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Just Hit GM on Support on PS4 for the First Time Playing Mostly Ana, Zen, Bap, and Lucio Solo Queueing and without being in Team Chat. Here to Give Some General Support Advice. (Part 1)


If you don't care about all this and want to go straight to the advice you can skip to section 2.
Hi guys, just wanted to share some insight on my road to grinding support to GM and to give some free advice for players wanting to improve. Here's the Proof that I hit GM if anybody was curious.
Just wanted to start by saying that I started off in low gold on my main account back in season 9. I didn't hit Masters until season 16 where I was stuck around the 3.4k-3.6k range until I hit GM on tank in season 23. After that, I wanted to practice support and made a new account so I could start from the ground up and so I wouldn't ruin other people's games because my support was probably not at a high masters/low GM level yet. Overwatch is also the first FPS competitive game I took seriously.
To help supplement my practice I watched coaching VOD reviews of Ana, Zen, and Bap and some unranked to GM VODs of people like ML7 and epicenzo. Then I would write down a couple of things that I needed to work on for each hero. I am by no means an amazing player, but through focused practice and time, I was able to hit GM on support. Hoping this post helps aspiring support players who feel stuck in their rank.
I also chose to not be in team chat for most of games because I really just wanted to focus on my mechanics and decision making without having to listen to other people complain. My experience in ranked is that I don't hear actual useful callouts until mid to high masters, but even at that rank I still didn't join voice. If you're hardcore, "you must be in voice chat, it's a team game!" kind of person then...I'm sorry?

1 - Controls and Settings for Console

If you are a PC player you can skip this section.
Make sure to have all allied health bars on! This will show the HP of teammates at all times and is a very useful piece of information for all support players. It will help dictate healing priorities and who needs healing certain situtations.
I'm sure some of you are curious about the specific console settings I use because it can be confusing. Here is a video explaining the differences between all the settings:
Dual Zone
Horizontal Sens: 70
Vertical sens: 65
Aim Assist Strength: 100
Aim Assist Window Size: 50
Aim Assist Ease In: 70
Aim Smoothing: 98
Aim Ease In: 30
Ana: I had Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed at 60 and Friendly Aim Assist Strength 75. Ultimate was bound to L3 so I wouldn't have to let go of the right stick.
Baptiste: Crouch is bound to L3, which is how Baptiste charges his exo boots. This allowed me to have it charged, while keep my aim with the right stick.
Lucio: Jump is on L2 and secondary fire is on L3. Backwards wallriding is enabled
Zenyatta: Reload is bound to L3 and sensitivity of harmony and discord orb on 70.
At the end of the day, work with the sens and controls that work best for you. This is what works for me after hours of experimentation and trial and error and these settings may not necessarily work for you.

2 - Ranked Advice

If you want to go straight into support advice you can skip this section
Need a Tough Mental: From when I first placed in plat on the new account to finally hitting GM, I would receive toxic messaged at every rank. Messages like "you're trash" "garbage healer" or my favorite, "I can't believe you're (insert rank here) you're dogshit." I even had a couple of instances playing Zen where my allied tank was shooting me, bodyblocking me, and overall just being a dick so I couldn't see the team fight. Here's the hard truth. There's not a lot you can do about toxic people. I know that scares a lot of you and I can see why.
I'll tell you a little secret, people are toxic because that's a coping mechanism for them playing poorly so they deflect blame on someone else on the team. Don't let some random person in a video game diminish who you are as a player and as person. You aren't a shitty person so don't let dickheads on the internet try to put you down. Mute. Report. Go next. Prove the haters wrong! You'll most likely never meet them again anyways.
Be Self-Critical and Open to Change: This will be the best advice I can give you that will improve your gameplay in the long-term. On my road to GM, I was constantly reevaluating my mistakes, so I could adjust them for future team fights and games. It's easy to fall into the trap of blaming teammates and attributing losses to them. While that may be the case, there's always something you can do to improve. For me, there are currently two things I am working on that I know I am weak at. Landing reliable sleep darts to defend myself and being more disciplined with my positioning. What are mistakes are you currently trying to work on?
Now, don't be that type of person who is overthinking everything about every little mistake they made. That's a quick way to ruin your mental. On the other hand, don't be the type of person who thinks they are doing everything perfectly. There's a nice balance between being confident and being honest about your mistakes. If you find yourself unable to mentally remember your mistakes, write down those mistakes with solutions, then actively apply them in game. Ask for a friend or outside help to give you another perspective if you're having a hard time self-analyzing.
Teammates are Going to do Dumbshit: ...and that's okay. I get it. As a support you get front row seats to the circus of ranked. From Reinhardts pinning into spawn, teammates wasting ultimates, Genji's spamming I need healing halfway across the map, I get it. There's a prayer that goes, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." If that doesn't explain how I feel about ranked I don't know what does.
You cannot force your teammates to make the right play 100% of the time no matter how loud you scream into your mic, you cannot control all of their actions, and so the best thing you can is to control your own actions. If you are consistently the best player in your lobby you will eventually climb. You don't have to be a god gamer but just slightly better than the players in the lobby. Stick to the fundamentals and abuse the mistakes on the enemy, because trust me, they make a lot of mistakes.
Adjusting to the Speed of Play at Different SR: Once I got into the 3.8K range I would be thrown into varying SR lobbies. One game I will be in a 3.4K lobby with plats and the next I would be thrown into an almost full GM lobby. In lower ranked lobbies I could get away with weird flanks and poor positioning, which would not be punished as much. Then once I got into GM lobbies, those bad habits and poor positioning I built would be punished. You don't realize how bad your positioning is until you are being consistently smacked by an enemy Widow, Tracer, McCree, or Doomfist. I had to be disciplined with my positioning, even at the lower ranked games so that when the GM game came I would already be in that mindset. The fundamentals of the game don't change, but the time window to kill someone does. Play for the rank you want to be, not the rank you are in.
Short Warm-up Routine: It's good to have a short 5-10 minute warm up routine before you start getting into a ranked session. For me, I use some workshop codes that are shown down below in the Outside Resources section and some deathmatch. This is a great way so that you're not throwing the first few games by missing easy shots. Even after the initial warm-up, it still takes a couple of games for your brain to warm-up to the decision making in game. It wasn't uncommon for me to lose the first few matches even after a good warm-up. Don't let a couple of losses discourage you from continuing your ranked session.
Would also like to add that you shouldn't be spending hours on aim trainers and warming up. Aim is great, and is an important skill of Overwatch, but it isn't the only skill. Positioning, movement, cool down management, decision making, awareness, etc are all important aspects that aim trainers won't tech you. This is why a lot of advice for new players is to, "play more" because they just need to experience the complexities of the game. Don't be afraid to make mistakes in ranked as those are good learning opportunities for the next game.

3 - General Support Advice

Understand Your Role and Healing Priorities: The first step that everyone should do is look at their team comp and figure our what your primary job is. For example, if I'm playing Ana with a Rein, Zarya, Mercy, McCree, & Hanzo, I know that my Mercy will default to supporting the DPS, while I default to supporting the tanks. Of course, when situations arise where I need to help out the DPS or Mercy I will, but I already have an idea of what my priorities are going into a team fight. It's easier to adjust to bad situations when you already have an idea of what your default role is. If I feel that my Mercy is mismanaging her resources mid-game then I can always adjust to landing a couple more shots on my DPS when they need it.
Ask yourself these 3 questions when it comes to understanding your priorities:
  1. What is my job in this team comp?
  2. What should I use my abilities and ultimate for?
  3. Where should I position in terms of this team comp?
Don't overthink this and make it super simple. It can be as simple as I need to keep my frontline alive or peel for my other support. If you have any specific situations about healing priority, comment down below and I would be happy to answer them.
Understand Who on the Enemy Team can Kill You: After 15 seconds into a match you will be able to see the enemy team comp. Get into the habit of checking the scoreboard in between team fights. Take your time to gather all in the information on the enemy. Before doing anything crazy. Most of time, the biggest threats will be the DPS and/or dive tanks. If you're consistently dying to tanks like Rein or Zarya then there is something extremely wrong with your positioning. Adjust you positioning and cool downs accordingly depending on the enemy DPS. I'll get more into depth in Part 2.
Awareness. Awareness. Awareness.: This skill is the foundation of game sense and decision making in game. If you have poor awareness you will find yourself struggling executing the points I will be making throughout this post. These are the things you want to look out for to improve awareness:
  1. Where your teammates are positioned: As a support, it's important to get the full view of the battlefield. Constantly remind yourself to be able to see all 5 of your teammates. If you can't see them on your screen then take a second to figure out where they are.
  2. Where the enemy team is positioned: This is to reinforce my previous point of figuring out who on the enemy team might kill you. It's important to know where they might come from. Overwatch maps are designed with a middle land, a left lane, and a right lane. Sometimes the lanes have high ground, go through a tunnel, through a building or combination of those things. There can only be so many ways and enemy can approach you. Take the time to see if you can account for all 6 enemies. If one enemy is missing then they are doing something sneaky on a flank or right behind you.
  3. Kill feed: I am constantly checking the kill feed almost every second. It's an important tool to check the status of the team fight. If my team loses 1 or 2 players very early on then I know to wait for the regroup if I'm on attack. If I'm on the defending side I know I need to make a big play to offset the player advantage from the enemy team. Then if my team loses 4 or more players then 99% of the time I know it's a lost team fight. Simple. Check the kill feed.
  4. Abilities used: Being aware of cool downs helps tremendously. For example, knowing when Zarya uses her bubbles or when Dva's defense matrix is down is a great way to land anti nades as Ana. If you have a hard time visualizing and listening to abilities being used then I suggest watching your own replay code and just listen to the sound queues. You will be shocked on how much you miss.
  5. Ultimates: Ult tracking is considered an advanced technique, but is still an important skill to learn. This is especially important for heroes like Zenyatta or Lucio who have ultimates that can mitigate big enemy ult combos. Start by ult tracking one player on the enemy team. Then eventually you'll be able to do 2, then the whole team, then you'll narrow it down to the ultimates that will play the biggest impact in the upcoming team fight. Bonus tip, if a player hasn't used an ultimate in over 2 team fights then they probably have it.
Value Your Life!: Don't make the mistake of following your teammate into the pits of hell. As a support, your team's success is tied to how long you can survive. The longer you survive the more resources your team will have. Don't go into a bad position or run in the open just to heal a person is missing 5 HP in the middle of a team fight. Supports should almost never be dying at the start of team fights. If you are consistently dying first as a support then you are positioning poorly or mismanaging your abilities. Prioritize your life!
Protect Your Fellow Support: Supports. Please. Protect each other! As I mentioned before, the longevity of a support is tied with the success of the team. I know what you're thinking, "if the supports are healing each other then who is healing the frontline?" Let me put it this way, if the enemy team is pumping resources into trying to kill the backline then that means there is less damage going into the rest of your team.
Multitasking: You might need to defend yourself for a few seconds, heal your teammate the next, quick scope a low HP enemy the next, all while rotating into a different position at the same time. As a support, you need to be proficient thinking ahead. This is why understanding your role is important before every match. Multitasking requires a mixture of awareness, good decision making, and mechanics. Without each of those components you will find yourself struggling to do multiple actions.
Team fights are never static, they constantly evolve, which provide different situations for you to answer. So it's important to change priorities when needed. Remember, critical HP signs show when your teammate has half of their HP or less. So Genji who is at critical vs a Winston who is at critical may need to be healed first as they have a higher chance of dying. It's a case by case basis, but you need to be able to read situations before they happen to be able to get better at multitasking.
Be a Threat and Playmaker: Once you've built a strong foundation of dying less, you then need to start becoming a playmaker and damage threat. Supports aren't pushovers and can pack a punch. I mean, Zen can 2 shot headshot and enemy squishy with discord. The reason why this is important is because if you become a threat then the enemy DPS have to respect you. They can't just walk over the backline. If you also become a damage threat then you open up advantages for the rest of your team. For example, as Zen I am putting pressure on the enemy Tracer, which forces her recall. This then allows my Tracer to win the Tracer battle because my Tracer has a distinct advantage. That then leads to an opening kill for the rest of my team to push. Forcing cool downs for free isn't something that will be shown in the stats, but it's an important aspect that will win team fights.
Higher Healing Numbers are Overrated: What's the difference in the amount of healing a Mercy can output in GM vs Gold? Answer, 0. A Mercy will always pump out 55HPS no matter what rank. What makes a good support player is how they prioritize their healing in the right situations combined with how their kit impacts a team fight. Anybody can just dump heals on their friendly Reinhardt and get gold healing. News flash, that doesn't win you games. If a ton of healing leads to wins then you would see Moira in every top 500 lobby.

