters, and Grandmaster players.
Yes Jinx is a pretty straightforward ADC, but I see a lot of common mistakes made when playing her, and this guide will help you with that. A lot of these tips can be applied to other ADC's as well.


  1. Runes/Build
  2. Some Tips & Tricks/Mechanics
  3. Laning Phase
  4. Teamfighting
  5. Matchups

What makes Jinx strong right now?

A lot of what makes Jinx S tier right now is that most/all early-game ADC's got nerfed, making it difficult to bully scaling ADC's in lane. Of course, those champions can still give Jinx a hard time, but if they don't get ahead, Jinx will just face roll them. Although she has low kill pressure early, she can shove waves easily in rocket form, allowing her to take tower plates quickly in minigun form, which is worth more gold than kills. Also, she has a pretty good laning phase compared to most other hypercarry ADC's: reliable poke, good wave clear, and a decent power spike with just 2 items. She has a pretty flexible build path, giving her space to build a MAW, GA, Tabis, and LW items, primarily because of the Legend: Bloodline rune buff, allowing ADC's to not have to build a lifesteal item.

1. Runes/Build

2. Tips & Tricks/Mechanics

3. Laning Phase:

4. Teamfighting

5. Matchups

I hope this guide helps you guys with Jinx and answers any questions you had. Feedback would be very much appreciated.
submitted by y0ko-on0 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

Jinx Guide by Áccused - Diamond 1 ADC Main; Rank 15 Jinx NA

Hey guys, I am Áccused, currently a Diamond 1 ADC main on the NA server, new streamer, and currently rank #10 Jinx NA. I am currently aiming for Master tier or higher as well as become the best Jinx in NA .
I have a 69% W/R with an avg KDA of 3.89 against high Diamonds, Masters, and even GrandMaster players. I have played her for a while now because I love hyper-carry ADC's, and since most other hyper-carries have been nerfed or aren't in a great spot right now, I chose to main her.
Thanks for everyone who stopped by my stream last week! I really appreciate every single one of you, and for the feedback, motivating me to make this guide. I know she isn't a very difficult champion, but there are a lot of small tricks that will allow you to play her to her full potential.


  1. Runes/Build
  2. Some Tips & Tricks/Mechanics
  3. Laning Phase
  4. Teamfighting
  5. Matchups

What makes Jinx strong right now?

A lot of what makes Jinx S tier right now is that most/all early-game ADC's got nerfed hard, like Lucian, Caitlyn, and Kalista. Of course, those champions can still give Jinx a hard time, but if they don't get ahead, Jinx will just face roll them. She is also strong because unlike every other late-game hyper carry ADC, she has a good laning phase. Reliable poke, good wave clear, and a decent power spike with just 2 items. She also has a flexible build path, giving her space to build a MAW, GA, Tabis, and LW items, primarily because of the Legend: Bloodline rune buff, allowing ADC's to not have to build a lifesteal item.

1. Runes/Build

2. Tips & Tricks/Mechanics

3. Laning Phase:

4. Teamfighting

5. Matchups

I hope this guide helps you guys with Jinx and answers any questions you had. Feedback would be very much appreciated! I will answer any questions you guys have and feel free to stop by my stream to watch some high-ish elo Jinx gameplay and help me climb to Masters+! I appreciate all the support from you guys that stopped by the stream last week as well, it felt awesome to have your guys support.
submitted by y0ko-on0 to leagueofjinx [link] [comments]

Celerity is too strong, especially while Stormrazor Crit procing while having accelerated AD from the Celerity bonus.

As the title suggests, and looking at statistics of the highest to lowest winrate botlaners -
We can see that the champions like Quinn (Ult and Passive), Twitch (Q), Jinx (Passive), Jhin (Passive), Draven (W), Kai'sa (E), Sivir (Ult and Passive). What all of these 50+ winrate ADCs have in common is that these abilities have built in movement speed boosts that shoot the Celerity bonus stat of converting into adaptive force (in most cases AD here) way too high. Along with this, the guaranteed Stormrazor crit procing as you timeframe your bonus Celerity stats is producing way too much damage. I believe Celerity and a lot of other offensive runes should be looked at direly. You can test all of this yourself in Practice Tool to see the damage differences between Celerity snapshotting as opposed to not.
We wonder why champions like Ezreal, Caitlyn, Varus, Tristana, Kalista, Kog'Maw, etc. all have under 50% win rates... Maybe because other champions get favored in terms of buffs or itemization, however, we must factor in the influence and power that runes can provide for champions and how the simple abuse of Celerity's "additional effect" is impacting the meta right now. Oh and you can throw in Heimerdinger as he gets extra MS towards his turrets, Jatt even mentioned that it's possible to do "Celerity snapshots" between your spells to do extra damage.
Celerity is only one of the many runes that need tweaking in terms of lowering the damage, I'm just getting it noticed that with an item that gives a Guaranteed Critical Strike, the Celerity snapshot abuse is especially good, as title says.
submitted by prizmatix to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Why is AD Ezreal mid bad and what AD non-assassins with mobility or CC are good at mid lane?