4 - Thought Process on Support Picks

Ana: Ana is a great versatile support pick as she can fit in a lot of team comps. Her long range healing enables high resource intensive tanks like Rein/Zarya but can also support dive tanks like Winston/Dva. These tanks are are also great nano boost targets under the right circumstances. Ana is decent at healing DPS, although it's not her primary focus. Her nano boost is a great pairing for ultimate combos with DPS like Genji, Pharah, and other high mobility heroes like Tracer and Genji. She is also decent at defending herself (if you're capable) with her sleep dart and biotic grenade.
Pick Ana with tanks that require high resources, in situations where you need to defend yourself, combo nano boost, and to make high impact plays with anti nade. She is weakest in bunker comps as she doesn't have the "spam damage" compared to Zen and Baptiste.
Baptiste: Baptiste is another great versatile support hero as a hybrid between Ana, Zen, and Moira, but with vertical mobility. He absolutely shines in deathball or bunker comps where he can get the most out of his AOE healing. When played in these situations he can build his ultimate after almost every team fight. He can also dish out a ton of damage and can be used to defend himself against flankers or as a 3rd DPS. His biggest weakness is playing in dive as he'll have a hard time healing his teammates. You'll end up using your abilities on yourself, and if you're not getting full advantage of immortality field then may not be worth it to play Baptiste.
Pick Baptiste in static bunker or rush comps. Avoid playing him with dive as there are better options like Zen, Mercy, or Ana.
Lucio: Lucio is a relatively weak pick at the moment as his biggest strengths, speed boost and dueling are outclassed by ranged poke damage. He can be played in really strong boop maps like Lijiang Tower or Ilios but be careful on tunnel visioning on boops. He is still decent at peeling for your fellow support but Brig is the number one option at dealing with flankers. Dueling potential as a 3rd DPS, while getting teammates into position with speed is the only way I have found success with Lucio. He pairs well with heroes like Rein, Reaper, Mei, etc who require to be in close range to be effective.
Lucio is an average pick in the moment as the strength of range damage is more valuable than speed boost. However, he can work with rush comps, but engagement timings have to be decisive. If you end up being a healbot Lucio then consider playing Moira or Baptiste instead as they output more AOE healing than Lucio.
Zenyatta: Zen is a glass cannon, but what he lacks in survivability, he makes up for in a shit ton of damage. I personally try to play Zen as much as possible, but he doesn't work well it tanks who require a lot of resources. If that happens then I would pick Ana, Moira, or Baptiste. If I do find that my tanks are feeding or playing too passively that it doesn't matter how much healing I pump into them then I will switch to Zen. His harmony orb works well with flankers like Genji, Tracer, and Echo who can utilize that 30HPS for being more aggressive.
Zen works great in dive comps and bunker comps. He's still playable against 1 or 2 flankers (if you can land your shots) but if the enemy team is 3+ man diving you and you aren't getting any peel then I would consider switching off.


If I were to boil everything down to key points to improve on how I was able to climb as support it would be this
  1. Know your role and priorities in a team comp.
  2. Always think in the back of your head who on the enemy team might kill you.
  3. Position yourself with cover and to see the entire picture of a team fight.
  4. Don't waste abilities.
  5. Finally, don't waste ultimates if a team fight is decisively won or lost.
Follow those 5 steps then apply that to any support hero and you should be able to climb with practice and actively learning. Hope this helps you guys. Remember, it takes time to actually apply knowledge in game. Sometimes you need to take one step back to move two steps forward. A lot of you guys are making constant mistakes so it's important to slow that down, build good habits slowly, so that over time you can make good decisions quickly. Comment down below if you have any specific questions about Overwatch or how I was able to climb and I would be happy to answer them.
Here is the link the Part 2 where I go over specific support heroes.

Outside Resources

Workshop Codes
Practice Range 2.2: AJERA
Healing Trainer for Baptiste and Ana: A9B2N
Aim Trainer 1: KAVE5
Aim Trainer 2: 9SM5N
Flanker Duel Practice: MXCB3
Genji Sleep Dart Practice: ZKMC1
Doomfist Sleep Dart Practice: 8Z23K
Wrecking Ball Sleep Dart Practice: ASHZS
Ana vs Pharmercy: T7CB6
Ana Nade Tool: EBAXM
Ana Gamepedia Information
ML7's Ana Guide
ML7's Ana Unranked to GM
KarQ and ML7's 1 Ana tip vs Every Hero
KarQ's 1 Nade for Every Map
KarQ's Platinum Ana VOD Review
ML7's Platinum Ana VOD Review
ML7's Silver Ana VOD Review
Hayes VOD review of ML7
Baptiste Gamepedia Information
MajorMidget's Baptiste Guide
ML7's Baptiste Unranked to GM
KarQ and ML7's 1 Baptiste Tip vs Every Hero
Fran's Baptiste Tips & Tricks
Lunar's Baptiste Tips & Tricks
ML7's Platinum Baptiste VOD Review
Gunther's Baptiste VOD review via PECO Overwatch Coaching
Lucio Gamepedia Information
KarQ and FunnyAstro Lucio Guide
KarQ and Rammy's 1 Lucio Tip vs Every Hero
Eskay's Lucio Rollout For Every Map
KarQ and Eskay's 1 Lucio Rollout for Every Map
SVB's Diamond Lucio VOD review
FunnyAstro Lucio VOD Review
Zenyatta Gamepedia Information
MajorMidget's Zenyatta Guide
Epicenzo's Zenyatta Unranked to GM
KarQ's 1 Zenyatta Tip vs Every Hero
Epicenzo's Zenyatta Primary and Secondary Fire Guide
Jayne's Zenyatta Platinum VOD Review
Hayes Zenyatta VOD Review of Kaan
Jake's Zenyatta VOD Review of HTP
Edit: so I accidentally deleted a lot of the post when I tried editing something. This is the restored version and a little different from the original post I made. I tried to make it as close as possible, but if anyone who read the original post found something I missed please let me know.
submitted by NatHong96 to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

Just Hit GM on Support on PS4 for the First Time Playing Mostly Ana, Zen, Bap, and Lucio Solo Queueing and without being in Team Chat. Here to Give Some Hero Specific Support Advice. (Part 2)


If you don't care about all this and want to go straight to the advice you can skip to section 2.
Hi guys, just wanted to share some insight on my road to grinding support to GM and to give some free advice for players wanting to improve. Here's the Proof that I hit GM if anybody was curious.
Just wanted to start by saying that I started off in low gold on my main account back in season 9. I didn't hit Masters until season 16 where I was stuck around the 3.4k-3.6k range until I hit GM on tank in season 23. After that, I wanted to practice support and made a new account so I could start from the ground up and so I wouldn't ruin other people's games because my support was probably not at a high masters/low GM level yet. Overwatch is also the first FPS competitive game I took seriously.
To help supplement my practice I watched coaching VOD reviews of Ana, Zen, and Bap and some unranked to GM VODs of people like ML7 and epicenzo. Then I would write down a couple of things that I needed to work on for each hero. I am by no means an amazing player, but through focused practice and time, I was able to hit GM on support. Hoping this post helps aspiring support players who feel stuck in their rank.
I also chose to not be in team chat for most of games because I really just wanted to focus on my mechanics and decision making without having to listen to other people complain. My experience in ranked is that I don't hear actual useful callouts until mid to high masters, but even at that rank I still didn't join voice. If you're hardcore, "you must be in voice chat, it's a team game!" kind of person then...I'm sorry?
Here is the link to Part 1, which I recommend you check out first

1 - Ana

Positioning: There are two things that I think about when I play Ana in terms of positioning.
  1. Do I have some sort of natural cover to protect me?
  2. Can I see all of my teammates?
If you say yes to both of those question then that's a pretty good start already. Simple. If you want to be more advanced let's talk about high ground usage and off angles.
High Ground is great because it gives you options. It's always easier to start on a high ground before a team fight because you can always drop from it if you really need to. It gives you access to landing nades on the enemy team so your teammates won't get in the way and the ability to see a lot of the map. Downside of high ground is that you can be exposed if there's no cover or if you don't have a teammate with you. Be weary of enemy snipers as you can become easing pickings if you aren't aware. I've gotten my head blown up a few times because I was hard scoping not realizing where the enemy Widow was and it cost us the team fight. Know the pros and cons of high ground so you know when to not use it.
Off Angles as the name implies is an angle is when you position away from your team, but you're able to focus down the same target together. It means the enemy team has to split their attention, thus, splitting their resources, while your team can maintain their focus fire. This is a great way to get decent damage in and access to anti nades on the enemy team. The weakness of it is that if the enemy team cuts you off from the rest of your team then you become vulnerable and your team is missing support. It's important to always have an exit plan when you go for off angles. If you're on an off angle on your own, you can most likely hold that angle for a few seconds until an enemy player will realize and push you. Read the situation, know your limits, and have an exit plan when going for off angle plays.
Unscoped/Quick Scope/Scoped Shots:
Simple. All three types of shots are important and need to be practiced because the type of shot you will use will depend on the situation.
Sleep Dart: Throwing a way sleep darts is a bad habit and will be punished the higher you go in rank. There's also no point in wasting it in lower ranked games either so just stop spamming it. It's more effective to use it less with more impact vs spamming it and having no impact.
These are the main ways you are going to use sleep dart.
Nade: Ana's grenade is very versatile as it can be used for yourself, enable your team, or to be able to swing team fights by landing antis. Some of the best uses was being able to landing the nade on my Rein, while simultaneously landing an anti on the enemy Rein. Getting multi man anti nades are great, but if there's nobody to really follow up on it then it's useless (sort of). I would rather get a 1 or 2 man nade that leads to a kill, rather than a 5 man anti that my team can't do anything with.
Knowing enemy team comps will dictate a lot about how you use your nade:
Another tip is that you don't have to directly hit a nade on a person. You can splash nades on walls, corners, or the floor and it will hit those around it in a 4 meter radius.
Nano Boost: I'm not going to add any information as I think this ML7 video pretty much explains everything about nano boost. It's way more comprehensive than anything I can write down so I would check that out if you want to improve your nano boost usage.