So I am a Lux main (400 ranked games on her). Elo is silver-gold (currently silver 2 with like gold5 mmr I think; because of the season start seems like I am playing against ex-plat a lot, but yeah, I am very bad anyways).
Sometimes my team has a lot of ap, OR my team has some ap apart from me AND enemy team has a lot of tanks. Lux performs quite badly in these situations, especially if your ADC is bad (if he is good, he can use Lux's peel, but it happens rarely, and Q is still a skillshot), since her dps is quite low compared to cass's for example, and sometimes you can even see banshee's on enemy's ADC, past that moment usually you can just ff if your ADC is bad and enemy team has 11/11 towers (tho I never write /ff).
Usually I dodge these games (tbh I dodge more games than I play), but I feel like maybe I can find something on midlane that counters tanky teams.
So I am looking for something with AD damage at mid-lane. I dislike Varus. I feel like he cannot do much when behind. I dislike assassins. I dislike Jayce a lot. I have bad performance on melee champions. Last season I had played MF mid lane and had not bad performance with her, but she seems less strong overall right now.
Rn I am thinking about AD Ezreal midlane. And I feel like he should be strong against tanky teams. But his winrate on midlane confuses me a bit ( , ). Yeah I know that these sites also count AP Ezreals, but you can see that even Ezreals who buy AD items have quite bad winrate at mid lane.
Now I understand why AP ez is bad at mid lane - he has no waveclear & no CC. But I feel like AD ez should have enough waveclear to defend mid tower, and if you take into accout his late-game power you should understand that his lack of CC in early ganks should not affect his winrate much, since for mid-late-game midlaners main goal in first minutes of the game is to defent tower, farm and punish enemy midlaner for roams in some form. Also note that AD ez should be very safe pick for mid lane, since he can farm safe against a lot of early game midlaners, he can either take MR runes (and buy Lucidity boots) or take CDR per lvl runes and rush mercs (40% cdr by 18 lvl with IBG) against ap midlaners, he can allow early armor item (IBG) against AD assassins, he has early vampirism and he has mobility.
So why AD midlane ezreal has bad winrate? And what AD midlaners who perform well against tanks (against squishy team I would take Lux anyways) I am missing?
submitted by Nasildan to summonerschool [link] [comments]

ADC Trist Rune guide

i've noticed more post asking for help with trist (even some people coming to the discord server for help) so i thought i'd try making some guides, starting with runes
for which path you wanna take as primary, precision is a very clear winner, as for which keystone ... well that's more debatable
Press the Attack (pta) is the clear winner if you wanna play her more like an assassin bot, as pta excels at single target damage. this doesn't mean that it's not viable if you want to play her as a normal adc, it's great for focusing on 1 champion at a time, rather than switching targets as you see fit
Lethal Tempo (LT) on the other hand is much better if you are just wanting to attack whoever seems the juiciest/easiest at any given moment. of course this is assuming we're in a perfect world where all three of these keystones are balanced (which i feel we are getting pretty close too)
Fleet Footwork (FF) gives you nice sustain especially in the laning phase. this is great for bad match ups, or if your not confident that you can live long enough to win fights.
it should be noted that according to FF is the best (or at least has the highest winrate)
as for other options under precision triumph is your go to for it's tier, but overheal is worth thinking about, both legend alacrity and legend bloodline have their merits, and coup de grace is the most well rounded in it's teir (you should only take cut down if you against a lot of tanks)
for your secondary the options are either sorcery or domination
under domination sudden impact gives your burst combo a lot of extra damage. and both taste for blood and ravenous hunter give you great sustain
under sorcery nullifying orb is great against ap supps (such as sona, zyra, or morgana), but it can be nice against ADC's that have a decent amount of magic damage too (such as varus, ez, and kog'maw). otherwise celerity and gathering storm is the way to go
so with that information you should be able to make a good rune page for trist bot (unless you wanna try a weird/experimental build like the glacial augment one that was posted back when runes reforged was fairly new)
submitted by tamashinoerufu to TristanaMains [link] [comments]

All Hexakill Champion Win Rates - Revenge of the supports edition

I've analyzed all available Hexakill games which had summoners in them who were Platinum+ across all Riot server regions. So far the sample size is 384,744 champions analyzed and growing.
If you'd like to see a detailed analysis of items, runes, masteries, abilities and counter picks just click on the champion name.

Highest Win Rate Hexakill Champions

Rank Champion Win % Pick % Ban %
1 Janna 58.98 2.81 0.55
2 Nami 58.14 3.45 0.23
3 Galio 57.94 5.23 9.66
4 Soraka 57.48 4.36 2.47
5 Skarner 57.44 0.75 0.23
6 Swain 57.25 10.54 14.76
7 Sion 56.91 4.29 0.4
8 Jhin 56.85 30.76 5.75
9 Xerath 56.44 7.39 2.06
10 Sona 56.27 12.22 2.3
11 Leona 55.73 2.83 0.43
12 Maokai 55.59 4.63 2.14
13 Zyra 55.36 12.52 4.39
14 Fiddlesticks 55.31 14.92 10.77
15 Ziggs 54.47 11.45 2.9
16 Wukong 54.4 10.1 5.41
17 Lux 54.35 36.21 16.07
18 Braum 54.15 2.07 0.48
19 Talon 53.95 8.05 1.85
20 Irelia 53.63 5.28 2.33
21 Teemo 53.57 30.45 26.84
22 Malzahar 53.53 15.03 14.23
23 Taric 53.52 2.84 1.34
24 Morgana 53.49 13.57 2.06
25 Graves 53.36 11.55 1.47
26 Vel'Koz 53.28 13.17 3.35
27 Varus 52.54 11.56 1.66
28 Nocturne 52.32 1.68 0.2
29 Zac 52.31 5 1.12
30 Nautilus 52.29 4.01 0.52
31 Jinx 52.2 17.51 1.13
32 Karthus 52.19 6.82 3.37
33 Miss Fortune 52.15 20.44 2.16
34 Amumu 52.02 6.09 3.81
35 Brand 51.99 18.56 14.72
36 Kassadin 51.8 3.12 0.79
37 Veigar 51.76 16.71 4.16
38 Twitch 51.74 10.24 1.34
39 Quinn 51.73 2.53 0.29
40 Diana 51.57 5.27 2.44
41 Kog'Maw 51.55 6.04 0.85
42 Jarvan IV 51.5 3.33 0.51
43 Katarina 51.5 24.12 72.38
44 Rumble 51.44 4.78 0.74
45 Vi 51.42 1.64 0.21
46 Ahri 51.41 11.36 2.01
47 Hecarim 51.29 3.99 2.52
48 Pantheon 51.08 4.06 0.51
49 Volibear 51.03 3.19 1.05
50 Shen 51 2.35 0.28
51 Blitzcrank 50.99 24.44 11.66
52 Vladimir 50.88 11.51 7.34
53 Caitlyn 50.67 27.61 1.34
54 Alistar 50.61 8.37 3.94
55 Anivia 50.45 5.14 1.15
56 Viktor 50.38 7.78 0.99
57 Urgot 50.27 1.17 0.95
58 Kha'Zix 50.19 12.91 3.98
59 Cho'Gath 49.96 4.02 1.01
60 Annie 49.83 9.35 3.81