2 - Baptiste

Positioning: Baptiste has very similar positioning to Ana and Zenyatta as a sort of hybrid support between the two with a movement ability. He can stand directly behind his team to provide healing and damage like Zenyatta, but he also has the option to be in a safer position to avoid sight lines on the enemy team and just heal. Same principle with your positioning as Ana though:
  1. Have natural cover
  2. Be able to see all of your teammates
Check those 2 boxes and you then you should be able to push your limits more with positioning.
The time you should consider being in a more passive position if the enemy team has a Widow or Ashe. In those situations you need to avoid their sight lines and be disciplined. Other than that, be open to be in a position to damage the enemy team more.
Healing vs Damage: Common question I see about Baptiste, "Do I focus on healing or do I damage more?" Answer is, it depends. I'll make it simple, heal if you have a teammate under threat, damage if your teammates are safe. The riskiest time for teammates is at the start of a team fight. This is where you will most likely be healing the most as this is where your teammates are taking the most damage. Mid-fight you will most likely be switching between healing and damage as it's more chaotic in this situation. Then one the dust has settled and it's just clean up at that point then it's okay to do more damage. Just keep in mind to still make sure your teammates don't die unnecessarily.
Another tip with Bap is that you can weave in healing and damage at basically the same time. Heal, shoot, heal, shoot, heal, shoot, if possible. It doesn't even have to be at the same target. I can heal my Rein, then damage a shield, then heal my McCree on the side, then damage an off angling Pharah. damaging and healing as Baptiste is fluid and it's never just "I'm gonna heal more" or "I'm going to damage more."
Exo Boots: Related to positioning, Baptiste has the ability to quickly reposition vertically with his exo boots. It can be a great escape tool from bad situations and to quickly get to high ground. Some instances where I have used exo boots is avoiding an earth shatter by jumping in the air or juking a Reaper to teleported next to me by dropping then quickly jumping back up. Just a couple of examples but you get the idea. Have exo boots charged and ready to go then just press crouch again to cancel. Avoid spam jumping with Baptiste as it's a bad habit to build, especially against good hitscan players. You might get away with it now but it's not a good habit to have in the long-term. Play for that rank you want to be, not the rank you are in.
Regenerative Burst: Most of the time you'll be using this ability as a self. In a perfect world your support partner should be healing you when you really need it, but it's ranked, and it isn't a perfect world. Other than using it for yourself it's an AOE heal with 10 m radius for the rest of your team. For reference, Lucio's aura has a 12 m radius. Regenerative Burst gives 150 healing for yourself and 75 healing for teammates.
Combine this ability with Bap's healing shots and it's a great source of burst healing for teammates who are under a high level of threat. It can also be used for teammates who are under zero to little threat as you can pop the heal burst and do some damage.
Immortality Field: This is one of, if not, the strongest ability in the game right now. There are a few things you need to consider when using immortality field:
  1. Does my teammate need immortality or could I just heal him?
  2. Can I place the field behind a wall or corner so that it's hard to hit? If not, consider the pros and cons.
  3. Does the immortality field enable a good play or is trying to correct a teammates mistake?
Immortality field, in a perfect world, should be used against enemy ultimates and saving teammates. If a teammate is being pressured, don't panic, if you're healing them then they should mostly be fine. Consider throwing immortality if there will be significant burst damage, purpled, stunned, or hacked. I highlight "consider" because you're not going to have to use immortality during all of those times. For example, if someone gets hacked but the enemy team isn't following up on it then I'm not going to throw lamp because can just heal the ally or do damage to the Sombra to force her retreat. Just need to read the situation.
If you do need to use immortality field then try to place it around a corner or a wall as much as possible. It's only 150 HP and can be broken quickly. The longer it lasts for 5 full seconds, the better. Of course, if it's not possible like being thrown in the air by Sigma ult or in a Zarya grav, still use it. Try holding it for the last possible second though as an enemy can break it and still end up getting the kill.
There are situations where you can use immortality aggressively. These are 3 main ones that I have worked out:
  1. Off angling with an allied hitscan and combining immortality field with amplification matrix.
  2. Enemy team uses a lot of cool downs and my team can use immortality field to take aggressive space.
  3. Enabling a teammate who is using their ultimate like Genji blade, Pharah barrage, McCree high noon, etc.
Follow the same principles and try to place the immortality field around a wall or corner when using it aggressively. Finally, if you're under direct threat and need to use immortality field for yourself then do so. Jus remember, positioning, exo boots, regenerative burst, and Bap's damage should be used first before using immortality field for yourself. Immortality field should be your last resort to self-defense.
Bonus tip, immortality field follows the same arch as Baptiste's healing grenade. So, if you aren't sure where your immortality field will land then place a couple shots of healing before to figure out the trajectory.
Amplification Matrix: Using this ultimate is like a double edged sword. It's a great ultimate to turn team fights, versatile, and charges very quickly. However, the weird thing that happens in ranked is when amp matrix is deployed, the entire team will gravitate towards it and give up their positioning. It's like one of those fly zappers, where the flies are your teammates, and the zapper is the matrix. Sorry, just a small pet peeve of mine. Anyways, it's a great way to initiate a team fight or counter engage with. My personal favorite use is baiting a team to walk into a long sight line the popping the window in front of their faces. Makes for a quick team fight win. Other options are using it at an off angle with a teammate or using it for yourself to do more damage/healing. Don't be afraid to use this ultimate as it charges fairly quickly. Experiment and have fun with it.

3 - Lucio

Positioning: General positioning of Lucio is slightly at the center of the team, but being ready to check an enemy DPS and/or peel for your squishy teammates. As Lucio, you have two primary jobs:
  1. Speeding your team
  2. Being a bodyguard for your other support
Read the enemy team comp first and that will dictate a lot on how you position. If the enemy team is running dive then you will need to position closer to your other support to protect them. If they are running a single flanker, like Tracer, you have the option of contesting an angle or lane they like coming from. It's like a "preemptive peel" where you get to waste a lot of their resources and make them retreat to their team.
If the enemy team isn't running some sort of dive then just mostly be in the center of your team and speed them where they need to go. Check on your other support every few seconds though, they might have taken some poke damage and it's important that they don't waste their cool downs for themsleves.
Healing vs Speed: This is difficult question to answer, but I'll try my best to give the basics. It first starts with your team comp. When you're playing with Rein, Zarya, and/or DPS that have short range then you will mostly be on speed. If you're playing with a dive comp where your teammates already have high mobility then speed becomes sort of redundant and you will mostly be on healing.
Here are situations where I would use speed as Lucio:
  1. Closing the distance against an enemy
  2. Closing the distance to an ally to peel for them
  3. Speeding a teammate so they can chase a kill
  4. Speed boosting a teammate to safety when healing won't save them
  5. Transitioning through an open area quickly to avoid damage
  6. Speed boosting ultimates like Reaper's death blossom and Roadhog's whole hog
If you're already using speed like that, then you're already better than most of the Lucio player I've played with. Use healing in other situations I didn't list above.
Wallriding: Back in the day of 2017, you probably didn't need to wallride to be a good Lucio. Now, it's a must have to be a good Lucio player. Think of wallriding as a force multiplier. Lucio moves faster on walls, meaning, he can close the distance to his teammates or enemies, and it makes him harder to hit. Wallriding is just something you really need to practice. Hop into a custom game and practice wallriding around maps or play Lucio in some deathmatch. The more you practice, the better you'll be at wallriding
Boop: Pretty much a spammable ability. Main uses of Lucio's boop are:
  1. Environmental kills
  2. Booping an enemy in a bad position
  3. Saving teammates death
  4. Damage Combos
    1. Boop them up in the air so they'll be in a predictable pattern for you to kill
    2. Boop + melee is a great 55 damage combo, especially on squishy heroes
Just remember to not tunnel vision on environmental kills. It's easy to fall into the trap of only going for environmental kills when you still need to support the team.
Amp it up: Same principle as speeding vs healing except in more extreme situations. Speed boost to save teammates, close the distance, or rotating through open areas quickly. The only time you will really be heal boosting if the team fight is over and you're getting that last bit of healing for ult charge or your team is already engaged and doesn't really need to speed anymore so you put it on healing.
Dropping the Beat: First thing about Lucio's ultimate is that you have to read the situation first. If you use it, is it enough to actually win a team fight? If the answer is no, then don't use it. An example would be an enemy team comboing Grav with nano barrage. There is no way Lucio's beat is enough to survive that combo. Also consider how many teammates are still on your team. If you're using beat for only 1 or 2 teammates alive because you were saving it for the enemy grav, it's not a good beat. Team fight is already lost at that point, yeah you used it for the enemy grav but you could've used it for the next team fight.
If team fights are still winnable then you will most likely use beat in 3 major ways:
  1. Engaging: This is great if the enemy team uses a lot of cool downs or has no ultimates. Just make sure your team is ready to engage with it or the shields will expire before your team actually starts fighting.
  2. Against enemy ults: The common tip is using it against big combos. This is fine for the most part, but just need to know when the enemy team has too much damage that using beat will not be enough to win.
  3. Counter engaging: This usually happens in long drawn team fights where team's will exchange kills and cool downs leading to a stalemate. Using beat to turn the tide in you team's favor will be that little extra buff that might win you guys the team fight.
Another tip is that Lucio's beat has a cast time but if you do it on slightly elevated surfaces then the cast time is a lot shorter. Another tip is that Lucio's beat needs to be in line of sight and so can be cut off by shields. However there's a small window after you drop the beat where you can LOS a teammate and they will get the beat.