61 Zilean 49.83 7.47 1.04
62 Xin Zhao 49.79 4.46 0.9
63 Heimerdinger 49.63 5.89 2.52
64 Darius 49.56 14.64 17.62
65 Ashe 49.53 10.29 0.42
66 Rammus 49.53 2 0.64
67 Orianna 49.52 9.75 1.72
68 Shaco 49.45 16.85 15.38
69 Illaoi 49.33 13.42 15.5
70 Jayce 49.25 5.21 1.04
71 Rek'Sai 49.19 1.15 0.29
72 Trundle 49.15 3.29 0.67
73 Jax 49.12 5.99 3.66
74 Aurelion Sol 49 6.07 2.4
75 Karma 48.96 13.61 1.03
76 Malphite 48.95 15.52 13.46
77 Warwick 48.94 2.05 0.32
78 Singed 48.93 3.63 0.49
79 Gangplank 48.91 11.31 3.44
80 Sivir 48.74 4.34 0.15
81 Gragas 48.66 5.22 1.28
82 Ezreal 48.51 38.6 8.68
83 Azir 48.39 18.36 16.07
84 Rengar 48.39 14.16 5.15
85 Cassiopeia 48.28 3.81 0.95
86 Twisted Fate 48.14 8.23 0.53
87 Thresh 48.13 8.93 0.39
88 Fizz 48.12 18.61 30.51
89 Ekko 48.01 17.69 17.1
90 Lissandra 48.01 4.3 0.98
91 Poppy 47.97 3.69 0.49
92 Garen 47.68 6.86 4.1
93 Sejuani 47.63 2.5 0.65
94 Yorick 47.42 1.27 0.95
95 Draven 47.28 3.95 0.46
96 Udyr 47.18 1.33 0.26
97 Master Yi 47.14 14.65 13.37
98 Mordekaiser 47.08 1.82 0.4
99 Lulu 47.03 3.57 0.36
100 Kennen 47.02 7.12 2.69
101 Kayle 46.91 3.28 0.62
102 Yasuo 46.89 38.86 24.33
103 Elise 46.72 1.28 0.32
104 Gnar 46.67 5.48 0.84
105 Tryndamere 46.56 3.03 1.06
106 Fiora 46.53 4.14 3.15
107 Zed 46.41 23.55 43.44
108 Lucian 46.24 15.49 1.34
109 Lee Sin 46.11 20.24 1.87
110 Bard 46.02 9.28 1.17
111 Riven 45.85 11.84 3.37
112 Syndra 45.77 2.43 0.32
113 Akali 45.58 6.42 4.28
114 Nasus 45.17 2.2 0.32
115 LeBlanc 44.86 15.91 10.92
116 Vayne 44.73 18.8 1.87
117 Tahm Kench 44.44 2.16 0.75
118 Dr. Mundo 44.34 3.25 1.25
119 Taliyah 44.32 33.74 3.05
120 Nidalee 44.24 15.68 2.72
121 Ryze 44.22 3.94 1.46
122 Kindred 44.21 5.36 3.19
123 Corki 43.7 1.58 0.21
124 Renekton 43.65 2.41 0.46
125 Olaf 43.49 2.54 0.43
126 Evelynn 43.22 2.23 3.47
127 Tristana 42.91 4.46 0.14
128 Shyvana 42.81 3.04 0.2
129 Nunu 42.32 2.26 0.38
130 Aatrox 40.22 3.76 1.29
131 Kalista 38.08 6.57 0.42
submitted by Lolalytics to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Poro King Results are In!