4 - Zenyatta

Positioning: Same principle as the other supports with one extra guideline that's important for Zen:
  1. Have natural cover
  2. Be able to see all your teammates
  3. Need to be able to see enemy players
Zen's main focus is to do damage. You need to be able to see the enemy team to provide discords. The range of discords is pretty forgiving at 40 m so you don't need to be too close. Some exceptions is playing against a Widow or Ashe. These heroes often times share the same sight lines, but have the advantage of having hitscan so they can more reliably land shots on you. If this happens, then position yourself so that you can avoid the Widow/Ashe's sight lines and focus on the enemy tanks. The "god gamer" player is to of course pressure or kill the enemy hitscans so you don't have to worry about it, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're feeling really confident or if the enemy hitscans are unaware of where you are. If you are feeling confident then jiggle pick through a corner to make it difficult for them or charge up a volley and look to one shot them when they are hard scoped.
Volleys vs Primary: It's important to distinguish when to use primary and secondary fire as Zenyatta. It's a key factor in optimizing damage efficiency as Zen and thus outputting more damage for your team. Here are the pros and cons of primary vs secondary fire as Zen
Primary Fire
Secondary Fire
Discord Orb: This is Zenyatta's strongest ability and surprisingly, an ability a lot of lower ranked player underestimate.
  1. If you're new to Zenyatta your first priority is just placing on an enemy as much as possible during a team fight. Just focus them down even if isn't necessarily the best target yet.
  2. The next step is placing Discord orb on targets that should be focused down. Usually those are tanks, enemies that are major threats, and out of position targets.
  3. Last step is fluidly mixing in Zen's primary fire, while placing discord orb on the appropriate targets, without missing a beat. This is the most challenging part as an out of position target or an enemy that needs to be focused down may have a short time window. Would recommend watching any high level Zen player and watch as they do skill. It's hard to explain in words and is better visually seen.
Bonus tip with discord orb is that it will stay on a target for 3 seconds when out of line of sight. It works as a mini sonar arrow for you to see if an enemy is about to flank or peek a corner. Great way to get unsuspecting kills.
Harmony Orb: The main way to use harmony orb is placing it on allies who you know are about to take the most damage or be placed in the riskiest situation. Usually that will be squishy flankers like Tracer, Genji, or Echo. Prioritize having healing orb on those heroes as much as possible but don't overextend or go into a poor position just to heal them. It's easy to panic when seeing a critical sign on an ally, but remember one of the first things I talked about playing support is valuing your life.
If your other support is being threatened and needs help then place harmony on them as quickly as possible. It's still important to protect your other support and deal with the threat. Tanks are an "okay" option for harmony orb if your other support is something like a Mercy or a Lucio. Realistically tho, having harmony orb on a hero like a Reinhardt who is very resource intensive will not be enough. The real way to "heal" a Reinhardt is dishing out more damage on the enemy Rein.
Just remember to not spend too much time worrying about harmony as Zen's main focus is damage. Don't get me wrong, harmony orb placement is still an important skill for Zen, but it's important to not be a "healbot" Zen as every single other support is better at healing than he is. Play to Zen's strengths.
Transcendence: Very powerful ultimate that provides 300HPS and makes Zen invulnerable for 6 seconds. For all the Zen newbies, transcendence does not make your teammates invulnerable if they are in it. Main uses for Zen's transcendence are:
  1. Against enemy ultimate combos like grav/dragons, Sigma flux, earthshatter, etc.
  2. Keeping yourself alive when there's no real need to use against an ultimate. There are going to be team comps like Winston, Dva, Widow, & Tracer, where there is no real ultimate to counter. This will be an appropriate team comp to use Trans to save yourself
  3. Lastly but probably the weakest way to use it is keeping your teammates alive to sustain the fight. Reason it's weak is that your ally is probably in a position to save them and it's a heavy investment in resources just to keep a teammate alive. One could argue that it's a good way to suddenly change the tempo in favor of your team and in some situations I agree. It's mostly a case by case basis but try exhausting all your effort in doing damage and placing harmony orb before trying to use trans to save teammates.
The biggest weakness of transcedence is that Zen loses the ability to output his damage and placing discords. So you gain a lot of healing but lose out on Zen's damage. The one advantage is that the discord orb that is placed before popping trans stays on during the duration of trans.
If enemies are trying to bait out trans of you early to use one of their combos like nanoblade you may have to pop trans if you are about to die. I know it feels dumb but think about it this way. If you die with trans the rest of your team are going to die anyways to the combo. Might as well give your team the chance during that time window for your team to kill that genji. Just remember, pop trans as a lost option as good positioning, help from teammates, and dueling should be used first before popping trans to save yourself. For all the people who have Zen teammates, make sure to protect them!
Dealing with Zen hate: I put this as a separate point because I've received the most hate from teammates when playing Zen. A lot of the times it comes from tank players who feed (specifically Rein players) and support partners who feel like they have to heal so much. You will receive a lot of shit from players playing Zen and I warn you now that you need to have a tough mental playing him in lower elos. I usually instant mute toxic people and just prove to myself that I can fucking do this. Zen is a very very strong hero, but so far, has not been accepted in the majority of the ranked community.


If you're the type of player who gets overwhelmed with a lot of information or has been trying to climb, but still stuck, despite endless time watching VODs, guides, and streamers I have a suggestion for you guys. Just focus on one major point in this guide. It's easy to fall into the trap of trying to apply everything here but if you don't have basics you will never be able to apply all of the information. Focus on one aspect that I bolded for a week, a month, or however long it takes you until you feel like a firm grasp on that piece of knowledge you're trying to apply. Then move on to something next and keep building on that.
If I were to boil everything down to key points to improve on how I was able to climb as support it would be this
  1. Know your role and priorities in a team comp
  2. Always think in the back of your head who on the enemy team might kill you
  3. Position yourself with cover and to see the entire picture of a team fight
  4. Don't waste abilities
  5. Finally, don't waste ultimates if a team fight is decisively won or lost
Follow those 5 steps then apply that to any support hero and you should be able to climb with practice and actively learning. Hope this helps you guys. Comment down below if you liked or disliked this post and why so I can improve it. Also, comment if you want to see comprehensive hero guides on each support. I will be happy to make more in the future.

Outside Resources

Workshop Codes
Practice Range 2.2: AJERA
Healing Trainer for Baptiste and Ana: A9B2N
Aim Trainer 1: KAVE5
Aim Trainer 2: 9SM5N
Flanker Duel Practice: MXCB3
Genji Sleep Dart Practice: ZKMC1
Doomfist Sleep Dart Practice: 8Z23K
Wrecking Ball Sleep Dart Practice: ASHZS
Ana vs Pharmercy: T7CB6
Ana Nade Tool: EBAXM
Ana Gamepedia Information
ML7's Ana Guide
ML7's Ana Unranked to GM
KarQ and ML7's 1 Ana tip vs Every Hero
KarQ's 1 Nade for Every Map
KarQ's Platinum Ana VOD Review
ML7's Platinum Ana VOD Review
ML7's Silver Ana VOD Review
Hayes VOD review of ML7
Baptiste Gamepedia Information
MajorMidget's Baptiste Guide
ML7's Baptiste Unranked to GM
KarQ and ML7's 1 Baptiste Tip vs Every Hero
Fran's Baptiste Tips & Tricks
Lunar's Baptiste Tips & Tricks
ML7's Platinum Baptiste VOD Review
Gunther's Baptiste VOD review via PECO Overwatch Coaching
Lucio Gamepedia Information
KarQ and FunnyAstro Lucio Guide
KarQ and Rammy's 1 Lucio Tip vs Every Hero
Eskay's Lucio Rollout For Every Map
KarQ and Eskay's 1 Lucio Rollout for Every Map
SVB's Diamond Lucio VOD review
FunnyAstro Lucio VOD Review
Zenyatta Gamepedia Information
MajorMidget's Zenyatta Guide
Epicenzo's Zenyatta Unranked to GM
KarQ's 1 Zenyatta Tip vs Every Hero
Epicenzo's Zenyatta Primary and Secondary Fire Guide
Jayne's Zenyatta Platinum VOD Review
Hayes Zenyatta VOD Review of Kaan
Jake's Zenyatta VOD Review of HTP
submitted by NatHong96 to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

$1541+ Guaranteed- Webull, Public, M1, SoFi Money/Invest/Loans, FirstTrade, Voyager, Chase, Porte, Aspiration, One, Stash, Chime, Radius, Moomoo, Root, Robinhood, Worthy, Acorns, ChaseFreedom, DiscoverIT, PMCU, SkyOne, N26, Coinbase, PersCap,Constant,Celsius,,Wings,Oxygen,Round,Fetch,Raise

Hello! Many companies are trying to expand their market share, especially in the app space, by offering cash or cash-equivalent incentives to new users. If one company offers new users a free stock/cryptocurrency/etc., and a competitor doesn't, then the company with the referral program will gain more market share. This gives you the opportunity generate a nice chunk of change by signing up for a bunch of different apps.
I constantly search the web for the latest and greatest referral opportunities, and this is an up-to-date list I'm maintaining that details the best offers around right now! There are more than $1500 worth of offers on this page.
Please feel free to leave comments with any thoughts/questions! Gemini,, and N26 are worldwide offers, the rest are US only.

Stock Trading Apps/Websites

Banking Apps/Websites

Cryptocurrency Apps/Websites

Credit Cards

Other Offers

--Details on each offer below--

Stock Trading Apps/Websites-


Webull is a commission free stock trading platform/app which is giving out 2 free stocks (1 worth $2.50-$250, and 1 worth $8-$1600 each for depositing $100). That's a MINIMUM of $10.50 in free stock!
Webull is available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.
Referral link-


Public is another commission free stock trading app which gives you 1 stock worth $10 guaranteed (you get to pick a fraction of a share between stocks like Disney, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, etc.) for opening an account and making a $20 deposit. The way fractional shares work is, you get a piece of one of these stocks. You can still sell it or choose to sell it/hold it/it or whatever you wish, just like with a full share.
Available on iOS or Android only.

M1 Finance

M1 Finance is an investing account, like Robinhood or Webull. If you open an account using a referral link, deposit $100 to a brokerage account, and keep that initial deposit in your account for 30 days, you will get a free $30 bonus that posts within 14 days.
M1 Finance is available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.


FirstTrade is a commission-free stock trading app which gives you a free stock (valued up to $200) when you open an account via a referral link. No initial deposit is required. Additionally, they are running a short-term promo where you can get an additional 2 free stocks for depositing $100. The extra 2 stocks offer expires February 15th!
Available on iOS or Android only.


Robinhood is a stock trading platform/app which gives you a free stock (valued $2.50 - $200) when you open an account via a referral link. No initial deposit is required.
Available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.


Moomoo is a commission free stock trading app which gives you 1 free stock (valued at $4-$200 each) for opening an account via a referral link and making a $100 deposit.
Moomoo is available on iOS or Android only.


Acorns is an online investing app (iOS or Android) which is offering a free $5 bonus for simply opening an account via a referral link, depositing $5, and keeping the money in the account until the 15th of the following month. You can then withdraw the money and close the account, fee free!
If you keep the account longer, they may charge you a $3 fee, so be sure to close it after the 15th on the following month from when you signed up.
Acorns is available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.


Round is an online auto-investing app (iOS only) which is offering a free $20 bonus for simply opening an account via a referral link and depositing $500. Alternatively, you can get $100 if you deposit $10,000.
Round is available on iOS only.

SoFi Invest

SoFi gives $50 for anyone who signs up for a SoFi Invest account via a referral link and deposits $1000. This offer stacks with the SoFi Money $25 offer, so you can do both!
Plus, you can get another $25 cash bonus when you buy $10 or more of crypto like Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum. That's a total of $75 cash bonuses with SoFi Invest!

Personal Capital

Personal Capital is a finance tracking website similar to Mint but tailored for investment accounts. If you open an account and link a qualified investment account for tracking (e.g. taxable brokerage, 401k, IRA, 529, etc) with more than $1000 in it, they will give you a free $20 amazon gift card within a couple weeks.
Accounts that do not qualify as valid investment accounts include bank, credit or debit card, Paypal, Stash, Acorns, Kapitall, Groundfloor, WageWorks HSA, Coinbase, digital currency exchanges, and manual investment accounts. Robinhood works!

Banking Apps/Websites-

SoFi Money

SoFi is a bank/app that give out $50 for anyone who signs up for a SoFi Money (bank) account using a referral code and deposits $500 from any source. So all you have to do is open an account with a referral link, deposit $500, and then instantly collect the bonus and then take it all back.
You can close the account at any time with no fees-


Porte is a bank/app which pays you a $50 bonus for opening an account via a referral code, and making a $500 direct deposit. There are no catches, and you can close the account at any time fee free as soon as you register their debit card (gotta wait a few days to get it in the mail).
A "direct deposit" technically means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment, but you can actually meet this requirement simply by transferring in $500 from virtually any source including bank accounts, cashapp, etc.
Referral link-


Chime is a bank/app which pays you a $75 bonus for opening an account via a referral code and making a $200 direct deposit. There are no catches, and you can close the account at any time fee free as soon as you register their debit card (gotta wait a few days to get it in the mail).
A "direct deposit" means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment.

One Finance

One Finance is a banking app/website offering $50 for opening an account with a referral code and making a $250 direct deposit.
A "direct deposit" means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment. They are completely fee free, and you can close your account and pocket the bonus quickly if you wish.

Chase Bank

Chase Bank is offering $200 for opening a checking account with a referral code and making a $500 direct deposit. Can easily get around direct deposit requirement. Credits within a few days of meeting requirements.
A "direct deposit" means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment.


Wings Financial Credit Union is a bank offering $50 for opening a checking account, setting up eDocuments, and either doing 5 debit card transactions of $5 or more (anything counts, including Amazon GC reloads), OR a direct deposit of $300+ in 60 days.
No fees, can withdraw and close your account any time.


Aspiration is an online bank which is offering a free $50 bonus for simply opening an account via a referral link and spending $250.
So all you have to do is open a “Spend & Save” account using a referral link, spend $250/1000 using their debit card within 3 months, and then you will get $50 posted to your account! There are no fees to worry about! You can close the account fee free whenever you want!


Stash is a finance app that gives out $20 for anyone who signs up for the Stash (bank) or Stash Invest account via my referral link and deposits at least $5 from any source (payroll, another bank account, PayPal, etc.) So all you have to do is open an account with a referral link, deposit $5, and then the bonus will post to your account!
The app will ask you to open a paid account, but you can simply open a "beginner" account for $1 a month, and then close your account after 1 month after you get your $20 bonus.


SkyOne is a credit union which will pay you a $25 bonus for opening a checking account with a referral link, making a $5 opening deposit, and keeping your account open for at least 30 days.
This credit union services the SoCal area, but anyone nationwide can sign up if you follow the steps detailed here. People are normally required to make a donation to a local charity to qualify for a local credit union bank account when they don't live in the area, but SkyOne will actually pay for a donation to the "Surfrider Foundation" themselves because they want everyone on the US to be eligible! In other words, you don't have to spend a dime! Simply click ("None of the above? We've got you! SkyOne will make a one-time donation to one of the following non-profits") on the eligibility page when signing up.

Premier Members Credit Union

Premier Members Credit Union is a credit union which will pay you a $50 bonus for opening a money market account with a referral link, and making a $5 opening deposit. They will also require you to open a savings account alongside the money market account, which also requires a $5 opening deposit.
They are located in Boulder Colorado, but will allow anyone to create an account with them as long as you make a $5 donation to one of their local charities (they walk you through it during account signup). That's a total profit of $45!
And you can close the account at any time, fee free!
referral link (please remember to use my referral code during the account setup too)-


Oxygen is a mobile banking app that will pay you $25 for opening an account, depositing $200, and doing 5 debit card transaction within 60 days (You can just buy 5 $1 Amazon GC's reloads, they don't care what the purchase is. Lots of different ways to easily get this). PM me for a link.


N26 is a banking app (iOS/Android) which will pay you $10 for opening an account and spending $20 or more on a single purchase using their debit card.
The account has absolutely no fees and can be closed at any time. Account signup only takes a few minutes. You need to fund your N26 account from another bank with enough money to make the $20+ purchase. The debit card is shipped to you immediately after account signup. You receive the $10 bonus in the form of a statement credit. Available globally, not just the US.
N26 is available on iOS or Android only.


Radius is a bank which pays you a $50 bonus for opening an account via a referral code and making a $500 deposit from any source. There are no catches, and you can close the account at any time fee free. You need to keep your account open for at least 90 days after depositing the $500, and keep the $500 in there for at least 60 days to be eligible to keep the bonus. So in other words, you can open the account, deposit $500, leave it in there for 60 days, then withdraw the $500 if you wish, and keep the account open for at least another 30 days to get the $50 bonus.
You need to enter my referral code when prompted during account signup top get the bonus, its TLAM9428D4.
You can see referral terms in the FAQ at the bottom of the page, even though the landing page for the referral link does not do a great job advertising it.

Cryptocurrency Apps/Websites


Voyager is a cryptocurrency trading app (iOS/Android only) which will pay you $25 in free bitcoin for trading $100 on the app! Make sure to use the referral code "RAY037" in the “Reward Code” field when you create your account. The bonus posts within a couple of days, from my experience.
Referral link (open from your smart phone)-


Gemini is a cryptocurrency trading app/website which will give you $10 worth of bitcoin for signing up using a referral link and buying/selling $100 worth of cryptocurrency.
Available globally, not just the US. This bonus posts VERY quickly, within a day or two.


Coinbase is a cryptocurrency trading platform which will pay you $10 in free bitcoin for trading $100 on the platform!
They will also give you $9 worth of the "Compound" cryptocurrency (which can be immediately re-sold for cash) if you watch 3 short videos and answer 3 easy questions.
In addition, they will give you $12 worth of the "Orchid" cryptocurrency (which can be immediately re-sold for cash) if you watch 3 short videos and answer 3 easy questions.


Constant is a cryptocurrency P2P investing platform which will give you $10 for signing up using a referral link, verifying your ID (pass KYC), and depositing $10.
So all you have to do is open an account using a referral link, verify your ID, deposit $10 via any means, and then you will get a $10 bonus that posts instantly and you can withdraw to your bank immediately. No deposit required.


Celsius is a cryptocurrency investing platform which will give you $40 for signing up using a referral link, enter the promo code "web40", and depositing $200 worth of cryptocurrency. You must keep your deposit in the app for 30 days to get the full $40 bonus. You can then withdraw the full $240 and close your account fee free. Available globally, not just the US. is a cryptocurrency investing platform which will give you $25 for signing up using a referral link, and "staking (aka, buying and holding) 5000 CRO (their special cryptocurrency, worth approximately $370) for 6 months. You need to apply for their "Ruby Steel" debit card when applying, its a 0 risk debit card, no credit impact, no fees. Combo's well with the Celsius promo if you need a platform to send cryptocurrency from, and you can send the $25 bonus crypto to celsius instantly.
Available globally, not just the US.

Credit Cards-

Chase Freedom

Chase will pay you $200 for signing up for a Chase Freedom Unlimited or Freedom Flex credit card with a referral link and spending $500 it within the first 3 months. This is one of the best credit card bonuses in the industry!
All you have to do is sign up for a Chase Freedom Unlimited or Freedom Flex credit card using my referral link, spend $500 within the first 3 months, and then get your $200! You can cancel the card at any time with no fees or penalties.

Discover IT

Discover will pay you $50 for signing up for a Discover IT credit card with a referral link and making ANY purchase using it within the first 3 months. This is one of the easiest credit card bonuses in the industry!
All you have to do is sign up for a Discover IT credit card using my referral link, make ANY purchase using it within the first 3 months, and then get your $50! You can cancel the card at any time fee free.

Other Offers-


Root is an auto insurance app(iOS/Android) that will pay you $25 to download their app, let it track your driving for 3-4 weeks, and then offer you an auto insurance policy based on your driving data. You can easily ignore their policy offer, take the bonus, and walk away with the $25 bonus which then then go to your PayPal account, sent as a check, etc.

Worthy Bonds

Worthy Bonds is a finance app(iOS/Android) that will give you a free $10 bond to download their app, and open an account using a referral code. You never have to deposit any money into the account to get the bonus. You can sell the bond and take out the money after 90 days. The bond will also earn 5% yearly interest while you wait to withdraw.
The app may give you a popup saying the bonds are sold out (its a page with a celebratory emoji that pops up). I got this too. They make this popup because they sold out of a certain type of community bond, but have replaced it with a new one for referrals. In other words, you will still get your free bond. Just make sure you hit "next steps", set your initial purchase and monthly contributions to $0, and proceed. It should then credit the free bond immediately.