I've analyzed all of last weeks Poro King games which had summoners in them who were Platinum+ across all Riot server regions.
If you'd like to see a detailed analysis of items, runes, masteries, abilities and counter picks just click on the champion name.
If this list proves popular I would love to release each weeks rotating mode stats right after the first day of results come in so that the results could be useful throughout the weekend.

Highest Win Rate Poro King Champions

Rank Champion Win % Pick % Ban %
1 Galio 63.35 7.37 22.87
2 Swain 62.67 8.65 8.78
3 Sion 60.98 5.41 0.95
4 Maokai 60.34 5.48 2.33
5 Teemo 59.86 23.79 25.6
6 Janna 59.32 5.09 0.81
7 Zyra 59.07 11.83 6.44
8 Sona 58.7 14.34 8.8
9 Heimerdinger 58.57 6.65 2.97
10 Trundle 58.16 2.79 0.5
11 Malzahar 57.59 8.97 12.9
12 Nautilus 57.47 5.26 0.96
13 Rammus 56.77 1.68 0.6
14 Yorick 56.77 0.97 0.71
15 Jhin 56.23 36.83 10.97
16 Alistar 55.95 13.62 21.98
17 Fiddlesticks 55.79 13.89 14.76
18 Illaoi 55.76 8.77 9.45
19 Ziggs 55.57 25.61 9.56
20 Garen 55.55 8.43 5.74
21 Skarner 55.11 1.91 1.47
22 Kog'Maw 55.07 6.61 0.95
23 Leona 55.06 2.87 0.41
24 Vladimir 54.93 8.14 4.01
25 Wukong 54.56 6.65 3.49
26 Dr. Mundo 54.25 4.01 1.92
27 Darius 54.22 7.96 8.02
28 Singed 54.16 2.96 0.44
29 Talon 54.01 6.11 1.65
30 Karthus 53.99 3.88 1.91
31 Irelia 53.59 2.79 0.78
32 Taric 52.81 2.51 1.14
33 Warwick 52.66 1.26 0.27
34 Volibear 52.42 2.02 0.6
35 Amumu 52.23 5.17 3.75
36 Gangplank 52.1 10.72 2.9
37 Graves 52 6.87 0.66
38 Shen 51.99 1.94 0.26
39 Miss Fortune 51.96 19.82 1.95
40 Braum 51.95 1.98 0.43
41 Varus 51.91 19.93 9.14
42 Sivir 51.3 4.92 0.15
43 Jarvan IV 51.26 2.13 0.35
44 Lux 51.22 34.41 33.37
45 Katarina 51.03 17.84 66.83
46 Olaf 50.96 1.1 0.19
47 Vel'Koz 50.96 12.72 4.37
48 Caitlyn 50.88 18.07 1.04
49 Sejuani 50.74 2.38 0.45
50 Brand 50.63 14.62 12.06
51 Morgana 50.6 16.78 4.5
52 Poppy 50.38 2.53 0.35
53 Annie 50.12 7.48 3.5
54 Karma 49.8 9.33 1.33
55 Diana 49.78 2.96 1.19
56 Jinx 49.32 14.71 0.79
57 Jayce 49.24 7.63 2.97
58 Vi 49.18 0.87 0.14
59 Xin Zhao 49.08 1.69 0.46
60 Ahri 49.05 10.2 2.05
61 Xerath 49 8.87 5.12
62 Master Yi 48.83 5.93 5.99
63 Fizz 48.78 14.03 28.93
64 Blitzcrank 48.54 24.5 27.6
65 Fiora 48.43 2.15 1.3
66 Gnar 48.18 8.11 0.82
67 Cassiopeia 48.02 2.89 0.72
68 Yasuo 47.98 22.11 10.71
69 Pantheon 47.95 2.28 0.32
70 Ekko 47.93 13.53 12.18
71 Zilean 47.84 6.67 1.78
72 Nami 47.78 3.28 0.23
73 Malphite 47.77 12.39 10.85
74 Zac 47.73 2.47 0.53
75 Shaco 47.58 12.16 10.73
76 Ashe 47.54 10.25 0.46
77 Nasus 47.38 2.16 0.35
78 Rumble 47.36 2.66 0.3
79 Renekton 47.31 1.38 0.18
80 Lissandra 47.26 3.78 0.94
81 Veigar 47.21 16.57 6.81
82 Jax 46.98 2.01 1.11
83 Aurelion Sol 46.84 4.96 2.23
84 Twisted Fate 46.76 7.06 0.45
85 Draven 46.68 2.94 0.3
86 Hecarim 46.6 1.73 0.9
87 Twitch 46.5 4.76 0.43
88 Ezreal 46.34 46.44 17.71
89 Lulu 46.11 3.44 0.36
90 Kennen 46.06 5.35 2.08
91 Viktor 46.05 5.59 0.47
92 Gragas 46.02 4.33 1.19
93 Kassadin 45.94 2.23 0.5
94 Urgot 45.79 2.53 0.78
95 Vayne 45.66 9.74 0.67
96 Kayle 45.62 2.1 0.38
97 Mordekaiser 45.27 0.91 0.22
98 Cho'Gath 45.25 3.13 0.75
99 Riven 45 5.44 1.17
100 Orianna 44.94 7.29 0.79
101 Aatrox 44.73 0.51 1.16
102 Zed 44.21 23.25 37.97
103 Anivia 44.19 3.36 0.77
104 Thresh 44.08 8.69 0.51
105 Elise 43.85 0.6 0.23
106 Azir 43.82 15.61 13.26
107 Nocturne 43.48 0.56 0.11
108 Ryze 43.28 2.89 0.77
109 Lucian 43.19 21.12 1.62
110 Soraka 43.19 4.41 5.19
111 Akali 43.16 2.73 2.26
112 Udyr 43.13 0.58 0.18
113 Shyvana 43.05 0.69 0.1
114 Quinn 42.95 1.03 0.11
115 Nidalee 42.66 18.8 5.64
116 Rengar 42.36 4.16 0.64
117 Corki 42.11 2.09 0.24
118 Tristana 42.06 3.35 0.11
119 Kalista 41.94 1.97 0.19
120 Taliyah 41.15 13.18 1.56
121 Tahm Kench 41 4.95 1.39
122 Rek'Sai 40.99 0.58 0.09
123 Kha'Zix 40.95 3.6 0.52
124 Syndra 40.58 2.56 0.31
125 Nunu 40.44 1.68 0.33
126 Kindred 40.22 2.91 1.03
127 Tryndamere 40.11 0.9 0.32
128 Lee Sin 40.03 8.97 0.86
129 LeBlanc 39.87 12.01 8.52
130 Evelynn 39.52 0.59 0.73
131 Bard 35.45 4.03 0.69
submitted by Lolalytics to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