SoFi Loans

SoFi Loans is offering a free $10 just for checking your personal loan or student loan refinance rate options with SoFi. You can also get an extra $300 if you like their offer and decide to actually take it, but you can also just ignore the offer and keep the $10 if you wish!
You should research the pros and cons of student loan refinancing before you consider this option. You can lower your interest rate, but lose some benefits from the federal government. Whether this is worth it to you will depend on individual circumstances.
Personal Loan:
Student Loan Refinance:


Fetch Rewards pays roughly 5 to 10 cents (7.5 cents on average) for most receipt scanned. Accepts e-receipts if you connect your email/Amazon. Can scan up to 28 receipts in any given 7 day period. $3 minimum payout.
They also give a $2 bonus for signing up using a referral code (open this link from your phone).


Raise is a discount gift card website, that offers a $5 credit towards your first gift card if you sign up using a referral code. They have gift cards like Amazon or Uber on their site, so its pretty easy to find something you would have needed anyway.
Thank you for checking out my referral post! As you can probably tell, I spend a lot of time searching the web for referral offers. If you would like, feel free to sign up for my mailing list and I will send new referrals that I come across directly to your inbox.
I've also put together a small blog with finance tips and tricks I've learned over the years. If you're potentially interested, here's a link to it.
submitted by TylerLozano to referralcodes [link] [comments]

$1541+ Guaranteed- Webull, Public, M1, SoFi Money/Invest/Loans, FirstTrade, Voyager, Chase, Porte, Aspiration, Stash, Chime, Radius, Moomoo, Root, Robinhood, Worthy, Acorns, ChaseFreedom, DiscoverIT, PMCU, SkyOne, N26, Coinbase, PersCap, Constant, Celsius,, Wings, Oxygen,Round,Fetch,Raise

Hello! Many companies are trying to expand their market share, especially in the app space, by offering cash or cash-equivalent incentives to new users. If one company offers new users a free stock/cryptocurrency/etc., and a competitor doesn't, then the company with the referral program will gain more market share. This gives you the opportunity generate a nice chunk of change by signing up for a bunch of different apps.
I constantly search the web for the latest and greatest referral opportunities, and this is an up-to-date list I'm maintaining that details the best offers around right now! There are more than $1500 worth of offers on this page.
Please feel free to leave comments with any thoughts/questions! Gemini,, and N26 are worldwide offers, the rest are US only.

Stock Trading Apps/Websites

Banking Apps/Websites

Cryptocurrency Apps/Websites

Credit Cards

Other Offers

--Details on each offer below--

Stock Trading Apps/Websites-


Webull is a commission free stock trading platform/app which is giving out 2 free stocks (1 worth $2.50-$250, and 1 worth $8-$1600 each for depositing $100). That's a MINIMUM of $10.50 in free stock!
Webull is available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.
Referral link-


Public is another commission free stock trading app which gives you 1 stock worth up to $50 guaranteed. No deposit required!
Available on iOS or Android only.

M1 Finance

M1 Finance is an investing account, like Robinhood or Webull. If you open an account using a referral link, deposit $100 to a brokerage account, and keep that initial deposit in your account for 30 days, you will get a free $30 bonus that posts within 14 days.
M1 Finance is available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.


FirstTrade is a commission-free stock trading app which gives you a free stock (valued up to $200) when you open an account via a referral link. No initial deposit is required. Additionally, they are running a short-term promo where you can get an additional 2 free stocks for depositing $100. The extra 2 stocks offer expires February 15th!
Available on iOS or Android only.


Robinhood is a stock trading platform/app which gives you a free stock (valued $2.50 - $200) when you open an account via a referral link. No initial deposit is required.
Available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.


Moomoo is a commission free stock trading app which gives you 1 free stock (valued at $4-$200 each) for opening an account via a referral link and making a $100 deposit.
Moomoo is available on iOS or Android only.


Acorns is an online investing app (iOS or Android) which is offering a free $5 bonus for simply opening an account via a referral link, depositing $5, and keeping the money in the account until the 15th of the following month. You can then withdraw the money and close the account, fee free!
If you keep the account longer, they may charge you a $3 fee, so be sure to close it after the 15th on the following month from when you signed up.
Acorns is available on iOS and Android, or you can use their website.


Round is an online auto-investing app (iOS only) which is offering a free $20 bonus for simply opening an account via a referral link and depositing $500. Alternatively, you can get $100 if you deposit $10,000.
Round is available on iOS only.

SoFi Invest

SoFi gives $50 for anyone who signs up for a SoFi Invest account via a referral link and deposits $1000. This offer stacks with the SoFi Money $25 offer, so you can do both!
Plus, you can get another $25 cash bonus when you buy $10 or more of crypto like Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum. That's a total of $75 cash bonuses with SoFi Invest!

Personal Capital

Personal Capital is a finance tracking website similar to Mint but tailored for investment accounts. If you open an account and link a qualified investment account for tracking (e.g. taxable brokerage, 401k, IRA, 529, etc) with more than $1000 in it, they will give you a free $20 amazon gift card within a couple weeks.
Accounts that do not qualify as valid investment accounts include bank, credit or debit card, Paypal, Stash, Acorns, Kapitall, Groundfloor, WageWorks HSA, Coinbase, digital currency exchanges, and manual investment accounts. Robinhood works!

Banking Apps/Websites-

SoFi Money

SoFi is a bank/app that give out $50 for anyone who signs up for a SoFi Money (bank) account using a referral code and deposits $500 from any source. So all you have to do is open an account with a referral link, deposit $500, and then instantly collect the bonus and then take it all back.
You can close the account at any time with no fees-


Porte is a bank/app which pays you a $50 bonus for opening an account via a referral code, and making a $500 direct deposit. There are no catches, and you can close the account at any time fee free as soon as you register their debit card (gotta wait a few days to get it in the mail).
A "direct deposit" technically means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment, but you can actually meet this requirement simply by transferring in $500 from virtually any source including bank accounts, cashapp, etc.
Referral link-


Chime is a bank/app which pays you a $75 bonus for opening an account via a referral code and making a $200 direct deposit. There are no catches, and you can close the account at any time fee free as soon as you register their debit card (gotta wait a few days to get it in the mail).
A "direct deposit" means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment.

Chase Bank

Chase Bank is offering $200 for opening a checking account with a referral code and making a $500 direct deposit. Can easily get around direct deposit requirement. Credits within a few days of meeting requirements.
A "direct deposit" means that they want you to deposit the money right from payroll, Social Security, or other direct payment.


Wings Financial Credit Union is a bank offering $50 for opening a checking account, setting up eDocuments, and either doing 5 debit card transactions of $5 or more (anything counts, including Amazon GC reloads), OR a direct deposit of $300+ in 60 days.
No fees, can withdraw and close your account any time.


Aspiration is an online bank which is offering a free $50 bonus for simply opening an account via a referral link and spending $250.
So all you have to do is open a “Spend & Save” account using a referral link, spend $250/1000 using their debit card within 3 months, and then you will get $50 posted to your account! There are no fees to worry about! You can close the account fee free whenever you want!


Stash is a finance app that gives out $20 for anyone who signs up for the Stash (bank) or Stash Invest account via my referral link and deposits at least $5 from any source (payroll, another bank account, PayPal, etc.) So all you have to do is open an account with a referral link, deposit $5, and then the bonus will post to your account!
The app will ask you to open a paid account, but you can simply open a "beginner" account for $1 a month, and then close your account after 1 month after you get your $20 bonus.


SkyOne is a credit union which will pay you a $25 bonus for opening a checking account with a referral link, making a $5 opening deposit, and keeping your account open for at least 30 days.
This credit union services the SoCal area, but anyone nationwide can sign up if you follow the steps detailed here. People are normally required to make a donation to a local charity to qualify for a local credit union bank account when they don't live in the area, but SkyOne will actually pay for a donation to the "Surfrider Foundation" themselves because they want everyone on the US to be eligible! In other words, you don't have to spend a dime! Simply click ("None of the above? We've got you! SkyOne will make a one-time donation to one of the following non-profits") on the eligibility page when signing up.

Premier Members Credit Union

Premier Members Credit Union is a credit union which will pay you a $50 bonus for opening a money market account with a referral link, and making a $5 opening deposit. They will also require you to open a savings account alongside the money market account, which also requires a $5 opening deposit.
They are located in Boulder Colorado, but will allow anyone to create an account with them as long as you make a $5 donation to one of their local charities (they walk you through it during account signup). That's a total profit of $45!
And you can close the account at any time, fee free!
referral link (please remember to use my referral code during the account setup too)-


Oxygen is a mobile banking app that will pay you $25 for opening an account, depositing $200, and doing 5 debit card transaction within 60 days (You can just buy 5 $1 Amazon GC's reloads, they don't care what the purchase is. Lots of different ways to easily get this). PM me for a link.


N26 is a banking app (iOS/Android) which will pay you $10 for opening an account and spending $20 or more on a single purchase using their debit card.
The account has absolutely no fees and can be closed at any time. Account signup only takes a few minutes. You need to fund your N26 account from another bank with enough money to make the $20+ purchase. The debit card is shipped to you immediately after account signup. You receive the $10 bonus in the form of a statement credit. Available globally, not just the US.
N26 is available on iOS or Android only.


Radius is a bank which pays you a $50 bonus for opening an account via a referral code and making a $500 deposit from any source. There are no catches, and you can close the account at any time fee free. You need to keep your account open for at least 90 days after depositing the $500, and keep the $500 in there for at least 60 days to be eligible to keep the bonus. So in other words, you can open the account, deposit $500, leave it in there for 60 days, then withdraw the $500 if you wish, and keep the account open for at least another 30 days to get the $50 bonus.
You need to enter my referral code when prompted during account signup top get the bonus, its TLAM9428D4.
You can see referral terms in the FAQ at the bottom of the page, even though the landing page for the referral link does not do a great job advertising it.

Cryptocurrency Apps/Websites


Voyager is a cryptocurrency trading app (iOS/Android only) which will pay you $25 in free bitcoin for trading $100 on the app! Make sure to use the referral code "RAY037" in the “Reward Code” field when you create your account. The bonus posts within a couple of days, from my experience.
Referral link (open from your smart phone)-


Gemini is a cryptocurrency trading app/website which will give you $10 worth of bitcoin for signing up using a referral link and buying/selling $100 worth of cryptocurrency.
Available globally, not just the US. This bonus posts VERY quickly, within a day or two.


Coinbase is a cryptocurrency trading platform which will pay you $10 in free bitcoin for trading $100 on the platform!
They will also give you $9 worth of the "Compound" cryptocurrency (which can be immediately re-sold for cash) if you watch 3 short videos and answer 3 easy questions.
In addition, they will give you $12 worth of the "Orchid" cryptocurrency (which can be immediately re-sold for cash) if you watch 3 short videos and answer 3 easy questions.


Constant is a cryptocurrency P2P investing platform which will give you $10 for signing up using a referral link, verifying your ID (pass KYC), and depositing $10.
So all you have to do is open an account using a referral link, verify your ID, deposit $10 via any means, and then you will get a $10 bonus that posts instantly and you can withdraw to your bank immediately. No deposit required.


Celsius is a cryptocurrency investing platform which will give you $40 for signing up using a referral link, enter the promo code "web40", and depositing $200 worth of cryptocurrency. You must keep your deposit in the app for 30 days to get the full $40 bonus. You can then withdraw the full $240 and close your account fee free. Available globally, not just the US. is a cryptocurrency investing platform which will give you $25 for signing up using a referral link, and "staking (aka, buying and holding) 5000 CRO (their special cryptocurrency, worth approximately $370) for 6 months. You need to apply for their "Ruby Steel" debit card when applying, its a 0 risk debit card, no credit impact, no fees. Combo's well with the Celsius promo if you need a platform to send cryptocurrency from, and you can send the $25 bonus crypto to celsius instantly.
Available globally, not just the US.

Credit Cards-

Chase Freedom

Chase will pay you $200 for signing up for a Chase Freedom Unlimited or Freedom Flex credit card with a referral link and spending $500 it within the first 3 months. This is one of the best credit card bonuses in the industry!
All you have to do is sign up for a Chase Freedom Unlimited or Freedom Flex credit card using my referral link, spend $500 within the first 3 months, and then get your $200! You can cancel the card at any time with no fees or penalties.

Discover IT

Discover will pay you $50 for signing up for a Discover IT credit card with a referral link and making ANY purchase using it within the first 3 months. This is one of the easiest credit card bonuses in the industry!
All you have to do is sign up for a Discover IT credit card using my referral link, make ANY purchase using it within the first 3 months, and then get your $50! You can cancel the card at any time fee free.

Other Offers-


Root is an auto insurance app(iOS/Android) that will pay you $25 to download their app, let it track your driving for 3-4 weeks, and then offer you an auto insurance policy based on your driving data. You can easily ignore their policy offer, take the bonus, and walk away with the $25 bonus which then then go to your PayPal account, sent as a check, etc.

Worthy Bonds

Worthy Bonds is a finance app(iOS/Android) that will give you a free $10 bond to download their app, and open an account using a referral code. You never have to deposit any money into the account to get the bonus. You can sell the bond and take out the money after 90 days. The bond will also earn 5% yearly interest while you wait to withdraw.
The app may give you a popup saying the bonds are sold out (its a page with a celebratory emoji that pops up). I got this too. They make this popup because they sold out of a certain type of community bond, but have replaced it with a new one for referrals. In other words, you will still get your free bond. Just make sure you hit "next steps", set your initial purchase and monthly contributions to $0, and proceed. It should then credit the free bond immediately.

SoFi Loans

SoFi Loans is offering a free $10 just for checking your personal loan or student loan refinance rate options with SoFi. You can also get an extra $300 if you like their offer and decide to actually take it, but you can also just ignore the offer and keep the $10 if you wish!
You should research the pros and cons of student loan refinancing before you consider this option. You can lower your interest rate, but lose some benefits from the federal government. Whether this is worth it to you will depend on individual circumstances.
Personal Loan:
Student Loan Refinance:


Fetch Rewards pays roughly 5 to 10 cents (7.5 cents on average) for most receipt scanned. Accepts e-receipts if you connect your email/Amazon. Can scan up to 28 receipts in any given 7 day period. $3 minimum payout.
They also give a $2 bonus for signing up using a referral code (open this link from your phone).


Raise is a discount gift card website, that offers a $5 credit towards your first gift card if you sign up using a referral code. They have gift cards like Amazon or Uber on their site, so its pretty easy to find something you would have needed anyway.
Thank you for checking out my referral post! As you can probably tell, I spend a lot of time searching the web for referral offers. If you would like, feel free to sign up for my mailing list and I will send new referrals that I come across directly to your inbox.
I've also put together a small blog with finance tips and tricks I've learned over the years. If you're potentially interested, here's a link to it.
submitted by KathrineHaugen to cryptorefer [link] [comments]

A Welcome to New Players + Resources to help you get started

First of all I'd like to welcome everyone joining us to Legends of Runeterra. We know it's a bit of a leap for some of you, mainly Hearthstone players in terms of gameplay, while Magic players may understand many of the games core mechanics a bit easier. To begin with, many of you are new to our sub, so I ask you all to look over our rules. Our community prides itself in being a safe and inclusive community for everyone.
With that out of the way, I'm going to take a bit of time too talk about the differences and similarities between the games.
We'll start with the biggest one, Regions.
In Legends of Runeterra we have "Regions" instead of "colors" or "classes" Hearthstone players will recognize these as "class" cards such as rogue, shaman, warrior ect. Magic players will recognize them by "colors" such as red, green or blue. In LoR you can have up to 2 "Regions" in your deck. This is very different from Hearthstone where you are limited to only one class or Magic where you can have any number of colors. Unlike Hearthstone and MTG, at this point we do not have "Colorless" or "Neutral" cards that can fit any deck.
Our Regions are as follows: Freljord - Magic players, meet your Green cards, Hearthstone, here is your Druid. Your ramp cards, you strive to gain maximum mana faster than your opponents and play big creatures. There are also a few combat tricks and buffs in this Region. Demacia - Magic players will see this as "White weenies", I think the equivalent in Hearthstone would mostly be Zoolock. You play on curve to fill your board with capable units. Using cards that buff your entire board to secure victory. Demacia also has combat tricks such as barriers and rally (Attacking more than once in a turn) Shadow Isles - Magic players, this is your Black color. Hearthstone players this also follows your Warlock. This region is full of kill spells, control and sacrifice. In most cases it sacrifices a board state for a more powerful control game. Ionia - Magic players, meet Blue, your favorite. Hearthstone players, I want to say Rogue. This region has a slow start and is mainly used for control. We have counter spells, unit removal and stuns. PiltoveZaun - I almost want to call this the colorless region for Magic players, it's more a support region and currently doesn't have it's own established archetypes. It lends it's aid in the form of cards used to improve or benefit all other regions making it a powerful secondary region. Noxus - Mono red, Hunter for Hearthstone players. Noxus sacrifices defensive power for a full on assault. Noxus aims to end the match early before other decks have the chance to recover. Bilgewater - Pirates and RNG, Hearthstone players, I think you'll find your home here if you played Shaman. Bilgewater is about taking risks you know you can win. For example a card that randomly targets 3 different units, but your opponent only has 2 units guaranteeing your targets. It also has some RNG summons and card stealing. Targon - Your buff region, Hearthstone players will find Rogue's combo identity here with "Nightfall". Targon consists of buffing units with combat tricks, creating random celestials and cards that gain or lose power depending on when in a turn they are played (first or not)
Some of these don't translate perfectly to Magic or Hearthstone, I tried to draw similarities players from both communities could understand, but regions like Targon or Bilgewater don't really translate well to MTG's color identities.
A few other changes to keep note of. - Legends of Runeterra has a board limit of 6. This includes units and landmarks (Enchantments in MTG terms). Unlike MTG which has unlimited spaces or Hearthstone which is limited at 7. The only exception to this rule is units summoned in combat, which still cannot exceed 6. Lets say you have a board of 6 units and play Elise and only attack with her. Elise will summon an attacking spider, but if both survive combat only Elise will be returned to the board, the spider will be removed from the game. - Player health is maxed at 20. Unlike Hearthstone you can't as of right now adjust it to be above 20 or gain "armor". Unlike MTG you cannot over heal your player health. - Our "Draft mode" is "Expeditions" similar to Hearthstone's Arena. We use a bucket system similar to Hearthstone adventure, unlike MTG's booster pack system. - We do not have booster packs. Unlike hearthstone or MTG, LoR does not sell booster packs or chests. The closest to random cards you will get are from the region road or weekly vault. All cards are purchased directly with "Shards (Similar to Dust in Hearthstone)" "Coins (our paid currency)" or "Wild cards" (something Magic players will be familiar with). - You can not "Dust" or "Disenchant" cards in LoR. Once you have a card, it is yours forever. - Our ranked system goes Iron -> Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Platinum -> Diamond -> Masters (Legends to HS, Mythic to MTGA) - You cannot drop below your current rank bracket in a season. So if you are in diamond, no matter how much you lose at Diamond 4 0LP you will not drop out to Platinum. - Our Equivalent to Golden cards are "Prismatic" - Patches as of right now are every 2 weeks. - New expansions are every 6 months as of right now, unlike HS or MTGA, we do not get a full expansion on launch. Instead it is spread out every 2 months. The final Targon expansion block will be this December. - Gauntlets - These are done weekly, they are currently being done in best of 3, 3 decks and 1 ban. Completing a gauntlet on the first attempt each week will give you a prime glory, which will help get into Seasonal Tournaments - Labs These are very much like Tavern Brawl in Hearthstone, they change each patch (every 2 weeks) and bring new experimental modes or restrictions. - Challenges This is the tutorial mode for LoR, if you are new, be sure to take a look! They explain all the keywords in game and update each expansion. - Champions These are a unique card type that are able to level up. Each has their own special level conditions and abilities/play style. It's heavily recommended to check these out and try building some decks around them. Most decks in LoR synergize with a pair of champions. - Catch up Mechanics LoR has a unique way to help new players grow a collection. Each new expansion and increase of the region roads leads to bonus XP on the lower levels of the road. For example, lets say you are level 1 on Bilgewaters road, the cap is 20. Now lets say the cap gets increased because a new expansion has dropped, all levels below 20 now have increased XP to help you catch up with everyone else.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask here, we will be removing new "Refugee" posts and directing new players to this post instead to limit the influx of new posts on the topic. Existing players on the sub, please be good to our new community members. Additionally I'm asking you guys to crowdsource new player resources, post them here and I will add them to this post.
Some Resources to help out: Progression System - This article is a little bit out of date, every level in the weekly vault past 13 now gives a rare capsule. This allows those who wish to, to progress further past the old cap. Additionally each expansion the region roads extend so they have a few more rewards than what is listed in this article. The basic concepts still apply however and it is a great place to get started.
Ranked FAQ
Managing your friends list
What are keywords and how do they work in combat?
Regions of Runeterra
How to share decks
Basic tips for New/Hearthstone players
/LoRCompetitive - This sub is helpful for anyone with prior knowledge of cardgames and are looking for a more competitive start. It has many resources geared towards meta decks and improving at the game overall.
A Basic guide for newcomers and a reminder of how certain things work for others - A solid guide written by OmegaDelta3 covering everything in more detail.
Explaining LoR keywords using Hearthstone terms and cards A helpful guide by AQrator to help explain keywords and interactions with comparisons to Hearthstone cards.
Hearthstone decks translated to LoR - If you are coming from Hearthstone and have a deck archetype you loved there MementoLOR has taken the time to create a list of Hearthstone decks and created a helpful guide to help you find a similar archetype in Legends of Runeterra.
Budget Decks for new players A quick list and small guide on early game budget decks that can be obtained for very limited amounts of resources. Abetadist also lists deck codes to copy, the full cost based on a brand new collection as well as if it is currently meta or not. (Keep in mind just because it's not meta doesn't mean it won't perform.)
LoR Comprehensive Resource A bunch of resources from decks, matchups, general tips ect made by Symphii34
submitted by CaptSarah to LegendsOfRuneterra [link] [comments]

Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross FAQ

Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross FAQ


  • Can I be competitive in this game as a FTP player?
    • You absolutely can! Many FtP players have made it in top 100 Final Bosses as well as PvP. The biggest difficulty is patience. Spending money does not win you the game, but it does speed up a lot. If you do plan to play FTP, you need to understand that you will need to be patient, slowly getting gems and using them on the right banners, and farming a lot of stuff you will see others being able to buy. It is not easy, but it is not impossible!
  • If I finish in x rank in geared/ungeared PvP, will I get demoted next week?
    • In ungeared PvP, each week you will be demoted by one rank, unless you are in any rank V. For instance, if you end the week in Platinum I, you will start next week at Platinum II, but if you are in Platinum V, you will start next week still at Platinum V. However in geared, you can be demoted to a previous tier, so if you finish in Champion V, you will be demoted to Masters I for example.