varus runes lolalytics video

HOW TO PLAY XAYAH  Build & Runes  Diamond ... - YouTube BEST WAY TO PLAY XAYAH ADC  Build & Runes  9.2 CS  71% ... The ONLY Pantheon Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of ... New Best Builds for ALL ADCs in Patch 9.3 League of legends - Новые Руны: Варус!/New Runes: Varus #1 ... VAYNE S10 ADC  (GUÍA - CÓMO JUGAR CON VAYNE - GAMEPLAY)  RUNAS, OBJETOS, HABILIDADES, COMBOS MINI REWORK DE GAREN  GUIA DE GAREN  S9  HABILIDADES, RUNAS, OBJETOS, HECHIZOS provides League of Legends champion statistics, guides, builds, runes, masteries, skill orders and counters by role - including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! METAsrc LoL 11.3 Kha'Zix AR URF Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters League of Legends + ANALYTICS = LoLalytics Varus traveled to Runeterra with the second wave of invaders, and with his crystalline bow, he assassinated enemy commanders and champions, helping the darkin defeat the mortal armies with ever greater ease. Soon after Aatrox's fall, Varus was cornered by vastayan moon-stalkers and human mages in service of a golden-armored warrior queen. Varus' other abilities consume stacks of Blight on enemies upon damaging them to deal 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5% (+2% per 100 ability power) of the target's maximum health bonus magic damage and, if they are a champion or epic monster, reduce his basic abilities' cooldowns by 12% of the maximum cooldown for each stack on the target, up to 36% per target. Find builds, runes, counters, guides, combos and tips for all 154 League of Legends champions. METAsrc LoL 11.3 Karma NA ARAM Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters Varus' other abilities consume stacks of Blight on enemies upon damaging them to deal bonus magic damage and, if they are a champion or epic monster, reduce his basic abilities' cooldowns by 12% of the maximum cooldown for each stack on the target, up to 36% per target. The bonus damage is capped at 360 against monsters. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Varus when played ADC. Statistics include Varus's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Counters include who Varus ADC is Strong or Weak Against. Varus Bottom Build, Runes & Counters Varus bottom has a 47.28% win rate in All Ranks on Patch 30 coming in at rank 37 of 41 and graded D+ Tier on the LoL Tierlist . Varus bottom is a strong counter to Aphelios , Senna & Xayah while Varus is countered most by Jhin , Tristana & Miss Fortune .

varus runes lolalytics top

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HOW TO PLAY XAYAH Build & Runes Diamond ... - YouTube

There were a ton of changes to ADCs this patch so let's take a look at the new builds! Streaming now - Check builds here - https://lola... Diamond Xayah Gameplay Guide 0:04 Build 0:07 Runes Twitch: Discord: Enjoyed? Vayne 2020. Vayne Parche 10.5 (Vayne Patch 10.5) Con sus Runas (Runes), Objetos (Build/Items), Hechizos de Invocador (Summoners) Destello y Curar (Flash and Heal). Espero que os guste y ya haré ... Want instant, easily-accessible, 24-7 coaching from high elo players? Then check out our website: 9.16 is bringing along th... Garen 2019. Garen Parche 9.9 (Patch 9.9) Con sus Maestrías (Masteries), Runas (Runes), Objetos (Build/Items), Hechizos de Invocador (Summoners) Destello/Aplastar (Flash/Teleportación). Espero ... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Соло/Дуо ранкеды! Голд+*ВК -*Steam -*Сообщения в прямом эфире ...

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