  • Best teams/units to build for demons?
  • How do I spawn specific demons?
    • The only way to guarantee a demon spawn is to have one of the New Legend units in your team, with their full outfit set equipped (you will know this if the little armor set by their icon is glowing pink). The New Legend Units are Blue SSR Jericho, Green Demon Meliodas, and Red SSR Elizabeth. While it is not guaranteed spawns, the Halloween Decoration in the tavern will increase red demon spawn rate, and the Christmas Decoration will increase Grey demon spawn rate.


  • Where do I get anvils? When should I use them?
    • You can get anvils in a couple of different ways. The best way is the newly added farming stage in Fort Solgres. But you can get them from events, Tower of Trials, buy 200 a week with PvP Coins, buy 50 a week with knighthood coins, Get 10 a day if you have Green Gowther and his Halloween-Set by running 10 times Fort Solgres. Anvils should ONLY be used on SSR and UR equipment. They are able to reroll your substats.
  • How do I get hammers? When should I use them?
    • Hammers are available in the Brawl shop as well as in the training cave. Hammers can also be obtained through events, or the gear gacha. Hammers are an extremely important resource which can help max out your gear. Hammers should be used on gear that is super well rolled (2.6% or above) to get a few more percentages that anvils would not easily or efficiently get. They have a low fail rate, but it is possible, so if you are a super patient person, save hammers for use during a 0% hammer failure event.
  • Where can I get purple stones/how do I engrave?
    • Purple stones can be obtained through the training cave. The best way to get purple stones is doing the yellow crystals, which you unlock by doing missions in the training cave (the higher the level, the faster you can unlock the yellow crystals). To engrave, speak to merlin, give her a 5* +5 SSR gear, and choose a character to engrave it to. Give the required materials, and then you now have an engraved piece of gear!
  • What characters share UR gear?
    • In most cases, if the character is the same, they share UR gear. Every single Elizabeth shares UR gear (except the red haired past Liz... shes a weird exception), same as every Meliodas. If they are the same person, they will share UR gear.
  • Can I use UR gear on characters who it is not engraved for?
    • UR gear engraved to Escanor for example can be used on Meliodas, however it will be no different than having SSR gear on him. Anyone can use UR gear of any unit, however only the unit it is engraved to will get the bonus (indicated by the bright pink light when equipping the gear).
  • Will I be refunded purple stones if I un-engrave UR gear?
    • No you will not. Please do not waste resources URing characters then removing them. You are better off just building a new set in almost every case.

Character Building

  • How do I increase my team’s/unit’s CC?
    • CC is based on the units basic stats (and somewhat by substats, though not nearly as much). The first step to increasing CC is to max a unit, including awakening, level 80, and super awakening. Having a maxed out ultimate will also increase CC as well. The most effective way to improve a maxed out unit’s CC is to give the unit gear, and of course, the better the gear, the more CC. UR gear will especially increase CC by quite a bit. When giving gear, HP gear will give the most CC, with attack gear being second best. Other ways to increase CC is to have 5/5 cosmetics, and maxing these out will give even more. To further increase your team CC, you should apply these same rules to associations for your units, and make sure your associations are 6/6 (in order to give the maximum amount of stats).
  • What is affinity? Is it worth upgrading a unit's affinity?
    • Affinity is a way to receive 1 gem and a cosmetic for the unit you max it for. It can only be increased by specific food the unit wants, Vanya Ale and Affinity Increase Elixir. It also adds one more heart to your affection which means you can get more points for that unit, allowing you to get more gems through affection. In general it is worth maxing out everyone's affinity but at the start you should focus on the units you use.
  • How do I decide what unit to use as associations?
    • The first deciding factor should always be, does this unit have a “Fate Link”. Fate links are special ultimates only available to specific units when paired with other ones. These not only greatly improve the damage, but also the effects. For example, Gowther’s ultimate at 6/6 does 525% damage and removes 3 ult gauges. Meanwhile, if you use King as the association, Gowther does 600% damage, and removes 5 ultimate gauges. If the unit does not have a fate link, next is to check if the other special links give any worthwhile stats. An example is for Blue Arthur, a crit unit, who when paired with any Merlin, gains an additional 20% crit chance. Lastly, if neither of these are the case, you should look for 6/6 units, who have good (preferably UR) gear, high base stats, and are maxed out (level 80, super awakened). These will at least give good basic stats to your units.
  • What is Super Awakening? What should I use to super awaken a unit?
    • Super Awakening, or short SA, is a way to further increase your units base stats after you 6 Star awakened them. Super Awakening can only be done with Super Awakening Coins, Platinum Coins, Gold Coins and Silver Coins. In general you want to use your Super Awakening Coins first, as it's the only use for them but if you run out it's the best to use gold coins, then platinum coins, and never use Silver Coins as they should be used for stamina Pots only, and the exp/silver coin ratio is horrible. The price of the awakening depends on the base rarity of your Unit and the ultimate move level.
  • When getting cosmetics, what stats should I be looking for?
    • For headpieces, always be on the lookout for mainly lifesteal. For outfits, resistance is in most cases ideal. Weapons on the other hand are situational, as characters like Blue Demon Meli look for pierce, while units like Zeldris look for crit chance/damage. Make sure you understand the unit, and their kit when purchasing cosmetics so you get the ones that best fit!

Where to Get/Best Places to Use Resources

  • How do I get the festival (spiky) coins to get LV Meli, Goddess Liz, etc?
    • These Coins can be obtained when you pull a dupe of a Festival exclusive unit like Lost Vayne Meliodas or Goddess Elizabeth.
  • What tickets should I save? What characters are to be released on each ticket at this point?
    • These comments are valid at time of posting/last edit Part 1 is finished for now, Part 2 will still be getting Red Jericho, Race Draw 1 will be getting Red Jericho/Green ArthuNanashi, Race Draw 2 will be getting Green Liz, R-SSR Human ticket will be getting Green Arthur. Race Draw 2 tickets can be used if you do not care for the new Liz, however Green Arthur is a very good PvE unit, and might be worth saving your tickets that he will be on for him.
  • What should I use my silvegold/friendship coins on?
    • Silver coins should exclusively be used on stamina pots. You can never have too many, especially early on! Gold coins should be used to Super Awaken characters, as they are plentiful, and the gold coin shop does not have anything worth them. Friendship coins are situational. The best uses however are stamina pots, solgress keys (attribute or event bundles), or for fight festival tickets (if pushing, better to use these than to spend gems).
  • What characters are a priority to get from the coin shop?
    • A lot of coin shop units are great! New players will be able to get Red Gowther for free, a unit who used to be number one on the “get this coin shop unit list”. Some current ones that are great are Blue Fraudrin (for brawl, he works best at level one with no awakening so do not upgrade him), Green Estarossa (the king of tower of trials), Red Zeldris (amazing supporting unit for any teams relying on commandments such as Drole or Estarossa, and Green Merlin (a must have sub unit for almost any ult rush team).
  • How can I get Super Awakening Coins?
    • Super Awakening Coins, or for short SA Coins, can be gained mostly from Tower of Trials and other events as a reward and you can buy 3 a week from the Knighthood Shop as well.
  • How to best farm gold?
    • With the fort solgress update, by far the best way to farm gold is on half stamina, overnight farm the gold stage. However, this will get EXTREMELY stamina expensive, so I recommend ONLY doing this on half stamina. In addition, be prepared for a lot of your stamina pots to go missing (but this is what you hoard them all for!)
  • How do I get cosmetic upgrades?
    • The main method is through Hell demons. Red demons will give headpiece upgrades, grey will give outfit, and crimson will give weapon upgrades.If you have the Valentines units (Jenna, Zaneri, or Red Elaine), you are guaranteed one cosmetic upgrade each hell demon. In addition, you are guaranteed a cosmetic upgrade when you are the host of a hell raid. Some other ways include the brawl PvP shop, and almost every event in game includes some sort of cosmetic upgrade you can obtain.
  • Where do I get more fort solgress hourglasses?
    • These will be released once per weekly update, and sometimes given as additional rewards in events.


  • Where can I find an active knighthood?
  • Where can I find people to add as friends in game?
  • How many gems do I get a month as FtP?
    • FtP Gems of October This is from a specific month, but usually it is somewhere between 500-600 gems.
  • Best way to spend your money in game?
  • How do I find the code to x secret box?
  • When is x unit coming to Global?
    • We have no idea, and nobody in this sub does. We can make educated guesses, but there is no order that we can follow, as NM (Netmarble) can go in any order they want.
  • Will x collab unit return?
    • As of now, no collabs have returned on JP or Global (KoF, Slime, or AoT) but there has not been any indication that they never will.
  • Who are some content creators I can watch to help me get into the game?
    • There are many great content creators, and while I would love to be able to name them all, I hope you will go and check as many out as possible. I will however provide some that fill a more specific role. Chiksua is an amazing resource for guild boss. Seatin is one of the games biggest whales and a has a lot of guides of his own. Nagato has a lot of content he makes just for fun, and is extremely active on both Global and JP (however he is mainly a JP player). Shogun primarily focuses his videos on PvP, and has a large variety of team comps he has showcased. If you enjoy podcasts, a new one that has had a good relation with the sub is the Boat Hat Tavern. Lastly, Marilli is another offmeta PvP team showcase player. There are so many more than I hope you check out, but this is just a small sample of the ones out there!
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